Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
6121-6130 из 17250
Иконка для FirePlace 1.0

FirePlace (v. 1.0)

jiminsub опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Have a romantic air!

Displays and sounds like burning wood.

Have a talk in romance with this.

Иконка для Save Your Marriage 1.0

Save Your Marriage (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

SAVE Your Marriage And Develop A Lifelong Love!

Marital problems will not miraculously vanish by themselves, but you are not alone, and your situation is not hopeless!

People everywhere have problems, some exactly like the ones you are facing.  Many people, however, have no idea as to what to do.  

They make the mistake of asking for or accepting advice from well-meaning friends or family members who are not qualified or experienced to assist in finding solutions; and get no practical help or results.  

Some people believe they have no choice but to suffer and allow their marriage to fall apart.

Fortunately, you do not need to make any of these mistakes! You can get practical help and advice, in easy-to-understand language, and learn how to put this advice into constructive action!

This book will give you the answers that you need!

Focuses on resolving problems, rather than the “modern” slant of placing blame. This book is not about pointing out who is in the wrong or who has made mistakes-- it is about resolving what is negative in your marriage and building on what is positive!

You will find a wealth of valuable information in this one small book!  It is, without a doubt, the one book you need!  

Whether you have been married for a short period of time, or a number of decades;  whether you have been facing serious difficulties or merely wish to improve your marriage, this book is for you!

Here are the chapters included inside the book:

★ Chapter 1: To Find the Solution, First See the Problem

★ Chapter 2: Opening the Lines of Communication

★ Chapter 3:  Let's Go Back to the Beginning!

★ Chapter 4:  It's About Time!

★ Chapter 5: Dealing With Differences

★ Chapter 6: Who Are All of These People?!

★ Chapter 7: The Need For Boundaries

★ Chapter 8: What is a Power-Struggle?

★ Chapter 9: What is Happiness?

★ Chapter 10: Where Do You Go From Here?  Dream Big!

★ Chapter 11: Helpful Tips

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Wedding Savings Revealed 1.0

Wedding Savings Revealed (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Ex-Wedding Planner Reveals How Anyone Getting Married Can Put At Least A Few Thousand Dollars Back Into Their Pockets...

Discover the Secret Ways To Negotiate Prices & Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Wedding!

Learn how you can have the most unforgettable, breath-taking, wonderfully sensational wedding... That you've been dreaming about ever since the 2nd grade...

And how you can SAVE thousands of dollars in creating the most stunning, and radiant wedding!

Here are just a few hidden jewels that you'll discover inside:

★ Learn how to save $100 per hour on your wedding videography & photography

★ We reveal what percentages you should GIVE to maintain the perfect budget!  Forget this and you might spend thousands MORE!

★ Can you think of more than 10 flowers for your wedding?  We list over 310 AND their meanings from you to choose from!

★ Want more than just the "traditional" wedding?  We list 8 for you to choose from!

★ Discover how you can save hundreds of dollars on your wedding cakes, and guest goodies!

★ Follow this tip and save up to 70% on the Groom's tuxedo!

★ Discover why the "time of day" can MAKE or BREAK your reception.

★ Don't forget to do this one week before your wedding or you'll REALLY be sorry!

★ Learn the 8 areas you can save the most from on your wedding.

★ Why fork-over an extra 15% to your wedding planner when we show you how to do this.

★ Going for a traditional themed wedding?  These 3 are the top favorites!

★ Learn how you can get a wedding dress for FREE...  Is it even possible?

★ Use this tip and save up to 20% on your entire reception bills!

★ Be sure to get the pictures you want at your wedding!  Follow this 40 point checklist, and you'll not only save, you'll get what you want!

★ Get married on THIS DAY, and you'll cut your costs by nearly $500, every single time!

★ Why planning your wedding around your honeymoon just might save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars!!

★ Learn how having a three ring binder, notebook paper, and tabs could end up saving hundreds of dollars on your wedding.

★ Why pay your travel agent commissions for your honeymoon trip?  Use this resource and save those extra hundreds!

★ Did you know you can skim your reception music bill by 50% if you use this little tip?

★ If you follow this rule of thumb, you can save a ton of money, all because of the people you invite to your wedding!

★ Discover how to get your reception liquor 20% cheaper than buying it at Wal-Mart, of even having it catered!

★ Choosing colors for your wedding might be hard...  Use the huge "flower" guide and you'll match and glow on your wedding day!

