Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
6361-6370 из 17250
Иконка для 매드락 1.6

매드락 (v. 1.6)

Nelson Sports, Inc опубликовал приложение 2011-07-20
(обновлено 2013-03-29)

미국 클라이밍 전문장비 브랜드 매드락(MADROCK)의 암벽화, 카라비너, 로프등 전문 암벽장비 소개.

Иконка для A-Sticky 1.4

A-Sticky (v. 1.4)

tnamikawa опубликовал приложение 2011-07-20
(обновлено 2011-07-20)

Rich sticky notes for Android users.
Good looking. Many styles. Actually usuful.
And You can search old stickies that were taken off.

Иконка для Wedding Countdown Widget 2.3

Wedding Countdown Widget (v. 2.3)

Sevenlogics, INC опубликовал приложение 2011-07-20
(обновлено 2013-03-29)

When someone asks: "When is your wedding?",
You can now say:
"After 480 kisses!", OR
"In 178,326 heartbeats!" OR
"In precisely 184,072 minutes"

Sharing your countdown via Email or Facebook!

It's fun!, Wedding Countdown can countdown your wedding in many different units! Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Heartbeats or Kisses!

There's more: How about a Wedding countdown that can automatically turn into an Anniversary countdown after your Wedding!

Key features:
4x1 Widget
Full landscape support
Countdown for Wedding or Anniversaries
Ability to automatically switch to anniversary countdowns after your wedding day
Smart anniversary countdown, will automatically countdown to your very next anniversary. 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
Many different units to measure your countdown.
Few different phases to choose from
Lovely default images to choose from
Use your very own photos as the background
Play your favorite music from your device while counting down!

Premium in app purchase includes:
4x4 Widget
Multiple countdowns
Custom phrases
Ad Banner Removal

Happy countdown!

Wedding, Anniversary, Planning, Planner, Bride, Celebration, Timeline, Party,Wedding Day, Countdown

Иконка для Wedding Countdown Premium 2.4

Wedding Countdown Premium (v. 2.4)

Sevenlogics, INC опубликовал приложение 2011-07-20
(обновлено 2013-03-29)

When someone asks: "When is your wedding?",
You can now say:
"After 480 kisses!", OR
"In 178,326 heartbeats!" OR
"In precisely 184,072 minutes"

It's fun!, Wedding Countdown can countdown your wedding in many different units! Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Heartbeats or Kisses!

There's more: How about a Wedding countdown that can automatically turn into an Anniversary countdown after your Wedding!

Key features:
Full landscape support
Countdown for Wedding or Anniversaries
Ability to automatically switch to anniversary countdowns after your wedding day
Smart anniversary countdown, will automatically countdown to your very next anniversary. 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
Many different units to measure your countdown.
Few different phases to choose from
Lovely default images to choose from
Use your very own photos as the background
Play your favorite music from your device while counting down!

Happy countdown!

Иконка для Myflightbook for Android 2.3.2

Myflightbook for Android (v. 2.3.2)

MyFlightbook LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2013-03-29)

MyFlightbook for Android provides pilots access to their flying logbooks on MyFlightbook.com from their Android devices.  

✓ Easily enter new flights as you take them, and share them with friends.  
✓ Take pictures while in flight and they will be gotagged and shown on a map on the MyFlightbook.com website!  
✓ Your flying totals and currency are kept up-to-date.  
✓ All flights are stored in the cloud at MyFlightbook.com.  
✓ And best of all, it's FREE.

Иконка для How to Love Your Job 1.0

How to Love Your Job (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2011-07-19)

Discover How You Will Come to Love Your Job Even If You Don't Now!

So, you hate your job and you are looking for strategies to survive.  Or maybe, you don’t really hate your job; it’s just that you frequently find your mind wandering at times—like every minute of the day.  

Maybe you are at your wits’ end.  How will you get through another week without losing your mind?  

Hey, don’t feel bad, most people are in the same boat; studies show that very few people just love their jobs.  

So what do you do now; are you stuck being bored and unhappy at work every day for the rest of your life?

It’s possible, but all is not lost. Let’s discuss a few strategies for successfully living through the employment blues.  

Chapters included are:

# Take this Job and...

# Assess this Mess

# Money, Money, Money

# Boooooring

# Jeez She Sure is Rude

# The Boss Really is an Idiot

# Busy Bee

Иконка для Overcome Learning Disabilities 1.0

Overcome Learning Disabilities (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2011-07-19)

Discover How to Recognize if Your Child Really Has a Learning Disability … As Well as Learn Breakthrough Strategies You Can Use to Quickly & Easily Unleash the Maximum Potential of Someone With a Learning Disability!

Each year the number of children diagnosed with learning disabilities skyrockets from the previous year.

In fact, many of these cases are being diagnosed simply because the “experts” are able to profit from these diagnoses. Although there are many experts that are genuinely concerned about children’s welfare, there are also those who are falsely diagnosing many children in the name of profits.

Don’t let your child be falsely diagnosed … don’t simply take an expert’s word on the fact that your child may have a learning disability.

Get the information you need to understand exactly what you are dealing with …

This book is designed to provide you with the information and research you need to better understand learning disabilities, including the various types of learning disabilities and how to deal with them.

Here is just some of what you will learn:

★ The history of learning disabilities – including when they were first discovered, initial treatments, myths surrounding the disorders and more.

★ How to overcome learning disabilities – without using expensive prescriptions drugs with harmful side effects!

