Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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Иконка для Tesbihat

Tesbihat (v.

Hasan AYDIN опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

Tesbih listesi oluşturabilir. İstediğiniz tesbihi çekebilir ve bıraktığınız yerden tekrar devam edebilirsiniz.

Menu tuşu ile yazı tipi boyutu ve arkaplan seçimi yapabilirsiniz.

versiyon 18: Tesbih ekranında da Tema değiştirme eklendi.

versiyon 17: Tema değiştirme eklendi. Dokuz değişik tema var. Ekran full screen yapıldı. Çıkış butonu imaj olarak değiştirildi.

versiyon 16: Çekme formundaki arka plan grafiği desenli hale getirildi. Abdülhamit hocamıza teşekkür ediyoruz. Dolayısıyla arka plan resim seçimi iptal edildi. Bunun yerine farklı temalar geliştirip seçimlik hale getirmeyi planlıyoruz.

versiyon 15: Çekilen adet sıfırlama eklendi. Çek butonu kaydırma iyileştirildi.

versiyon 14: Number hatası düzeltildi

versiyon 13: Günlük dersleri olanlar için otomatik titreşimli artış yapan Senkron özelliği eklendi. Böylece sürekli çek butonuna basmanıza gerek yok. Ayrıca her nişanede bir duaları okumanız için durmakta.

versiyon 5:
Arka Plan seçimi hatası giderildi,
Nişane 0 seçildiğinde çıkan hata giderildi

versiyon 4:
Tesbih güncelleme,
Tanım ekranında İngilizce karşılıklar, Dikey Kaydırma
Arka Plan seçimi, Tesbih metni yazı boyutu,
Bilgi ekranında İngilizce açıklama, Dikey kaydırma

versiyon 3:
Titreşim hatası giderildi
Set sıfırlama eklendi.

Иконка для BlackBoard 2.1.2

BlackBoard (v. 2.1.2)

TeamEnjoy! опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

Select a photo, add a function to draw it

Added 2011/12/24
Add green chalk

It not dear as [shuega] coming [de] picture is written? As for the blackboard, is not the sound missed?
[No] ..longing.. blackboard in old times was reproduced by the Android application program.
The following functions are provided.
1:It prepares it with color selection function ・・・・ white, red, blue, and yellow of the chalk.
2:The blackboard eraser ・・・ Drawn what can be erased once by the selection of the blackboard eraser.
3:The preservation function ・・・ Drawn what can be preserved. Please click the rightmost button.

2011/12/10 postscript
Twitter-Facebook cooperation addition

Иконка для Toppits Rezepte 1.1.1

Toppits Rezepte (v. 1.1.1)

Cofresco Frischhalteprodukte GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

Kochen mit Toppits®.

Viele Rezeptideen warten darauf, von Ihnen nachgekocht zu werden.
Da ist für jeden Anlass das richtige Rezept dabei.

Toppits® gehört in jede Küche, und auf das Android Smartphone/Tablet einer klugen Hausfrau und Küchenfans gehört ab sofort auch das Toppits® Rezepte App. Die Rezeptideen reichen von einfach und rustikal bis hin zu ausgefallenen Gaumenfreuden von dem bekannten Fernsehkoch Andreas C. "Studi" Studer.

Highlights der Rezepte App:
- Filtermöglichkeiten nach Zutaten und Kategorien
- Übersichtliche Darstellung der Zutaten und Zubereitung
- Sichern von Rezepten in Ihrem persönlichen Kochbuch
- Updates können direkt in dem App durchgeführt werden

- Alle Rezepte sind offline verfügbar - keine Internetverbindung notwendig

Viel Spaß beim Kochen und Genießen wünscht Ihnen Ihr Toppits® Team.

Иконка для 예스24 전자도서관 전자책 1.3.0

예스24 전자도서관 전자책 (v. 1.3.0)

YES24 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-05
(обновлено 2012-09-05)

'YES24 전자 도서관' 어플리케이션은 YES24 eBook 서비스와 제휴한 전자도서관 회원님을 위한 것으로, YES24 회원 아이디로 로그인하시거나, eBook을 구매하실 수 없습니다.
따라서 어플리케이션 안에 표시되어 있는 해당 전자도서관의 회원님들만 이용하실 수 있습니다.
만약 계정이 없는 분들 중에서 이용을 원하실 경우, 어플리케이션 안에 표시되어 있는 전자도서관 중 가까운 도서관에 이용신청을 하십시오.