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $19.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Choose to be Happy 1.0

Choose to be Happy (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Discover How You Can Be Happier, Healthier, Wealthier and Have More Success in Life!

Choose To Be Happy - The Path to Success is Paved with Positive Thinking!

Everything you need to know about the positive self-talk is included in this special report.

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ Inner Strengths and Positive Self Talk

★ Using Affirmatives

★ Using Positive Self Talk for Weight Loss

★ Quit Smoking using Positive Self Talk

★ Hypnosis and Positive Self Talk

★ How to use Positive Self Talk to Stay Healthier

★ How to Apply Positive Self Talk to your Everyday Life

★ How to Overcome Fear

★ Using Positive Self Talk for Stress Relief

★ Positive Self Talk and Drug Addictions

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Newbie's Guide to Woodworking 1.0

Newbie's Guide to Woodworking (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Most beginners get overwhelmed by the vast information needed to create stunning woodworking pieces. If you're one of them, you have come to the right place.

This book is for people who want to explore the hobby of woodworking.

Not knowing where to start or how to focus their interests makes many people who are new to woodworking become discouraged, frustrated and soon give up.

It doesn’t help when they take on projects that are too difficult or they try to work with inadequate tools that can also lead beginners to decide that woodworking is not for them.

That's Why This Book Was Created!

So many people need a guide that introduces them to woodworking. They have questions like:

# How do I set up my work space?

# What tools do I need?

# What kind of wood do I need to use for different projects?

# How can I be safe when using my tools?

“A Newbie’s Guide to Woodworking” answers these questions and more! It delivers solid information that woodworking beginners can use and benefit from.

Take a brief look at what you will get with “A Newbie’s Guide to Woodworking”:

★ How to avoid common mistakes.

★ Save time and money by knowing what wood to look for.

★ Learn the language of woodworking.

★ Be able to talk woodworking with your friends and know what you’re saying!

★ Avoid frustration by knowing what to do before you start a new project!

★ See yourself advance by knowing the basics and becoming proficient at them.

★ and much, Much More!

Plus, you will get the complete plans to get started with your own woodworking projects.

You will learn how to build:

★ A magazine rack

★ A storage chest

★ A bird feeder

★ Your own workbench

★ Basic shelving units

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $14.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Ready for Right Relationship 1.0

Ready for Right Relationship (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Discover the Secrets to Finding the Right Relationship and Learn Many Tips and Tricks on How to Keep It for Life!

Here are the chapters included:

★ Love - Deepen Your Understanding of Love

★ How to Find and Attract Your One True Love?

★ Key Tips to Starting a Relationship

★ The Right Time to Say  "I Love You"

★ Bad Reasons to Get into a Relationship

★ Rushing into a Relationship

★ Romantic Love and  Pre-Commitment

★ Choosing Your  Relationship Challenges

★ Pain Prevention

★ When Is The Right Time To Be With Someone?

★ 10 Tips to Know if You're Ready for a Relationship

★ The Compatibility Factor

★ Time Factor in a Relationship

★ 15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting into a Long  Term Relationship

★ When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship?

★ How Do You Know When You Are in the Right Relationship?

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Improving Your Marriage 1.0

Improving Your Marriage (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Have the emotions of courtship become tarnished memories? Do you find yourself wondering where the passion has gone?

Is it difficult to see that dashing white knight in the guy who sits in front of the television watching football every Sunday? Or maybe the challenge is finding the gal that turned your head with super model looks in the sloppy sweats and curlers that greet you across the breakfast table?

As they say, the honeymoon is definitely over!

The feelings are still there and the love hasn’t diminished. But with the hassles we all encounter from day to day it’s easy to let our priorities get out of whack!

We live in a stressful world what with work, children and financial pressure. Before we know it, our marriage has taken a back seat. It’s no wonder that marriages are failing at an alarming rate.

Here are a few symptoms:
# In conversation you constantly correct your spouse.
# You make your partner the butt of jokes.
# You argue over money.
# Can’t agree on decisions about the children.
# Sex has taken a back seat in your relationship.

By no means are these the only symptoms. If you have forgotten what it’s like to communicate with you spouse as you did when you were dating, you can bet there are other difficulties in the marriage.

Remember what life was like when you were dating? Those feelings were very real, but they do and should change over time. The first blush of love is destined to nourish and grow as your relationship matures.

