Новые бесплатные в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3881-3890 из 10742
Иконка для Wine Tracker 2.1

Wine Tracker (v. 2.1)

AllUCanApp Software опубликовал приложение 2011-09-21
(обновлено 2013-07-18)

Wine Tracker keeps your wine purchasing and tasting experiences at your fingertips.

Use Wine Tracker to:
■ View your wine cellar contents
■ Track orders (shipments, wine futures)
■ Maintain a wishlist of wines you would like to try
■ View information & tasting notes on wines you've tried
■ Sort, search, and select the next bottle to try
■ Setup drinking windows and alerts for when to open that special bottle
■ Quickly search the internet for information about your wines
■ Enter tasting notes, take photos, and enter ratings
■ Share your tasting experiences with your friends
■ Import/Export your database to sync with your PC or with others

The free version of the app allows you to try out the application before purchasing. In addition to displaying ads, it provides the following limits:
■ Can store up to 50 wines/orders/wishlist/gone items
■ Disables ability to take & attach photos of your wines
■ Disables detailed rating guide (nose/balance/complexity/etc)
■ Disables drink/hold & rating information for regions & vintages

Wine Tracker will download a small database containing hundreds of regions, subregions & varietals.  You can easily add new country/region/subregion/varietal combos by pressing the bottom-right button in the Regions database screen.

We would like to hear your feedback as well as what features you'd like to see in upcoming releases.  You can do so at support@allucanapp.com.

This application requires the following permissions:

Network communications: allows access to the internet to sync the regions database, and to perform online searches on a particular wine

Storage: allows you to export/save your wine database to your SD card.

Иконка для 吉祥紫微 1.0.10

吉祥紫微 (v. 1.0.10)

LuckyStore опубликовал приложение 2011-09-21
(обновлено 2013-07-18)


作者繼多本著作熱賣後,應眾多讀者要求,能不能出版一本深入淺出,且論斷功能更廣泛的紫微斗數工具書。且又強調不能寫的太深奧,要很容易懂,又要很好學,又能馬上會批紫微斗數的參考書。讓想學紫微斗數的人看完了自然就會論紫微斗數,這實在是一大難題。但是有了前幾本的經驗後,於是著手整理這一本很實用的紫微斗數 書,來與讀者分享,希望對有興趣學紫微斗數的朋友,不會因為紫微斗數難學而放棄。



Иконка для 快乐戒毒 1.1

快乐戒毒 (v. 1.1)

omesoft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2011-09-20)

    [快乐戒毒]由专注于BBT生物效应研究的MediSound实验室提供技术支持。该软件采用最新的数字音频合成技术,针对特定目标精确调制声波频率,通过BBT技术(Binaural Beats Technology,双音拍技术)帮助诱导人脑自身合成并分泌多种神经内分泌激素,显著提高内啡肽(脑啡肽)水平,同时还能通过调整脑电波模式诱导睡眠、镇静安神、从内心深处缓解压力、提高生活质量、增强幸福感,从而达到快乐戒毒的目的。请使用前认真阅读本软件附带的相关文字资料。

Иконка для 다이아몬드뱅크 금시세 정보 1.3

다이아몬드뱅크 금시세 정보 (v. 1.3)

goodsi опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2013-07-18)

다이아몬드뱅크를 통해 실시간 금시세를 확인할수 있으며, 궁금한사항은 문의하기를 통해 보석전문가에게 금,다이아몬드,보석 모든 쥬얼리 관련 정보를 상담 받으실수 있습니다.
또한 최근 보석 트렌드를 통해 최근 쥬얼리 스타일과 정보를 참고할수 있습니다.
자세한 사항은 전화문의,방문을 통해 상세하게 상담 받으십시요

- 실시간 오늘의 금시세
  (백금 팔때는 상품에 따라 상담을 통해 알려드립니다.)
- 국제 금시세 (30일/6달/1년)
- 다이아몬드뱅크 위치정보
- 문의하기
- 최근보석 트렌드 (상품 미리보기)

주소 : 서울시 종로구 봉익동 10-1번지 디아망 1층 104호
web : www.diamondbank.co.kr
tel : 080-663-1111

Иконка для A Kelet Bölcsessége 1.2.33

A Kelet Bölcsessége (v. 1.2.33)

rrd опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2013-07-18)

Minden napra egy keleti bölcsesség. Alkalmazás és Home Widget. A bölcsességeket egy napig lehet emésztgetni, mire jön a következő. Megosztás közösségi oldalakra és kedvencek.

