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Иконка для Stress Free Is The Way To Be 1.0

Stress Free Is The Way To Be (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Ex-Chronic Stress Sufferer Reveals The Secrets on Living a Stress Free Life!

Kick Pain, Anxiety, and Stress out of your Life for GOOD!

If every day feels like a constant battle for you, if you no longer have the motivation to perform tasks that you once loved, and if your peers have noticed a definite change in your behavior, chances are you are Over Stressed!

I know the feeling of always feeling pressured. Deadlines are always days away, and bills, kids, community problems, and mortgages leave you feeling like you are juggling the world on your shoulders.

Stress can be taxing your body in ways that you may not even know it.  If you have any of the physical symptoms below, your body is telling you that something is wrong.

# Muscle tension
# Lower back pain
# Pains in shoulders or neck
# Pains in chest
# Stomach/abdominal pain
# Muscle spasms or nervous tics
# Unexplained rashes or skin irritations
# Pounding or racing heart
# Sweaty palms
# Sweating when not physically active
# Butterflies in stomach
# Indigestion and "the gurgles"
# Diarrhea
# Unable to sleep or excessive sleep
# Shortness of breath
# Holding breath

So not only will stress leave you physically drained, but in the long haul it can lead to very adverse health effects.

Don’t worry!! I am about to show you how you can eliminate the common stressors in your life, even if you have to deal with them on a daily basis.

If there is one good thing about stress is that you can begin fixing it right at this very moment. Try to remember a time in your life when you felt completely at ease.

Everything was going well, you were vitalized and ready to take on the world. How would you like to relive that feeling each and every day of your life? Well now you can!

What You Will Learn Inside "Stress Free is The Way To Be":

★ What Stress Really Is

★ What Causes Stress

★ How Different Personalites affect Stress

★ Type A and Type B Personalities and which one is more susceptible to stress

★ How Men and Women Handle Stress Differently  

★ The Deadly Symptoms of Stress  

★ Stress Management Tips and Techniques You Can Begin Using Now  

★ Exercises That Minimize Stress  

★ Simple Breathing Techniques You Can Use To Lower Stress

★ and much, Much More!

Take it from a former stress victim, living your life day in and day out with no feeling of a better day to come is torture. I know the feeling of the daily drudgeries that have to be done.

It feels like the pressure is always on you to preform, and that you never have time for yourself. I understand your pain, because what you are facing today use to be me.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $19.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Getting Woman of Your Dreams 1.0

Getting Woman of Your Dreams (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Discover How to Get Any Woman You Desire – Even If You’re Shy, Unattractive & Out of Shape!

Everything You Need to Know to Succeed With Women is Revealed in This Book!

This book will reveal how you can overcome your fears and doubts and become the self-confident man you need to be to get any woman you want … no matter how beautiful or “out of your league” you think she might be!

It doesn’t matter if you are good-looking or ugly … fat or skinny … shy or the life of the party … old or young … rich or poor … you can get the woman of your dreams quickly and easily!

Here is what you will learn on the pages of this fantastic book:

★ How to succeed in dating, overcome your shyness, and gain the lifestyle that you long for – the tips contained in this book will put you on the fast track to becoming a true player!

★ 4 ways to quickly build your self-confidence – and how to decide which method will work best for you!

★ What really makes a woman tick – and how to use this knowledge to your advantage!

★ How to assess your attributes – and learn to focus on and draw attention to the positive ones while hiding the negative ones!

★ How to change a negative mental attitude into a positive one – follow these tips and you’ll soon be able to step outside of your comfort zone and get all the beautiful women that you desire!

★ Common negative thoughts and how to combat them – you‘ll be amazed at what you are able to accomplish with women once you start thinking positively!

★ How to talk to beautiful women – includes questions and conversation starters that you’ll be dying to try!

★ How to tell if she’s interested in you – learn to read these body language signs and in no time you’ll be able to easily tell whether a woman is interested in you or not just by watching her!

★ How to create a great first impression with a woman in four easy steps – you’ll be amazed at how easy this is to do when you follow these simple tips!

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $20.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Finding Your Perfect Woman 1.0

Finding Your Perfect Woman (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Discover Amazing Dating Secrets You Can Use to Get Any Beautiful Woman You Want – Even If You Are Butt-Ugly, Missing Teeth & Have Struck Out With Every Single Woman You’ve Ever Approached!

This New Book Reveals How Any Man Can Go From Being a Failure With Women to Being a Success … from Being ‘Made Fun of’ to Being Respected … from Being Ignored to Being Worshipped!

Have you been lonely long enough? Are you ready finally ready to learn what you need to do to be truly successful with women?

Well, today is your lucky day! This book will reveal everything you need to know to start attracting women like a 10-ton magnet attracts paperclips.

