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Иконка для Fantastic Taylor Lautner Pics 2.6

Fantastic Taylor Lautner Pics (v. 2.6)

Appwill опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

More than 500 Fantastic Taylor Lautner Pics, enjoy them!

Иконка для Free from Panic Attack 1.0

Free from Panic Attack (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

With all the stresses and strains of modern living, panic attacks are become a common problem for many people. Panic attacks occur when the pressure we are living under starts to creep up and overwhelm us.

Often it’s a result of running on the treadmill of life and forgetting to watch the signs and symptoms of the effects of excessive stress on our bodies.

Thankfully panic attacks are very treatable. Often it is just a matter of learning to recognize the symptoms and learn simple but effective techniques that help you release yourself from the crippling effects a panic attack can bring.

If you’ve every experienced a panic attack you know how it feels. It can come on very suddenly and is incredibly intense. You feel anxious or fearful and your heart pounds.

Many people suffering from a panic attack will feel like their heart is giving out and may be fearful that they are going to die.

Though it feels like it lasts forever, panic attacks only normally last between five and twenty minutes.

While many people will have one or two in their life time, if they are occurring on a regular basis and begin to impede the day to day rhythm of your life, you may in fact have a panic disorder.

It is more common for women than men to suffer from reported panic attacks.

However due to the fact many panic attacks can be misdiagnosed as heart problems which men tend to report more than women, it is possible the statistics are unofficially a lot closer together.

Left untreated, regular panic attacks can cripple you and prevent you from carrying out your everyday activities.

However thankfully panic attacks are very treatable and you don’t need to suffer under them forever.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $16.99) ***

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Иконка для Advanced Hypnosis for Newbies 1.0

Advanced Hypnosis for Newbies (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

If you are currently struggling to keep focused on goals, give up an addictive craving or want to achieve some heady goals then learning the basics of hypnotic suggestion maybe an excellent solution.

The techniques used in self hypnosis are used by high performance athletes, successful moves and shakers in business and people wanting to give up smoking or stop raiding the cookie jar the world over.

Self hypnosis is something we actually do all the time. We just may not realise it. Our mind is a powerful thing. Try the following exercise to see how powerful your mind is.

Imagine you have an orange in your hand. Think about how round and firm it is, and how juicy it is inside. It’s been freshly picked, and has a lovely deep orange colour all over it.

Now hold out that hand and spend time imagining how it feels in your hand. Take that orange and place it down on a cutting board.

Take an imagined knife and slice that orange in half, and then half again

Pick up one of the segments. Feel the cool juices from the orange drip down your fingers as you lift the piece to you mouth. Open your mouth and put the orange inside, biting down on the flesh and letting the juice run down your tongue.

Think about how it tastes, the sweetness of the citrus juice in your mouth.

Nearly everyone who does this exercise experiences something quite extraordinary. The taste buds in their mouths are stimulated, and their mouth produces saliva to help the body digest the orange- even though it isn’t real.

Why does this happen? Because the thoughts we hold in our mind have the power to make physiological changes to our body. Our thoughts can change the way we work, think and behave.

If a simple exercise imagining eating an orange can make your mouth get read for actually eating it, imagine how effective changing other behaviours can be by repeating a simple idea or creating a powerful visualization.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

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Иконка для 교보Life e북 1.0.8

교보Life e북 (v. 1.0.8)

KYOBO BOOK CENTRE опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2012-09-29)

교보생명 모바일창구 이달의 책읽기 서비스를 이용해주셔서 감사합니다.
본 서비스는 교보생명 모바일창구의 초기화면에 있는 '이달의 책읽기' 아이콘을 통해 접속하셔야 3가지 도서 서비스(이달의 책/금융상식/건강백과)를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다.
고객님께서는 다소 불편하시더라도 모바일창구를 먼저 접속하신 후 이달의 책읽기 서비스를 이용해주시기 바랍니다.

* 교보생명 모바일창구 설치방법
- 아이폰(앱스토어), 안드로이드폰(마켓)에서 '교보생명'으로 검색 후 설치    

1. 이달의 책
1달 기준으로 새로운 신간도서들이 무료로 제공됩니다.

2. 보험상식
보험과 관련된 유용한 도서를 전자 책으로 무료 제공합니다.

3. 건강백과
건강과 관련된 유용한 도서를 전자 책으로 무료 제공합니다.

Иконка для 全国老人ホーム案内 1.0

全国老人ホーム案内 (v. 1.0)

Brain Trust Partners Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)


全国老人ホーム案内 のメリット(施設運営会社側)


全国老人ホーム案内 のご利用方法


Иконка для Exploring EFT 1.0

Exploring EFT (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

Discover the Secrets of Emotional Freedom Technique!

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.

It works to free the user of both physical and emotional pain and relieve chronic conditions by healing the physical responses our bodies make after we’ve been hurt or experienced pain.

While some people do not carry the effects of these experiences, others have bodies that hold onto these memories, which affect the way the body works.