Иконка для Primanti Brothers 1.1

Primanti Brothers (v. 1.1)

AM Mobile Software опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2011-09-20)

Primanti Brothers is pleased to offer its new Android application.  Best of all, it's free.

Unlike generic restaurant finder applications that simply point you to a list of restaurants, our new private, state-of-the-art application will deliver exclusive Primant Bros. updates directly into the application.  You won't be asked to give us your phone number or email address - any updates will be delivered from Primant's directly into the application.  To opt out, simply remove the application from your device.

  1)  Receive special offers from Primanti's directly in the application.
  2)  Have the latest Primanti's menus with you all the time.
  3)  Call or e-mail Primanti's conveniently from within the application.
  4)  Send us feedback about your experience at Primanti Bros.

Иконка для Religious Cults 1.0

Religious Cults (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2011-09-20)

Religious cults, news and information.
A cult is a group or doctrine with religious, philosophical or cultural identity sometimes viewed as a sect, often existing on the margins of society or exploitative towards its members.

Иконка для Transgender Rights 1.0

Transgender Rights (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2011-09-20)

Groups that campaign for the rights of transgender, transvestite, transsexual, third gender and other gender variant peoples have been in existence since the mid-20th century, and have multiplied greatly in number since the 1990s. They may use a civil rights or minority rights political discourse, or may instead aim to challenge the very institution of gender. Their goals are varied, but include legal change, such as recognition in one's chosen sex on official documents; challenging discrimination in institutions such as prisons, housing, employment, health and education; and combating violence against transgender people.

Legal procedures exist in some jurisdictions allowing an individual to change their legal gender, or their name, to reflect their gender identity. Requirements for these procedures vary from an explicit formal diagnosis of transsexualism, to a diagnosis of gender identity disorder, to a letter from a physician attesting to the individual's gender transition, or the fact that one has established a different gender role.[74] In 1994, the DSM IV entry was changed from "Transsexual" to "Gender Identity Disorder." In many places, transgender people are not legally protected from discrimination in the workplace or in public accommodations. A report released in February 2011 found that 90% of transgender people faced discrimination at work, and were unemployed at double the rate of the general population. Over half had been harassed or turned away when attempting to access public services. Members of the transgender community also encounter high levels of discrimination in health care on an everyday basis.
In Canada, a private members bill protecting the rights of freedom of gender expression and gender identity passed in the House of Commons on February 9, 2011. It amends the Canada Human Rights code to help protect gender-variant people from discrimination by including gender identity and expression in the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination, as well as including gender identity and expression in the description of identifiable group, so that offences deliberately against gender-variant people can be punished to a similar extent as a racial-based crime. It is uncertain whether the bill will be passed by the Senate.
In the U.S., a federal bill to protect workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity – called the Employment Non-Discrimination Act – has stalled and failed several times over the past two decades. Still, individual states and cities have begun passing their own non-discrimination ordinances. In New York, for example, Governor David Paterson passed the first legislation to include transgender protections in September 2010.

Иконка для Pagan News 1.0

Pagan News (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2011-09-20)

Paganism is a blanket term, typically used to refer to polytheistic religious traditions.
It is primarily used in a historical context, referring to Greco-Roman polytheism as well as the polytheistic traditions of Europe and North Africa before Christianization. In a wider sense, extended to contemporary religions, it includes most of the Eastern religions and the indigenous traditions of the Americas, Central Asia, Australia and Africa; as well as non-Abrahamic folk religion in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology, which explains religious practice.
In the Christian perspective the term has been used historically to encompass all non–Abrahamic religions.