Here are just a few hidden jewels that you'll discover inside:

★ How to quickly become irresistible to beautiful women – this is a secret very few men know … it’s time that you became one of the privileged few!

★ How to quickly and easily determine what type of woman is best for you

★ How to become the romantic man all women want!

★ How to build our own self-confidence and in no time become the type of man other men want to be and women want to be with!

★ What a woman is really saying, doing and feeling!

★ Where you are most likely to find someone that is perfect for you!

Then after you’ve found a woman (or women), this book will walk you through the essential steps to having a successful and memorable first date!

You’ll learn:

★ Where to go and what to do!

★ Dating etiquette for the 21st century!

★ And what to say to make sure there’s a date #2!

★ The elusive art of flirting, including how to become an expert yourself, as well as how to easily determine if a woman is flirting with you!

The truth is that it doesn’t matter if you’ve never enjoyed any success with women at all during your lifetime. If you master the techniques presented in this book, single women will start finding you irresistible.

In fact, the dating tips and tricks revealed in this comprehensive, yet easy-to-read guide are so powerful and effective that you will want to keep this book handy at all times and review it as a refresher before any interaction with a female!

Here’s more of what you will learn inside:

★ 7 “little things” you can do to have a woman who had been ignoring you wanting you like crazy in no time!

★ 5 quick things you can do to instantly improve your appearance and become more attractive to women!

★ Two things you should always do and four things you should never do before you go out on a date if you want that date to be a great one!

★ 7 things that all women look for in a man – and how to develop each of these qualities yourself!

★ 6 great places to find dates – hit these places at the right time and it will be like shooting fish in a barrel!

★ 5 great places to go on a first date – if you want a second date, you must read this!

★ 7 ways to tell if a woman really likes you!

★ The five biggest dating mistakes and how to avoid them!

★ How to seduce any woman you want!

★ and much, Much More!

There’s Never Been An Easier Way to Learn How to Be a True Success With Women – No Matter What You Look Like!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $19.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Contacting Your Spirit Guide 1.1

Contacting Your Spirit Guide (v. 1.1)

Kym Tolson, LCSW, CSAC, NBCCH опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Contacting Your Spirit Guide Hypnosis

This session helps you become very relaxed. Once you are relaxed, it helps open your subconscious mind to connecting to the energy of your spirit guide/s or guardian angel/s.

Once in this place of deep relaxation, you can connect with your guide and receive answers and guidance.

This Hypnosis Session is 50 minutes in length.

"I just wanted to say again these work.. I'm so happy I feel so good, better than I have in a long time and I credit these MP3s with a great deal of it thank you again."

"I bought this being a bit skeptical but let me tell you I no longer am.. I'm a believer!! thank you so much this is truly changing my life.. thank you thank you thank you."

Please Note:
Please use headphones when listening.
Please do not operate heavy machinery while listening.
Please email me if this app does not install correctly and I will send you the session.

Иконка для Cajun and Creole Cookbook 1.1

Cajun and Creole Cookbook (v. 1.1)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Put A Smile On Everyone's Face With Unforgettable Meals Bursting With Authentic Cajun And Creole Flavors!

Have you ever savored a fantastic Creole etoufee?

Have you enjoyed bignets and chicory coffee in the morning?

Do you know how to create a shrimp boil with a scent that will make everyone salivate?

Can you dress a Po' Boy, make the perfect roux and use okra in a way that even the kids will love?

If you answered anything other than YES to all of those questions, you need to keep on reading.  

There's a whole world of fantastic dishes and flavors down in Louisiana that you need to learn more about.

From Cajun chow in Breaux Bridge to Creole specialties in New Orleans, folks in Louisiana know how to eat.  In a world of homogenized dining in which every city is littered with chain restaurants serving up boring, play-it-safe meals from photocopied menus, Louisiana distinguishes itself.  

They've stayed true to themselves. They serve up King Cake with a tiny baby doll hidden inside.  

They transform fried fish and standard baguettes into unforgettable sandwiches.  Louisiana is gumbo, jambalaya, etoufee, crayfish, shrimp, and the "Holy Trinity" of aromatics sauteeing in a cast iron skillet.

It's real food.  And it's real good.

A Louisiana kitchen can serve great meals from two fascinating cultures.  The flavors are unique without seeming foreign or strange.  The meals are spicy and flavorful without being tongue-burners.  

And it isn't that hard to learn how to prepare these classics, either.  In fact, most of the great food you'll find in a Louisiana kitchen isn't too complicated.  

This book covers all of the classics and it does it the right way.  It gives you more than an ingredient list and basic instructions.  It takes you by the hand and marches you through the preparation process step-by-step.

Cajun and Creole Cookbook will turn you into a world-class Louisiana cook in the blink of an eye.  