But, you can rekindle the flames of those forgotten memories. You can breathe new life into your relationship and we are going to show you just how to do it in “15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage.” How do we do it?

Take a look and learn:

★ Catch your spouse doing something "right" – Are you fighting fair?

★ Share domestic chores – Can doing the dishes really help your love life?

★ Becoming a good listener – We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason!

★ Share parental decisions and support – “Mom said. . .Dad said” Do your kids play this game?

★ Never forget to say please and thank you – Why it’s important.

★ Share financial responsibilities - This is a huge issue and you’d best get it right!

★ Remember to apologize – And make sure you mean it.

★ Resolve conflicts quickly – Letting them fester creates a relationship infection that’s hard to cure.

★ Establish marital goals – How to know where you are going.

★ Never go to bed angry – This is not just a cliché!

★ Plan time for romance – Spice is the variety of life!

★ Explore common interests – Just a little bit of “give and take” will go miles toward rekindling the relationship fire!

★ Share your fears and insecurities – How to show your vulnerability.

★ Don't be afraid to cultivate your own interests – And reveal your own identity.

★ Never succumb to jealousy – This is “sudden death” for a relationship.

★ and much, Much More!

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Don’t become a statistic. Ensure your successful relationship and grab this "15 Steps Toward Improving Your Marriage" book now.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Improve Marriage to Newlyweds 1.0

Improve Marriage to Newlyweds (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Is Your Marriage Less Than What You Expected It To Be? Have You Ever Wished You Could Feel The Way You Did When You Were Newlyweds?

At some point, it happens to everyone: You wake up one day and suddenly your once-blissful marriage is shattered. The spark is gone. And the love of your life wants nothing to do with you.

You yearn for those feelings you had on your wedding day. When you were both filled with hope and possibilities of what was in store for the future. Do you wish you could have those feelings back again?

Don’t Worry – You Can!

It’s Time For You To Get Your Relationship Back!

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ Why marriages fail

★ What the warning signs are that your marriage might be in trouble

★ How to get the romance back

★ Adjusting your thinking to work for a healthy marriage

★ Ways to reconnect with your spouse

★ 25+ great suggestions for being more romantic

★ 20+ ways to show your partner that you love them

★ Amazing massage techniques that REALLY work!

★ and much, Much More!

With just a few simple techniques, you CAN save your marriage. You don’t need expensive counseling.

You don’t need to see a shrink. You don’t need to burn thousands of dollars on expensive divorce lawyers.

What you need is this book!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Stuttering - Simple Techniques 1.0

Stuttering - Simple Techniques (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2011-08-04)

Discover Simple Techniques to Help Control Your Stutter!

Stuttering is annoying and embarrassing. If you or a member of your family stutters, you already know the impact it can have on your everyday life.

Stuttering interferes with communication, and can make social situations very difficult. It can even be harmful to your school or business life.

Stuttering does not need to rule your life! When you learn about some easy techniques, it will be your first step to communicating with ease and confidence!

A world of satisfying communication is at your fingertips! All of the embarrassment and awkwardness of stuttering can soon be behind you-- you can have the ease of speaking smoothly, and all of the self-confidence it brings, for the rest of your life! The speech you have dreamed of can be yours!

Getting all of the information you need to control your stutter and speak clearly and with confidence has never been easier...

In this book, you will learn all of the Important Tips and Techniques Which Really Work!

You will be relieved to find that there are techniques which really help!  Instead of wasting time and becoming frustrated with hit-and-miss efforts, you will find tried-and-true methods that will work for you!

You will also learn how controlling your Stutter Will Impact Your Life!

If you are like most people who stutter, this problem has had many negative effects on you and on your life.  These simple techniques are so easy to apply in your everyday life that they will soon come naturally!  Your life will be happier, healthier, and more confident!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для New Wine 9.0.2

New Wine (v. 9.0.2)

Joakim Lundvall опубликовал приложение 2011-08-04
(обновлено 2013-04-25)

Välkommna till årets sommarkonferens i Vänersborg/Vargön.

Den här appen kommer att hjälpa dig under konferensdagarna. Glöm inte heller att lägga till widgeten på hemskärmen.

* Konferensprogram
* Få information om talare, seminarier och lokaler
* Turn-by-turn navigering till konferensen
* Väder för Vänersborg
* Twitter-integration
* Predikningar och video-klipp
* Hitta boende
* med mera, med mera

Läs mer om hur du anmäler dig på http://www.newwine.se/


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