Популярные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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10311-10320 из 17250
Иконка для Improving Your Marriage 1.0

Improving Your Marriage (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Have the emotions of courtship become tarnished memories? Do you find yourself wondering where the passion has gone?

Is it difficult to see that dashing white knight in the guy who sits in front of the television watching football every Sunday? Or maybe the challenge is finding the gal that turned your head with super model looks in the sloppy sweats and curlers that greet you across the breakfast table?

As they say, the honeymoon is definitely over!

The feelings are still there and the love hasn’t diminished. But with the hassles we all encounter from day to day it’s easy to let our priorities get out of whack!

We live in a stressful world what with work, children and financial pressure. Before we know it, our marriage has taken a back seat. It’s no wonder that marriages are failing at an alarming rate.

Here are a few symptoms:
# In conversation you constantly correct your spouse.
# You make your partner the butt of jokes.
# You argue over money.
# Can’t agree on decisions about the children.
# Sex has taken a back seat in your relationship.

By no means are these the only symptoms. If you have forgotten what it’s like to communicate with you spouse as you did when you were dating, you can bet there are other difficulties in the marriage.

Remember what life was like when you were dating? Those feelings were very real, but they do and should change over time. The first blush of love is destined to nourish and grow as your relationship matures.

But, you can rekindle the flames of those forgotten memories. You can breathe new life into your relationship and we are going to show you just how to do it in “15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage.” How do we do it?

Take a look and learn:

★ Catch your spouse doing something "right" – Are you fighting fair?

★ Share domestic chores – Can doing the dishes really help your love life?

★ Becoming a good listener – We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason!

★ Share parental decisions and support – “Mom said. . .Dad said” Do your kids play this game?

★ Never forget to say please and thank you – Why it’s important.

★ Share financial responsibilities - This is a huge issue and you’d best get it right!

★ Remember to apologize – And make sure you mean it.

★ Resolve conflicts quickly – Letting them fester creates a relationship infection that’s hard to cure.

★ Establish marital goals – How to know where you are going.

★ Never go to bed angry – This is not just a cliché!

★ Plan time for romance – Spice is the variety of life!

★ Explore common interests – Just a little bit of “give and take” will go miles toward rekindling the relationship fire!

★ Share your fears and insecurities – How to show your vulnerability.

★ Don't be afraid to cultivate your own interests – And reveal your own identity.

★ Never succumb to jealousy – This is “sudden death” for a relationship.

★ and much, Much More!

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Don’t become a statistic. Ensure your successful relationship and grab this "15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage" book now.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для New Wine 9.0.2

New Wine (v. 9.0.2)

Joakim Lundvall опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2013-04-25)

Välkommna till årets sommarkonferens i Vänersborg/Vargön.

Den här appen kommer att hjälpa dig under konferensdagarna. Glöm inte heller att lägga till widgeten på hemskärmen.

* Konferensprogram
* Få information om talare, seminarier och lokaler
* Turn-by-turn navigering till konferensen
* Väder för Vänersborg
* Twitter-integration
* Predikningar och video-klipp
* Hitta boende
* med mera, med mera

Läs mer om hur du anmäler dig på http://www.newwine.se/


Иконка для Lifeguard Act Fast 1.0

Lifeguard Act Fast (v. 1.0)

C-Dimension Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-08-03
(обновлено 2011-08-03)

Published by HIT, it is designed to show users that overdose can be avoided if they know what puts them at risk, the warning signs of overdose and what to do in an emergency.

Everyone should know what to do in the case of an overdose emergency. This app illustrates emergency action in an easy, step-by-step format.

HIT was established in 1985 to reduce drug-related harm and set up one of the world’s first HIV prevention projects for people who use drugs. It is one of the leading agencies in the world dealing with education, information and training about legal and illegal drugs.

Иконка для Re:Hope 1.1

Re:Hope (v. 1.1)

Re:Hope Next Generation Bible Church опубликовал приложение 2011-08-03
(обновлено 2011-08-03)

Stay up to date with the official app for Re:Hope Next Generation Bible Church, located in Glasgow's west end. View service times, explore upcoming events, listen to messages and more!

Иконка для Beer News 1.0

Beer News (v. 1.0)

JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-03
(обновлено 2011-08-03)

A regularly updated listing of current news articles concerning beer.

Individual articles are retreived when the related Headline/Title is clicked. The listing is refreshed each time the App is launched, and the underlying database is systematically updated as new articles become available.

Articles generally address related subjects such as beer fest, distilled, brew, brewery, alcohol, drink, keg, bottled, home brew, resturant, bar, refreshments, toast, liquor, pilsner, broker, etc.    

Some articles may contain more general or less directly related content.  Additionally, the listing may also include articles related to available and emerging products and services.

Иконка для Buddhist Lectures - Audio 3.0

Buddhist Lectures - Audio (v. 3.0)

Audio Designs опубликовал приложение 2011-08-02
(обновлено 2011-08-02)

***Enlightening BUDDHIST LECTURES***

Buddhist Lecture remastered for the 20th Century. Listen to the orginal wise words of Buddist Monks from the 1950's, Still relevent today if not even more so. These recordings have been remastered to provide you with a cleaner listening experience. Please be aware that these do come from original recordings so do have an authentic retro sound.

