Популярные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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12311-12320 из 17250
Иконка для The Mysterious Dreams 1.0

The Mysterious Dreams (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

The Mysterious Dreams

When John Lennon said, “Imagine there is no Religion” . . . he did not suggest, “There is no God”. He meant God is one. Religion is just a brand.

Toddle along the extraordinary paths travelled by hippies who, by tuning in to their inner vision, etched their marks into the collective vision of mankind in the 20th century. After millennia of war and strife entailing suffering of countless millions, have we risen above our petty differences and embraced peace, love, and freedom? Or is our recurring past still lingering in our memories? What is the mystery behind the recurring dreams and perpetual fear?

The book's finale is still hopeful of liberation. . .

Иконка для Pearls Of Spiritual Wisdom 1.0

Pearls Of Spiritual Wisdom (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Pearls Of Spiritual Wisdom

In your quiet moments of introspection are you often nagged by the feeling that your life seems to be an endless struggle for happiness, much like chasing a mirage?

Do you wish to be calm, cool and collected, with an inner peace at all times?

Do you wish to transform your life into a blissful success story?

Then go for this practical guide to everyday spirituality and empower yourself by contemplating and comprehending the basic truths of life, such as:

*Who are you?

*Why are you here?

*Why has human life been given to you?

*What is the true art of living?

*How do you unleash your latent spiritual qualities?

*How do you experience causeless love and ceaseless joy?

*How do you live powerfully and spiritually?

...and many more intriguing questions.

Living in spirituality has therapeutic value, as the latest medical research reveals. When sound in spirituality, you become less prone to emotional and physical disorders, since your inner system is fortified and better attuned to withstand the tensions of present-day living.

Make spiritual ideals a practical part of daily living for success, happiness and bliss to be your handmaidens forever.

Иконка для 스마트 모기퇴치기 1.0

스마트 모기퇴치기 (v. 1.0)

4MDATA CO., LTD. опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

★공중파 방송 3사 9시 뉴스, 정보/시사 프로그램에 소개★
★곤충학회 임상실험 테스트결과 성공사례 논문발표★

모기퇴치음(볼륨)이 들리지 않게 실행해도 사람 귀에는 들리지
않는 모기퇴치 주파수가 계속 출력이 됩니다.
취침시 볼륨을 최소화하여 사용하세요~

모기의 습성을 이용, 특허출원한 다중주파수 순환출력방식으로
주파수 음원를 출력하여 인체에 무해함은 물론 친환경적인 모기퇴치

< 모기는 왜 흡혈을 할까? >
모든 모기가 사람의 피를 빠는 것은 아니며 산란기의 암컷모기만이 피를 빨아 먹는다.
산란기의 암컷모기가 몸 속에서 알을 키우기 위한 동물성 단백질을 보충하기 위하여
사람을 흡혈하게 되는 것이다. 이때 산란기의 암컷모기는 수컷모기를 철저히 피하는
습성을 보인다. 한번 교미한 암컷모기는 죽을 때까지 수정할 수 있는 충분한 정액을
얻으므로 더 이상 교미할 필요가 없기 때문이다.

< 모기퇴치기 원리 >
산란기의 암컷모기가 수컷모기를 피한다는 습성에서 착안하여 수컷모기의 날개짓
소리에 해당하는 주파수 대역을 인위적으로 출력시킴으로서 암컷모기의 접근을 막는다.
즉, 수컷 모기의 날개짓 소리에 해당하는 주파수 대역을 스마트폰 환경에서 출력할 수
있는 음원으로 제작하여 사용자로 하여금 언제 어디서든 스마트폰을 통해 모기를 퇴치할
수 있도록 하는 것이다.

Иконка для Delayed Monsoon 1.0

Delayed Monsoon (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Delayed Monsoon

After a prolonged dry spell, dark clouds loom over the horizon. The raindrops hit the parched earth with a vengeance... the aroma of soaked mud fills the air. A sense of rejuvenation spreads around as new life springs out, transforming the barren landscape into a thriving oasis. Abhilasha, the mother of a grownup girl, felt the same when she finally meets the love she had longed for. A union in the most unusual of circumstances and in the most unusual of places - the internet. Abhilasha was caught in a dilemma whether to listen to her mind or to follow the beats of her heart.

But this conflict served as an impetus which pushed her to a new height. Going through an emotional roller coaster, finally she reached a stage where her passion turned into compassion, the most powerful form of love, where all conflicts appear trivial, finding their way into a harmonious homogeneity. In this new scenario, none of her loved ones was left behind. A strong conviction bonded and inspired everyone to undertake life's journey where the rough edges were smoothened by the healing touch of love.

A story woven around the life of an Air Force officer's wife with a glimpse into what goes on behind the closed gates, guarded by vigilant men in uniform. An insight into the life of Abhilasha and her dilemmas, the seemingly ordinary incidents, but which are interwoven into a complex puzzle that she must solve.

Иконка для Social Bible of Winning Friend 1.0

Social Bible of Winning Friend (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Imagine If You Have Total Control And Every Happiness In Life By Having The Best Relationships With All The People Around You!

You and I both know that it is very important to have friends and family in your life. No man (or woman) is an island.

That is why the key to success or the key to get everything you want in life is to learn not only how to get along with people but by winning over your friends (and family members) in order for you to enjoy relationships!