Because it is a free and fast technique, even if you are not one hundred percent committed to whether it works or not, it is still worth giving it a shot and seeing if there is any improvement.

It’s about physical connections rather than trying to alter your subconscious or similar so even if it is applied with less enthusiasm than is optimal it still should show results.

EFT uses finger taps on certain parts of the body to reboot your body and get it working better. It’s a combination of both the science of Acupuncture and of Mind Body Medicine.

Whereas Acupuncturists need needles, this can be done with nothing more than your own hand.

It is easiest to deal with thought patterns first, but as they are sorted and catered to, and your ability to better zero in on the root causes evolve, it is a simple step to start combating physical problems as well.

While some people require several sessions, others find one session of EFT can permanently eliminate an issue they have struggled with for years.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $16.99) ***

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Иконка для Eating for Success 1.0

Eating for Success (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

The next time you try to work out just why you can’t think straight and get everything you need to get done completed, consider blaming your food.

It’s a scary concept- that our thoughts and ability to succeed can be so affected by what we eat, but for millions of people around the globe it’s a day to day war their body and mind pit against each other.

Even on very simple terms, we need the fuel form food to survive. While fasting can be used by some to clear the mind during certain events, as a general rule, our brain needs feeding. And it needs the right kind of feeding to do well.

We get plenty of health and nutritional advice all the time. In fact in many ways it’s thrown at us from every direction. Even the fast food giants now tell you exactly what’s in their products.

However it appears that the more we know about nutrition, the more we studious avoid the facts. In less than ten years, nearly three quarters of the western world is on the path to being classified as overweight (or worse, obese or morbidly obese.)

The numbers of people looking to pharmaceutical relief for depression and addictions is growing and our energy levels are collectively at an all time low.

It might feel like we know a lot about food, but are we using that knowledge? And how can we be sure that what we are putting into our bodies is health, strength and energy?
For most of us, the sorts of foods we eat now are very different to the foods we grew up on. There weren’t constant ads on TV on how to lose ten pounds in ten weeks.

Takeaways were a real treat and no one did home deliveries. Mothers tended to be at home, where they cooked often plain but also pretty nutritious food (meat and two veg anyone?) There was probably home baking too, but it was made with natural ingredients and didn’t have things like corn syrup and fancy chemicals to keep it fresher for longer.

Supermarkets were not open twenty four hours a day. We had to walk down to the corner shop to get bread, and that is all we got, because everything else was so expensive.

There were less impulse buys on junk food. Fathers tended the home veg garden, and there were sometimes fruit trees too.

Иконка для Restaurant menu widget 8.0

Restaurant menu widget (v. 8.0)

cycver опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

Lunch and dinner menus to enter, DB saved as you can see, in a week, and as a widget on the day for lunch and dinner menu is available.

Иконка для 信義房屋 1.2

信義房屋 (v. 1.2)

Sinyi Realty TW опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

『信義房屋 Android APP』為房地產搜尋應用程式,由台灣房仲業唯一上市公司「信義房屋」製作提供,提供消費者多元化的找屋管道。


-地圖模式:結合 Google maps快速定位並在街廓上標示出物件,讓您一目了然週遭地理環境狀況。
-路線導航:啓用路線導航功能,即可啓動 Google Maps規劃導航路徑。


::支援版本:Android 1.6-2.2
::網路需求: WIFI 或 3G網路

Иконка для Listening to the Binaural Beat 1.0

Listening to the Binaural Beat (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-04-26
(обновлено 2011-04-26)

When you were a kid were you fascinated by those dog whistles that you could blow, not hear but all the dogs in the vicinity would come running?

The high pitch was something that only they could hear, and though it seemed the dogs didn’t seem to arrive in droves as they did in the movies, it was enough for perhaps your pet dog to prick up his ears before sliding back into sleep.

Imagine being about to use auditory sounds that talked to different parts of your brain directly, instead of needing to be filtered though your thoughts and conscious mind.

It’s a little like that dog whistle- you might not be able to understand or “hear’ what those sounds mean, but those parts of your brain it’s designed for sure can.

Our brains are fascinating things. Scientists still struggle to try and determine the very length and breadth of our brain’s capabilities. Study shows we use only a small proportion of our brains, but the potential in unleashing some of the parts we do not use is astronomic.

The problem is how to access these areas. Certainly regular meditative practices, a holistic lifestyle incorporating eastern practices such as yoga, and a healthy diet that doesn’t include plenty of mind numbing chemicals definitely helps.

However for many of us, that type of lifestyle is one we either try to follow but fall short, or don’t even really bother before. Reality normally includes way too much time spent in traffic, the stress of over due work and the chores that never seem to end.

For most of us we need a short cut, a simple method of getting our brain trained to think and act to its fullest capacity.

That’s where Binaural Beats come in. These sounds stimulate your brain without you needing to think, move or do anything. While you listen, these beats stimulate your brain and lead you to deeper levels of relaxation.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $14.99) ***

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