Clergyman Quotes (v. 1.2) Разработано Narble Games |
Famous quotes from clergymen like John Bunyan, Tony Campolo, Frank Crane, Paul Cullen, Jonathan Edwards, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, John Knox, Max Lucado, Dwight Moody, Sun Myung Moon, George Muller, Luis Palau, John Piper, Pat Robertson, Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, Charles Wesley
KW: pastor priest pope church
[2013-08-21] A Google User: Its powerful This is spiritual quotes |
[2012-11-19] A Google User: good superb...d l moody n spurgeon |
[2012-09-04] A Google User: Awesome!!! |
[2012-04-23] A Google User: Where are the New Clergy You have Malcom X but not Martin Luther King? Can you even call Malcom a clergyman? |
[2011-08-28] A Google User: Inspirational! |
[2011-08-28] Dennis_Cheonglh: Inspirational! |