Иконка для 스마트월렛 - 700만 가입자! 국내 최대 모바일지갑 3.0.41

스마트월렛 - 700만 가입자! 국내 최대 모바일지갑 (v. 3.0.41)

Smart Wallet опубликовал приложение 2011-09-20
(обновлено 2013-07-17)

★ SKT, KT, LG U+ 모든 고객이 사용할 수 있는  전 국민 서비스!
★ 제 3회 대한민국 모바일앱 어워즈 / 제 11회 대한민국 모바일기술대상 수상
★ 700만 고객이 이용하는 국내 최대 모바일 지갑 서비스
★ 대한민국 대표 브랜드 200여 개와 제휴 ★


- 법인명의, 또는 명의자와 실사용자가 다른 경우 서비스 이용이 불가합니다.
- 설치/업그레이드 시 오류가 있을 경우, 어플 삭제 및 데이터 초기화(단말 내'환경설정' > '어플리케이션 관리') 후 다운로드/업그레이드 할 수 있습니다.  

★ 멤버십 카드를 휴대폰에 쏙쏙~, 결제도 쉽게 착착~
★ 해피포인트, CJ ONE, 롯데멤버스, OK 캐쉬백, 대한항공 등 다양한 멤버십카드의 적립/조회/사용 가능
★ 기프티콘, 각종 할인쿠폰, 상품권 사용, 휴대폰 소액결제서비스 가능
★ 스마트월렛 실행없이 빠르게!! 스마트월렛 위젯서비스!!

<스마트월렛 주요 기능>

1. 멤버십 카드 발급/보관 및 포인트 적립/사용, 내역 조회까지
2. 각종 할인쿠폰 다운로드 및 기프티콘/CJ ONE/네이트영화 쿠폰 등 한번에 불러오기
3. 홈플러스, 문화상품권, 각종 편의점상품권, 휴대폰소액결제, 모바일신용카드, T머니 등  
4. 포인트통합조회, 신용카드 사용내역 자동조회(가계부)
5. 내 주변 할인 매장 / 다양한 신용카드혜택정보 제공

<주요 제휴처>
1. 멤버십
- T 멤버십, 해피포인트, OK캐쉬백, 롯데멤버스, CJ ONE, GS&POINT, 대한항공, 아시아나클럽, 아모레퍼시픽, 현대백화점 U-CARD, 11번가, 교보문고, 베니건스, 에쓰-오일, SK 엔크린, 메가박스, 컨버스, 신라면세점, 루이까또즈, 파크랜드, NEPA 멤버십, 하나투어마일리지클럽, 리복, 패션그룹형지, 제주 스타렌트카, 토니모리, 이매진 멤버십, 박승철헤어스투디오, 하이마트, 엘리시안 GS&POINT, 워커힐 면세점, 워커힐호텔, 형지리테일, 샤트렌, 코오롱, LG베스트샵, LS네트웍스, 대명리조트, 피자헛, KAPPA, 보광휘닉스파크, 엘르골프, PAT, SK나이츠, 야놀자 등
2. 신용카드
- 삼성, 롯데, 신한, 하나, 현대, 국민, 농협, 기업, 씨티, 경남
3. 상품권
- 기프티콘, 롯데/ 현대/ 신세계/ AK 백화점 상품권,  홈플러스상품권, CU 상품권, 세븐일레븐 상품권, GS25 상품권, 모바일문화상품권, 아리따움 상품권, 카페베네 상품권
4. 쿠폰 한번에 불러오기
- 기프티콘, CJ ONE, 네이트 영화

<문의 안내>
- 서비스 오류 및 문의사항: smartwallet.co.kr ▶ 고객센터 ▶ 1:1문의하기에 휴대폰 번호와 함께 내용 등록 ▶ 답변
(T 스토어 '개발자에게 직접 문의하기'로 문의 시, 오류 사항과 휴대폰번호를 함께 남겨주시면 빠르게 답변드리겠습니다.)
- 그 외 서비스  문의 : admin@smartwallet.co.kr
- 제휴 문의 : join@smartwallet.co.kr

*스마트월렛은 휴대폰멤버십 에필 서비스(2003),모네타 상품권 서비스(2003), Nate 모바일 스탬프 서비스(2004),기프티콘(2006) 등 SK텔레콤의 다양한  멤버십, 쿠폰, 결제 서비스 경험을 발전시켜 2010년 6월에 출시한 모바일 지갑 서비스로 현재 SK 플래닛에서 담당하여 운영하고 있습니다.*

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