GPS Alarm System.
With GPSAlarm you can program the most common sites you use every day and make the phone take a settings based on that location.
Once you leave the range with which you set the alarm, the phone returns to its previous state.
* 5 alarms.
* GPS Location
* Location 3G/Telefonia/GSM
* Note by vibration alert
* Enable or disable wifi when activate an alarm.
* Enable or disable sound when activate an alarm.
* Send a SMS when activate an alarm (send only once).
* Make a missed call (done only once when activate the alarm).
* Detention / activation of the service responsible for managing alarms
* ...
The application is really easy. Generates a new alarm with your setup and ready, the program does the rest. Once a new alarm generated can edit or delete. You can also view your active alarms on the same map.