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ The secret to the perfect pain perdu (aka French toast)

★ The right way to make a roux and why it matters

★ The difference between a muffaletta and a po' boy and how to make both

★ The secret to a mouth-watering efoutee

★ How to make a King Cake that will bring a smile to even the exhausted Mardis Gras reveler

★ The secrets of Cajun and Creole kitchens that have been handed down from one generation to the next

★ and much, Much More!

Cajun and Creole Cookbook is the shot in the arm your cooking needs.  You can turn meal time into something special again.  You can bring some excitement, something new and real flavor into your life.

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $19.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Sauver un ami 1.02

Sauver un ami (v. 1.02)

Wayma опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

Une application de la Sécurité routière : 

Votre ami(e) a trop bu et vous ne savez pas comment l’empêcher de reprendre la route? 
L’appli « Sauver un ami » vous aide à trouver les mots pour le/la dissuader sans lui prendre la tête, grâce à un envoi en rafale de SMS « mystère ». 

Comment ça marche? 
1. Téléchargez l’appli et recherchez le numéro de votre ami(e) dans votre répertoire. 
2. Sélectionnez les informations le/la concernant. 
3. Personnalisez les messages avec votre prénom (facultatif). 
4. Il/elle recevra 4 SMS personnalisés en cascade destinés à le/la dissuader de reprendre la route. Ces 4 messages seront piochés au hasard par l’application. 
5. Découvrez-les ensemble. 

Quelques exemples de messages : 
• Quel est le point commun  entre toi et un petit  pois? … Vous êtes tous les deux ronds (mais lui, il essaye pas de conduire).
• Théo, j’te laisse conduire uniquement si tu arrives à diviser 76824 par 47 de tête.
• Monsieur et Madame Prenpatamobtébouré ont un fils ? Théo ! 

Proposez vos messages, les meilleurs seront publiés dans l’appli ! 

L’envoi de ces messages vous est offert par la Sécurité routière. Envoi uniquement vers les n° de mobiles en France métropolitaine et Dom-Tom, dans la limite de la durée de l’opération. 

L’envoi des SMS est limité à 3 envois par jour maximum d’un expéditeur au même destinataire, et à 10 envois par jour maximum d’un même expéditeur à plusieurs destinataires. L'envoi abusif de SMS, de nature à troubler la tranquillité d'autrui, est passible de poursuites devant un tribunal correctionnel (art. 222.16 du Code pénal).

Pour ne plus recevoir de SMS via cette application répondez  « Stop SMS » au numéro expéditeur (envoi non surtaxé).

Quelques mots peuvent suffire à sauver une vie. Ne laissons pas un ami qui a bu reprendre la route. 

Retrouvez également des informations « À savoir » sur les risques liés à la consommation d’alcool en situation de conduite (risques physiques, accidentalité et sanctions), ainsi que les dernières vidéos de la Sécurité routière sur l’alcool. 

« Sauver un ami » est une application labellisée « Proxima Mobile ».

(c) Sécurité routière – 2010

Иконка для DMB 방송 편성표 1.6.0

DMB 방송 편성표 (v. 1.6.0)

John Yoo опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2013-05-02)

DMB 방송 편성표입니다.
하루 동안의 DMB 방송표를 보여줍니다.
내일 날짜는 아직 제공되지 않고 있습니다.

공중파 :  KBS1,KBS2, SBS, MBC, EBS
MBN,Tvngo, U1 Plus, U1 Tv, 한국경제, mYTN, QBS, MYMBC, KBS Heart, KBS star, SBS UTV,
Love tbs, SBS cnbc, uMTN
Aring, SBSU, TBN, TBS Radio, KBS Music, MBC Radio, MBN Radio)

Tstore에 광고없는 어플 있으니 많은 이용바랍니다.

Иконка для EmojiMail AnimalEmoji2 1.0

EmojiMail AnimalEmoji2 (v. 1.0)

bitway опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

This is an emoji add-on pack for use with the [emojimail(free)] application. This add-on pack cannot be used on its own.

What's "emojimail"!?!? emojimail is an email application program for Android you can use to decorate your emails.

Иконка для Wedding Card 1.0

Wedding Card (v. 1.0)

Walnut Tree Communications опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2011-08-08)

This app is sample concept. We are producing Personalized Wedding Apps. (or Other Personal Category. ex;baby)
Contact us if you want to make own Original Apps.
and we also offer Mobile Web and PC Web.


Иконка для BT Reader (Deutsch) 2.19

BT Reader (Deutsch) (v. 2.19)

infraware опубликовал приложение 2011-08-08
(обновлено 2013-05-02)

BT Reader application is a SMS reading application for LG bluetooth mono and stereo headset.
This application can be only connected to LG bluetooth mono or stereo headset that supports A2DP, This Application only works with LG Bluetooth headset devices and not with other manufactures headset devices.
This Application can be upgraded for the convenience of the user.

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