It is a clock widget put on the home screen.
A set screen opens when the tap is done by arranging the widget.
It will return to a basic, set display in ten minutes for the demonstration.(Because the changed setting is preserved, it tries to be displayed that it returns it to a set screen again.)
All fonts are read if there is font file (TTF,OTF) in the SD card.
It is possible to settle down for the demonstration or to use it by preserving a favorite font on the SD card though it enters.
It is not in the one that corresponds to all android terminals.
The font also has the thing that cannot be displayed.
Please do the part that seems that it set it in the tap and display a set screen again when the widget is not completely displayed.
Time on the character of the picture processing and AppWidget is not occasionally updated.
Please acknowledge that it is not the one to display accurate time.
[Time/clock setting item]
Display ON/OFF
Display form
Displayed standard position
Text color
DropShadow ON/OFF
DropShadow color
Distance with text
Framing ON/OFF
Framing color
Framing width
[Size setting item]
Basic size
Expansion and contraction of horizontal direction
Display position fine-tuning (vertical and horizontal)
[Special effect setting item]
Effect adjustment part selection
Emboss ON/OFF
Amount of emboss scumble
Texture ON/OFF
Texture selection
Character permeability