★ What “self-talk” is – and how this amazing technique can help a person with a learning disability discover who they are and what they want to achieve!

★ Why some children may be falsely diagnosed with a learning disability – and what you should immediately do if you think this has happened to your child!

★ The most common reason for a false learning disability diagnosis – plus, what simple thing you can do to ensure this doesn’t happen to your child!

★ The best way to get a child with a learning disability through the learning process

★ How to help a child with a learning disability cope with peer pressure – learn these tips and you’ll have your child on the fast track to success in no time!

★ Learning strategies for those with learning disabilities – start using these techniques and watch your child begin to prosper academically!

★ How to build self-esteem and self-confidence in a child with a learning disability

★ How to help your child learn to live with their disability – follow these tips and your child just won’t learn to live with their disability, they’ll learn to excel in spite of it!

★ Common learning disabilities and their symptoms – find out how to quickly recognize each learning disability here!

★ Two natural ways to help someone with a learning disability improve their learning skills – if you read nothing else, you must read this!

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $14.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Self Defense for Women 1.0

Self Defense for Women (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2011-07-19)

Women Are Being Attacked Each And Every Day Around The World.  It’s Time That Women Stop The Violence TODAY!

The statistics on violence against women are staggering – even overwhelming.  

Often, women are thought of as the weaker sex, unable to defend themselves effectively against a strong male attacker.  It’s this kind of thinking that hurt women.

The truth is that women CAN and SHOULD fight back when they are threatened.  It takes a lot of courage to fight back.

Many myths exist regarding women’s self-defense training.  These myths include:

# You have to learn martial arts to defend yourself
# There’s no way you can over-power your attacker
# Just give in and let them have what they want
# If someone wants to get to you, they will no matter what you do
# All you need to know to defend yourself is how to fight

All of these statements are, indeed, myths.  There are many, many ways you can protect yourself from being compromised or assaulted.  

They don’t necessarily involve martial arts, they don’t require you to know how to fight, and they definitely don’t require you to give in to your attacker.

Self defense is about ending a violent attack against your person.  Self defense is not about sparring and exchanging blows with another person.  

The best self defense of all is to not put yourself in harm’s way.  The second best self defense technique is to run.  If neither of these options are available, you MUST know how to defend yourself to save your life.

The fact is that women are attacked more often and more violently than any other group of people.  That includes all races, ages, and demographics.  

It’s time to bring those numbers down and empower women against violent attacks.  

With this book, you’ll find all sorts of information and, best of all, an answer to the question, “How do I defend myself when I’m not sure I can?”

Inside this book, you will find real life stories that illustrate the mistakes that some women who are victims of violence, have made.  We’ll address those mistakes and show you how to avoid them.

You’ll be able to learn about common sense self defense options you might have never thought about.  Such options as:

★ Using perfume as a deterrent

★ How to make a car key an effective weapon

★ What to scream other than “Help!”

★ Getting out of a car your attacker has cornered you in

★ Talking yourself through an attack – and talking your attacker out of it


*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $19.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Child Safety Online 1.0

Child Safety Online (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2011-07-19)

Discover How You Can Prevent Your Child from Becoming a Predator’s Target and Your Worst Nightmare!

Children being are approached online by people they don’t know at an alarming rate.

Every year the percentage of child victims from this epidemic continues to grow. Is your child in danger of becoming a statistic?

Do you know what they’re doing when they’re online?

Any parent with a child knows that the thought of their child getting mixed up with an online predator is nothing but trouble.

Millions of children log on the internet each and every day. It used to be that the television dominated most of their time. Now with the internet, television is just a passing memory.

Just like adults, children use the internet to surf and communicate with their friends. However, every day they access online is another day where they can get into something they’re not supposed to.

Some children have adult supervision the entire time they’re online; but what about the ones that don’t?

Parents that have full-time jobs or are constantly on the go don’t have that luxury. They for the most part, have to trust their instincts and hope their child does the right thing.

These predators come in all forms. There is no one standard for them.

Your child may be thinking they’re conversation with someone their age. Come to find out, it’s a stranger looking for the next child victim.

Most of the time these weirdoes are not in their right frame of mind.

There is no prejudice when it comes to young children. No matter what type of upbringing your child has, they are still at risk from being lured into this online trap.

Social networking is hot, and if your child is looking to make friends online, don’t be surprised if they become part of this online era.

As a parent, you must educate yourself on the dangers that come with your child getting involves with social networking sites.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

★ Different ways your child could be accessing these social networking sites other than the home computer

★ Why they should be careful about posting their personal information online. In reality, they shouldn’t be doing it and this report explains why

★ Why you should follow their every move on social networking sites

★ Where in your house you should not install a computer and why

★ Why it’s not a good idea for your child to upload photographs of themselves on the internet for strangers to see

★ and much Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для TimeSpread Timetable 1.71

TimeSpread Timetable (v. 1.71)

TimeSpread Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-07-19
(обновлено 2013-03-28)

< scheduler , Class timetable , college , student , diary >

Look at the captured pictures and try to use it :}

>> a variety of settings
- Various Resolutions
- Owls Schedule Features
- Beautiful Skin
- students, public timetables
- three possible timetables

>> Schedule Sharing
- Friends' schedules
- Mixing Timetables

>> varied Widget
- Schedule and use the Insert
- Wallpapers and harmony

Comfortable environment !

If you have any opinion, send an e-mail to me :}

Thank you !!!

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