앞으로 YES24 eBook 서비스 제휴 전자도서관을 계속 늘려갈 예정입니다.
지속적인 업데이트와 개선으로 좋은 전자도서관 어플이 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

1. YES24 전자도서관 안드로이드용 어플리케이션입니다.
2. YES24 전자도서관 이용 기관이라면
대출/반납/예약/연장 기능을 통해 전자책을 언제 어디서나 다운로드 하셔서 보실 수 있습니다.
3. 다운로드 받으신 도서는 책장에서 대출 기간 동안 열람 가능합니다.
4. 도서관에서 운영하고 있는 전자도서관의 계정 정보를 통해서 로그인 하실 수 있습니다.
5. 도서관에서 운영하고 있는 전자도서관과 동기화 되어 있습니다.
6. YES24에서 도서관에 공급해 드린 도서에 한해서 서비스 받으실 수 있습니다.

* 지원 파일: ePub
* 지원 OS version: 2.1 이상
* 지원 기종: Galaxy-A/S/U/K

Иконка для Brewing Assistant Free 3.1.17

Brewing Assistant Free (v. 3.1.17)

brewology101.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-05
(обновлено 2014-09-30)

The Brewing Assistant from Brewology101.com is an app for assisting in the brewing of your beer. It helps you build your own recipes by calculating your recipe's IBUs, SRM, OG, FG, and ABV while you build your recipe. Both US customary and metric are supported.

The Brewing Assistant will also synchronize your recipes to the Brewology101.com Ale Abacus where you can then edit and delete your recipes or create new recipes. With the ability to sync your recipes to Brewology101.com, you can share your recipes with your friends, family, or the entire internet. It also allows you to backup all your recipes and transfer them to the other Android and iOS devices.

To import your recipes into the Brewing Assistant from BeerXML, please import the recipes on Brewology101.com. Then to get the recipes to the Brewing Assistant, all you have to do is perform a sync. No need to manually enter all your recipes into your phone or tablet.

Once you're ready to brew, the Brewing Assistant will help you with your mash and your boil. The mash reminder will alert you to stir your mash at the interval you set in the Settings. The boil reminder will alert you to add your ingredients at the times you specified in your recipe.

The Brewing Assistant is just the help you need for making your homebrew a success.

If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let us know at BrewingAssistant@brewology101.com

Иконка для MySurvey Mobile Connect 2.0.43

MySurvey Mobile Connect (v. 2.0.43)

Apadmi опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
(обновлено 2014-09-29)

The MySurvey mobile application.

In order to use this app you must have registered via MySurvey, however in order to login you MUST be invited to use the application.

Once installed, please run the app and sign in with the provided details.

Иконка для Lowlands 2011 1.0

Lowlands 2011 (v. 1.0)

The Saints BV опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
(обновлено 2012-09-04)

Het hele Lowlandsprogramma alle up to date informatie en de plattegrond in je broekzak? Download dan nu de gratis, officiële Lowlands Mobile Guide. Nu met notificaties zodat je je favoriete artiesten nooit meer hoeft te missen.

Иконка для 100+ Hair Styles (Keys) 5.0

100+ Hair Styles (Keys) (v. 5.0)

TEARN media опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Thousands of the best-of-the-best images on hair styles.

The unique, intuitive interface for mobile:
- Tap a button to select a learning activity
- Tap the left selector for index of terms
- Swipe to turn the page
- Tap the right selector for more apps
- Tap the gallery to discover 800+ apps and 50k+ terms

Join the 5,500,000 plus who have downloaded Keys-by-TEARN.

Иконка для Diary Mobile 1.2.2

Diary Mobile (v. 1.2.2)

Diary.com Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Plan your future. Remember your past with Diary Mobile.

Diary Mobile makes it easier to remember, organize and plan your life.

* Lovely Journal, easy planner with tasks

* Secure and Pincode protected, so your Diary is always safe

* Syncs and stores to Diary.com, so you never lose your data

* Works offline and, automatically saves items online once you get internet

* Diary Alerts

* Daily and Weekly Agenda email alerts

Иконка для 好豆菜谱 1.2.5

好豆菜谱 (v. 1.2.5)

好豆网 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)


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