Sentences can be written while considering 5W1H (When, Where, Who, What, Why and How) of the sentence composition.
It is made to the list and it is brought together every every month, and the title is read by touching and made sentences can be returned.
If the title is retrieved, it becomes easy to look for the target one even if the number of sentences increases.
The usage is free as it inputs by turns by the diary, the sentence composition power training, and several and confused sentences are made.
<< Operation >>
[Top Screen]
It is possible to go to the sentence list for next month or last month in "Next" or "Last" by touching.
[Title Search] :Target sentences can be searched out in the list by the title.
Sentences can individually see the item in the list when touching.
[Input Screen] :It goes to the Sentence Making page.
[Sentence Making Page]
It starts from "Title", "When", "Where", "Who", "What", "Why", "How", "Do", and the input item come out sequentially, and input sentences within 100 characters, please.
( Only the Title becomes an input within 50 characters. )
- If the [Cancel] button is pushed, it becomes an input from the start.
- Please push the space key when you want to make it to the blank.
- The item is a standard to the last.
[Inspection Page]
Made sentences are individually displayed.