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Иконка для Immersion 1.0

Immersion (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)


If you like to plan your dives in advance, but hate to sit down and figure everything out from tables, Immersion is designed for you. Rather than spend tedious minutes every time you want to plan a dive trip, you can get your iPhone or iPod touch to do it instead. Immersion provides you the ability to plan repetitive dives with the least amount of surface interval time calculating maximum no-decompression times and end-of-dive letter groups for repetitive dives.

Once you have the schedule you like, you can verify the dive tables by hand to make sure everything is all right.

Иконка для Ragazze Thailandesi Piangono 1.0

Ragazze Thailandesi Piangono (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

Ragazze Thailandesi Piangono

Italian version of 'Even Thai Girls Cry'

Tippawan Bongkot è una giovane donna thailandese in fuga. La sua vita regolare finisce la sera in cui sorprende il fidanzato insieme al suo amante. Il suo mondo collassa il giorno in cui perde il lavoro. Alla disperata ricerca di lavoro, Tippawan si rifugia nella città vacanziera di Pattaya, con la speranza di dare una svolta alle cose e di porre fine alla sua sfortuna. Quando incontra il farang, uno straniero di nome Mike, il suo mondo cambia, ma in un modo che non avrebbe mai immaginato. La sua ricerca della felicità è una avventura ossessionante e difficile da dimenticare. Camminate con Tippawan e seguite i suoi viaggi nel corso di un anno della sua incredibile vita. Scoprirete l’amore, l’odio e gli intrighi nascosti sotto la tranquilla facciata della vita di tutti i giorni in Thailandia.

Иконка для Those Whom The Gods Love 1.0

Those Whom The Gods Love (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

Those Whom The Gods Love

A thriller set in the early 1960s in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Two popular black teenagers are brutally murdered and the only suspect has an alibi. Wayne Shearin, is now an aide to the Director of the SBI. While searching for somebody with a military background to go to Jacksonville, he comes across Bill’s name. Bill agrees to go to work undercover as a member of the crew with the man who is the main suspect. Events move inevitably toward a dramatic climax. Beautiful Virginia pays a surprise visit on Valentines Day, triggering a chain of events that lead to a thrilling car chase through town and a brutal and dramatic ending in Holly Ridge, NC.

Иконка для How to Make Friends 1.0

How to Make Friends (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

We cannot do without friends. But we cannot do with the wrong friends either.

We come into this world with several relationships thrust upon us.

Friendships are God's way of allowing us to choose our own people that we remain close with. With friendships, we have a choice. We must make the best use of it.

There are two sides to this story.

On one hand, some people think they always land with the wrong people. On the other hand, there are people who think they can never make friends.

Are any of these your story? Read this sensitively written eBook to see how you can begin rating high on the Friend-o-meter.

Here is what you will learn inside...

Chapter 1: Are You Really Ready for More Friends?
Chapter 2: Where to Look for Friends Suitable to Your Tastes?
Chapter 3: Breaking the Ice with New People – The First Step to a Potential Friendship
Chapter 4: Watering the Sapling of Your Friendship Fern
Chapter 5: Taking Your Friendship to New Levels
Chapter 6: The More, the Merrier
Chapter 7: Being a Friend Yourself
Chapter 8: Making Your Friendship Permanent
Chapter 9: Where Lines are Drawn Even in the Closest of Friendships
Chapter 10: Ensuring that You Remain a Friend-Maker Forever

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $9.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для 掌上美食 1.0

掌上美食 (v. 1.0)

FBMobile опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

操作指南点击传统美食、流行菜品、营养菜品、烘烤、甜品、素食等类别按钮可进入相应的菜品列表。 搜索框输入关键字,点击放大镜可进行菜品查询,如果为空,显示所有菜品。 在菜品列表中点击某一菜品可进入菜品制作页面,可以点击下面小图,浏览制作方法和效果图片。 在菜品制作页面点击收藏按钮,如果当前菜品在没在收藏中会添加到收藏中,如果已在收藏中会从收藏中删除(会有相应提示)。 在菜品制作页面点击左右键可以查看其它菜品。 在首页或列表也点收藏按钮,查看收藏中的菜品列表。 点击时间按钮,可以按照菜品制作时间从小到大显示菜品列表。

Иконка для Living an Inspired Life 1.0

Living an Inspired Life (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

There are two aspects to inspiration – being inspired and inspiring others.

