血液型 診断 自分 相性 B型ver (v. 2.4)
taijyuukei.net опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
血液型 診断 自分 相性 B型verとは |
血液型 診断 自分 相性 O型ver (v. 2.3)
taijyuukei.net опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
血液型 診断 自分 相性 O型ver とは |
王将マップ (v. 1.51)
Digital Advantage Corp. опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
「王将マップ」は、最寄りの王将(餃子の王将 / 大阪王将)を地図表示するためのAndroidアプリです(天下一品、リンガーハット、まいどおおきに食堂も表示します)。 |
おひつじ座(12星座占い) (v. 1.0.4)
Oricon DD Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
オリコンスタイルでおなじみの、おひつじ座の運勢を毎日チェックできる占いアプリ。 |
Buddha Quotes (v. 3.3)
Mike the Android Farmer опубликовал приложение 2012-11-22
Incredible collection of quotes from the great Buddha (meaning ‘awakened’ or ‘enlightented one’). The teachings of Buddha are the foundation of Buddhism and are a great lesson for anyone seeking enlightenment and wisdom. |
Auto Ajuda Bíblica (v. 900sv)
TungLabs опубликовал приложение 2012-11-21
Application Self-help biblical Portuguese version for Android with advertisements. |
Sex Jokes (v. 1.0.5)
Jake Leo опубликовал приложение 2012-11-20
Thousands of sex jokes! Blonde jokes, adult jokes, yo mama jokes, redneck jokes, lawyer jokes, animal jokes, sports jokes, relationship jokes and more! |
GayatriMantra (v. 2.5.2)
attitudelabs опубликовал приложение 2012-11-18
The Gāyatrī Mantra is a highly revered mantra, based on a Vedic Sanskrit verse from a hymn of the Rigveda (3.62.10), attributed to the rishi Viśvāmitra. The mantra is named for its vedic gāyatrī metre. As the verse can be interpreted to invoke the deva Savitr, it is often called Sāvitrī. Its recitation is traditionally preceded by oṃ and the formula bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ, known as the mahāvyāhṛti ("great utterance"). |
健康果汁食谱试用版 (v. 1.0)
martview.com опубликовал приложение 2012-11-18
新鲜果汁适合所有年龄段的人饮用,且对我们的身体健康起着重要的意义。营养成分合理的果汁能提供以下功能: |
로또 번호 생성기 - 대박 (v. 1.0.7)
Lovely Golden Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-11-17
누구나 한 번쯤 이런 꿈을 꾸지 않을까요? |