Now you can take all your preparedness planning information wherever you go! The Family Preparedness Planner is meant to be a resource for creating a preparedness plan and gathering supplies for preparedness and disaster kits. Set up preparedness categories and notes within those categories. You can add or delete categories, and add, delete or re-categorize notes. The application comes pre-populated with useful categories based on important preparedness topics, with notes and tips under each category. Customize the categories as you wish. Never again be without important preparedness information.
* Comes pre-populated with important family preparedness planning information:
-Disaster Supplies Kit
-72 Hour Emergency Kit
-Preparedness Check List
-Evacuation Check List
-Exit Check List
-Important Papers File
-Preparedness for Pets
-Preparedness Links
* Use the included categories, or delete them and create your own
* Use the included notes and tips, or delete them and create your own
* Re-categorized notes and tips
* Save your categories and tips to the SD card, in an easy to read format
* Simple, easy to understand interface