当你走进影院和书店时,面对满目的电影、音乐和书籍,是否有种无从下手的感觉?豆豆正是为此而生的Android应用。依托于豆瓣平台,搜索条目详细信息、查看豆友打分及评论、比对网店价格、直接观赏电影预告片,豆豆让你的生活更简单 :)
When you walk in cinemas, bookshops or album shops, do you find yourself just lost in various movies, books and albums? Well, if you do and if you read Chinese, then this app can definitely help you out. Based on the information provided by DouBan (豆瓣), which is a Chinese SNS website, it allows you to search for movie, music and book information; it also lets you read people's rating and reviews on them. What's more, you can even use bar-code scanner to retrieve information quicker and watch movie trailers directly.
1. 搜索电影、音乐、书籍条目
2. 提供条目详细信息
3. 全文阅读豆友评论
4. 评价条目
5. 查看个人收藏
1. 条形码扫描
2. 直接观看电影预告片
3. 多家网店比对书籍价格
4. 丰富而完善的配置选项,帮你按需节省带宽
5. 自动升级功能,保持程序时刻处于最新状态