Topics covered include:
Sixth sense
Relinking Consciousness
Human Destiny
and the path of Buddha.

This is one of the lectures in the Buddhist lecture series, look out for coming soon.

NOTE: The audio contained in the app is remastered from original recordings. It is far better quality then the original but still is not equal to the quality we would expect from a CD.

Иконка для Anger Management 1.0

Anger Management (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

Discover How to Control Your Anger and Gain Mastery of Your Emotions!

Anger is a totally normal, commonly healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it may lead to troubles—troubles at work, in your personal relationships, and in the total quality of your life.

And it may make you feel as if you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and mighty emotion. This guide is meant to help you comprehend and control anger and rage.

Here is what you will discover inside...

★ Understanding Anger
★ How Do You Deal With It
★ Calm Your Emotions
★ Change Your Thinking
★ Forgive
★ Quit Rage Today Affirmations
★ Anger Management Tip Sheet

Master your emotions and live a normal life!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $12.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для EmojiMail Bear&PandaEmoji 1.0

EmojiMail Bear&PandaEmoji (v. 1.0)

bitway опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

This is an emoji add-on pack for use with the [emojimail(free)] application. This add-on pack cannot be used on its own.

What's "emojimail"!?!? emojimail is an email application program for Android you can use to decorate your emails.

Иконка для Crossmedia 1.4

Crossmedia (v. 1.4)

IronShark опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

Crossmedia erweckt Printmedien auf Ihrem Smartphone zu multimedialem Leben!

Sie möchten sich selbst ein Bild machen? So funktioniert der Schnelleinstieg:

1. Crossmedia herunterladen,
2. App starten,
3. http://DeepView-App.com/page/home/examples aufrufen,
4. Gewünschtes Beispielbild abfotografieren
5. Und die hinterlegten Inhalte werden auf Ihr Smartphone geladen!

Sie möchten ein eigenes Bild mit Crossmedia verknüpfen?
1. Auf http://DeepView-App.com gehen,
2. Registrieren/ Einloggen,
3. Eigenes Bild hochladen,
4. Mit gewünschtem Zielmedium verknüpfen,
5. Fertig – Ihr Bild kann nun jederzeit fotografiert werden.

Alle Key-Features auf einen Blick:

Einfache und intuitive Bedienung.
Automatische Erkennung des fotografierten Motivs/ Objekts - auch bei Bildausschnitten, Verzerrungen oder Vergrößerungen.
Direkter Zugriff auf multimediale Inhalte (Videodateien, MP3, Webseiten).
History-Funktion inklusive Galerieansicht aller betrachteten Bilder.
Innovative „OneMove“-Versandfunktion. 1D-, 2D-Barcode- & QR-Codeerkennung.

Crossmedia erkennt Bilder, Katalogseiten, Plakate und andere Printmedien / Druckerzeugnisse und verknüpft sie mit der multimedialen Vielfalt des Internets. Kein passendes Motiv zur Hand? Nutzen Sie doch unsere Beispielbilder auf DeepView-App.com! Und so einfach funktioniert es: App starten, Motiv anvisieren, abfotografieren und Crossmedia liefert die verknüpften Zusatzinformationen direkt auf Ihr iPhone. Dabei kann es sich um Webseiten, Video- oder MP3-Dateien handeln. Zusätzlich zu der intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche verfügt die Anwendung über eine History-Funktion, die gleichzeitig als Galerie fungiert, und sich bequem verwalten lässt. In ihr werden alle jemals fotografierten Bilder gespeichert – vergessen oder Verlust ausgeschlossen!

Sie möchten Ihre Bilder mit Geschäftspartnern, Freunden oder Bekannten teilen? Dann nutzen Sie unsere neue „OneMove“-Funktion. Gewünschtes Bild auswählen, mit Ihrem iPhone oder iPod Touch eine Wurfbewegung ausführen und alle Personen in Wurfrichtung können Ihr Bild empfangen.

Sie besitzen ein Bild, das mit Crossmedia verknüpft werden soll? Einfach auf DeepView-App.com einloggen, Bild hochladen und mit dem gewünschten Zielmedium verlinken – fertig! Jetzt kann jeder Ihr Bild abfotografieren und wird direkt auf Ihren zuvor hinterlegten Inhalt geleitet.

Genug gelesen? Dann erleben Sie die ganze Vielfalt dieser App jetzt selbst!

Иконка для EmojiMail Emoticon2 1.0

EmojiMail Emoticon2 (v. 1.0)

bitway опубликовал приложение 2011-08-01
(обновлено 2011-08-01)

This is an emoji add-on pack for use with the [emojimail(free)] application. This add-on pack cannot be used on its own.

What's "emojimail"!?!? emojimail is an email application program for Android you can use to decorate your emails.

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