The first of these enriches us and the second helps us enrich others.

In this eBook, we shall learn how we can go about achieving both these results – how we can be inspired and how we can inspire others.

Here is what you will learn inside...

Chapter 1: Living an Inspired Life
Chapter 2: Qualities for Inspired Living
Chapter 3: Gardener of the Mind
Chapter 4: How to Inspire
Chapter 5: Simple Ways to Re-Inspire You
Chapter 6: Your Hidden Cheerleader
Chapter 7: The Chain of Inspiration
Chapter 8: Filling the Creative Well
Chapter 9: Inspirational Speakers in Cyberspace
Chapter 10: Inspiration for Creative Artists

Иконка для Hong Kong Property Info 1.0.3

Hong Kong Property Info (v. 1.0.3)

Hong Kong Property опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

Hong Kong Property Info provide the latest property transaction, stock details and property ebook. Users can use the GPS function to choose the estate nearby and browse the related estates information in Hong Kong.

Иконка для Midland IC&I Info 1.0.3

Midland IC&I Info (v. 1.0.3)

Midland IC&I опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

Provide updated information for Industrial, Commercial and Shops in Hong Kong

Иконка для How to Woo a Woman 1.0

How to Woo a Woman (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

Discover the Secrets of Wooing a Woman! And Find, Date and Marry the Woman of Your Dreams!

In the last two centuries women have gotten more and more independent, gone are the days when women have no say about issues that directly affects them, like whom to date or marry or whether to go to school or not.

The days of arranged marriages are forever gone in most societies, even in societies where it still holds the women’s resistance to arranged marriage is hugely increasing daily, as they are getting more aware.

As more women become independent, successful and enlightened, some men find it difficult to seek the affection or love of the woman they desire.

As suggested in the name woman, a woman should be wooed and a man should be seduced.  Wooing is one of the jobs that a man must do at least once in his lifetime.

A man that does not want to do this job should not expect to be loved or be in a romantic relationship with a woman.

Strategizing is a good way of getting a desired outcome, seeking the affection or love of a woman is no different, because with proper strategy and careful planning you can effortlessly melt the heart of the hardest woman.

Men think that getting a woman a gift is all it takes but it takes more than that, a woman wants to be appreciated and loved for who she is not for what you can get from her.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для How to Live an Optimal Life 1.0

How to Live an Optimal Life (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-06
(обновлено 2011-05-06)

How many people do you know who will state that their lives are optimal? If you look around, you might think that happiness has ceased to exist.

But, if you want to make your life optimal, you have to take things in your own hands. You have to shape your own life.

Many people speak about their problems in life. In fact, this is one of the hottest topics of conversations.

It doesn‟t really matter where you meet someone, all it takes is a friendly smile to start pouring out your life‟s woes to them. Everyone does the same.

The result is that no one really knows how happy one is. Since everyone is talking about their miseries, it does seem that no one around is leading an optimal life.

Here is what you will discover inside...

Chapter 1: What Is an Optimal Life?
Chapter 2: What Do You Need for an Optimal Life?
Chapter 3: Striking the Balance between Health and Wealth
Chapter 4: Your Family and Your Life
Chapter 5: 3 Practical Essentials for Optimal Living – Food, Fun and Exercise
Chapter 6: Your Sex Life – An Undeniable Aspect for Your Optimal Life
Chapter 7: Have a Hobby
Chapter 8: It Is Not Just about the Present
Chapter 9: Is Your Life Optimal Today?
Chapter 10: Putting Your Self in Your Life

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