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ How to build the right foundation when it comes to getting along with others by understanding how people work and how to relate in an authentic way without hurting others.
★ How to survive in the knowledge worker's era... Find out how communication has changed in the 21st century.
★ What it means live a balanced life when it comes to social skills and relationships. You must believe that you can have good relationships!
★ How to win over others with the way you think. Admit your mistakes graciously and win over enemies as well!
★ Creative ways to improve the way you communicate with others. Know how to handle complaints wisely and get co-operation from even the most difficult people in the world!
★ The best ways to understand yourself and establish genuine communication with others.
★ The art of surviving in marriage and helping your spouse to grow as well...
★ The most critical thing you must change if you want to find lasting happiness in relationships!
★ and much, Much More!

It is not easy to get along with people! Especially people who are really difficult!

But The Secret To Living A Happy Life Is To Understand How Other People Think and Function! Without Understanding Others, You Are Just Wasting Your Time!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $14.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Proverbs That Will Change Life 1.0

Proverbs That Will Change Life (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

"If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you." – James 1:5

One of the wisest men who ever lived was King Solomon. He wrote a large portion of the book of Proverbs in the Bible. And in those Proverbs, we find the keys to Wisdom, to Success, to our Home Life, to Prosperity, and so much more.

In this book, Proverbs That Will Change Your Life, you will find the eight essential keys to life. These Keys have been proven to be winners by thousands upon thousands of their practitioners down through the ages.

Here are the eight keys to changing your life forever:


You will be amazed at how quickly you will be able to absorb life principles and begin applying them to your life situation. When you follow these basic truths you will begin to see success in areas you've only dreamed of before!

Start living a life beyond your wildest imagination!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $14.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Claim Back Your Ex 1.0

Claim Back Your Ex (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Discover How to Claim Back Your Ex and Re-ignite that Missing Spark in Your Relationship!

Everyone at one point or another in their lives knows what it feels like to be without someone they were once romantically involved with, whether by choice or not.

Breakups are difficult for both parties in a relationship. You've shared something together, and now it is lost, or so it seems.

Don't throw in the towel too early!

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ When The Emotional Dust Settles From The Relationship - How To Start Picking Up The Pieces To Win Back Your Ex
★ How A Little Mystery Can Stir Up Your Ex's Curiosity And Reignite Their Interest In You
★ Quick Tips And Tricks To Boost Your Confidence So Your Ex Will See A New And Improved Side To You
★ Should You Salvage The Relationship?  Is It Worthwhile Or Is There Someone Else Out There More Worthy Of Your Love?
★ How To Benefit Most From Any Current Or Future Relationships
★ Where The Source Of The Problem Lies And How To Stop It From Sabotaging Your Relationship Again
★ Techniques And Activities That Not Only Win Back Your Ex, But Also Keep Him Or Her From Ever Straying Again
★ and much, Much More!

It is okay to cry. Don't text him or her. Put on your warm fuzzy house shoes and your favorite flannel pajama pants, buy 3 of your favorite flavors of ice cream, pile up on the couch in front of the television, and read this guide.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $16.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Ultimate Affirmations 1.0

Ultimate Affirmations (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Our thoughts are what define our lives and our happiness, because thoughts eventually turn into beliefs that we hold near and dear to us, even if they are not true.

Positive affirmations are so powerful because they enable you to change even deeply held self-limiting beliefs.

Mahatma Gandhi said...

"Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny."

Beliefs are so powerful that they change how an individual looks at the world around him or her. This is why someone with positive beliefs see's a positive and happy world, while someone with negative beliefs sees a mean and sad world.

But the great thing is that thoughts and beliefs can change. That's why positive affirmations (or telling yourself positive things over and over again instead of negative things) can make you happy. They eventually become your beliefs. And they become positive beliefs that allow you to view yourself and the world in a positive way!

In short, you will become more successful, and your life will become more fulfilling!

Inside this guide, you will find affirmations for every area of your life such as:

★ Anger
★ Fear
★ Goal
★ Wealth
★ Dieting
★ Discipline
★ Balanced Life
★ Mindset
★ and much, Much More!

When you get on the happiness train, your life feels richer and has a deeper meaning to it. Everything tastes, looks, feels, and sounds better when you are positive. And stress is easier to deal with when you have a good outlook on life.

Positive affirmations are essential to creating happiness and positive outlook.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $16.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Healthy Dating Guide 2.1.0

Healthy Dating Guide (v. 2.1.0)

Figspops опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

Ever have a little difficulty with dates - finding them, keeping them, and communicating with them? Or how about relationships in general - how to tell if you're in a good one or bad one? Or maybe you know someone else who struggles with these issues?

Plenty of detailed research to help with your dating and relationship issues is compiled into healthy dating & relationship tips and ready to help you.

Inside this guide, you will:

- find information about the basics of "love" and relationships between people, in laymen's term.
- learn the basic techniques of relationship building
- uncover information about body language and learn to read it
- learn how to build bridges and handle conflict with others.
- take a look at how to be a little more cordial.
- learn about the abcs of healthy, happy relationships.
- improve your support system with our resources. Online and off combine help for 24/7.
- print out our relationship tips to keep handy and use as a checklist.
- improve your communications with our netiquette tips.
- print out our conflict management steps to use during your next fight.
- And much, much more...

Иконка для Fake Crash -AppGuard 1.1

Fake Crash -AppGuard (v. 1.1)

Droid.Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

AppGuard protects your Apps from misuse, such as facebok, Dialer, Gmail, Calendar, Message, etc. Start AppGuard to protect your Apps before your friend or anyone uses your tablet/phone.

You can set the password first, and select the apps you want to protect. Then start the service, and press the back key to leave the AppGuard. Just click the apps you selected just now, and you can see the Fake Error Message. So as your friends or your children click the protected apps, they will feel confused....they only see the Error Dialog which is similar the broken app.

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