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Иконка для Monuments Of India 1.0

Monuments Of India (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-24
(обновлено 2011-08-24)

Tell Me About Monuments of India

* What was it like to go to a school where there were no books?
* What was it like to live in a time when there was no electricity?
* What was it like to ride into battle on a horse or an elephant?

These are questions that are answered by History. History is the story of long ago days.

The story of our earth and its people. How do we come to know these stories? There are many different storytellers, who can tell us tales of the past. They include books, records, people,...but one of the most important storytellers is Monuments.

Monuments are the structures or buildings left behind by our ancestors. These structures help us piece together important events of the past. When we see the Taj Mahal, we learn about the famous love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Similarly, the Bhimbetka caves give us an insight into the lives of the people living in India, thousands of years ago! This book is an attempt to familiarize children with our country’s rich
heritage, recorded by magnificent monuments.

Иконка для Secrets Of Good Living 1.0

Secrets Of Good Living (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-24
(обновлено 2011-08-24)

Secrets of Healthy & Disease-Free Living

Your body sends you a few signals to keep it fit and health. It is traying to tell you something about your diet and habits. Are you listning?

I am thankful to all my readers for their continued support which inspires me to share my knowledge. My books on home remedies titled under the series “Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe” have recieved an overwhelming response. Here is another attempt to help you lead a disease-free and healthy life through modern discoveries and time tested remedies.
– Nita Mehta

I owe a never ending debt of gratitude to God for His blessings in the completion of this book. There are not enough words to thank my husband Ajay and my daughter Shriya, my ‘Lucky Star’.
– Monika Seth

Иконка для Diabetes Cookbook 1.0

Diabetes Cookbook (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

Cookbook For Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Millions of diabetics live a long, healthy life by taking care of their day-to-day health, and so can you!

Diabetes thrives on obesity and physical inactivity. A healthy, well balanced diet with good food combinations will keep diabetes under control. The recipes have been specially created using vegetables, fruits, pulses and cereals, which help in keeping the blood sugar under control. Several recipes of fenugreek (methi), bitter gourd (karela), guava (amrood) and jamun - all good foods for diabetes will add variety and flavour in a diabetic meal. The recipes are low in calories and great in taste. The herbs and spices, which are good for a diabetic, are used in the recipes to enhance taste. We have tried to make the book complete by giving some home remedies at the end.

Иконка для Feng Shui For Office 1.0

Feng Shui For Office (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

Feng Shui For Your Office & Factory

Feng shui enables us to organize our office and factory in harmony with the forces of nature so that the Chi or life force energy has free movement. This results in the increase of productivity and prosperity.

Feng shui can benefit the office environment in many ways. Feng shui promotes job satisfaction and encourages healthy working relationships among colleagues to provide a stress-free environment in the office. This results in overall prosperity of the employees and the company. It can make the business function efficiently by gaining an advantage over competitors and gives individuals the winning edge over their rivals.

This book contains practical, easy-to-use tips which show that by making small changes in the office/factory, how you can attain wealth, health and prosperity.

Иконка для Growing Kids Cookbook 1.0

Growing Kids Cookbook (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

Recipes For Growing Kids Vegetarian

Each recipe in this book has been tried and tested. All the ingredients used are easily  available in every kitchen.

Apart from being easy-to-cook and good to eat, they are all very nutritive and healthy.

Now relax and watch your child grow up well!

Иконка для Beauty Cooking Home Tips 1.0

Beauty Cooking Home Tips (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

Great Ideas Beauty, Cooking & Household Tips

Great ideas will transform any woman into a special woman. Become simply beautiful by discovering the natural beauty secrets — Beauty Ideas. Win your man's heart through his stomach by learning all the tricks to cook a delicious meal — Cooking Tips. Lastly, give your family a caring home which is inviting, warm and comfortable, making it truly, home sweet home — Home-Keeping Pointers. Be a complete woman, a woman of substance!

All the ingredients required for the ideas/tips presented herein are available generally on your kitchen shelf or easily and readily available from general stores. These were always available but you never knew how to use them. This book guides you to make the best use of these.

Иконка для World Panchangam 2.2.6

World Panchangam (v. 2.2.6)

Karthik Krishnan опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

World Panchangam (Sanskrit pañcāṅgam ) is a Hindu astrological almanac, which follows traditional Indian cosmology, and presents important astronomical data in tabulated form.

Highlights of this app:

1. Calculated based on the precise dRuk-gaNita system.
2. Precise Rahu Kalam and Yema Gandam based on your location's Sunrise for the day. This is important because more often that not Rahu Kalam/Yema Gandam starts before the general timing and also may last longer.
3. Works when you are off-line too.

Panchangam in Sanskrit means '5 elements" of a day. They are:

Tithi - Ending Moment (EM) of elongation of the Moon, the lunar day , the angular relationship between Sun and Moon ( True Moon minus True Sun). One Tithi equals 12 degree difference between Moon and Sun.

Nakshatra - EM of asterism of the day, that is, the stellar mansion in which Moon is located for an observer on Earth. One Nakshatra equals 13 degrees:20 minutes. There are 27 Nakshatra in 360 degrees.

Yoga - EM of the angular relationship between Sun and Moon( True Moon plus True Sun). One Yoga equals 13 degrees:20 minutes. There are 27 Yogas in 360 degrees.

Karana - EM of half of a Tithi. One Karaṇa equals 6 degree difference between Moon and Sun.

Var weekday the seven weekdays.

Wolrd Panchangam provides all the above mentioned 5 elements plus Rahu Kalam, Yema Gandam as well as sunrise / sunset for a given day in Hindu Calendar for more than 350+ locations worldwide.

Иконка для Compost News 1.0

Compost News (v. 1.0)

HippyApps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

This is a collection of news stories on composting.  Tips, how to, DIY.

Иконка для 모바일114 1.1.2

모바일114 (v. 1.1.2)

world0802 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2013-05-28)

업종별 정보검색! 대한민국 대표 앱! “모바일114 ”
◈ 전화번호 찾을 때 국번 없이 114 다들 아시죠?
하지 만 이제부터 휴대폰에서는 여러분의 모바일114 앱이 언제 어디서나 가장 빠르고 쉬운 방법으로 여러분이 찾으시는 모든 업체의 정확한 위치와 대표번호(전화 바로하기 기능), 내·외부 시설 그리고 상세한 메뉴와 서비스 등을 정확하게 알려 드리겠습니다.

대한민국 대표 ! 업종별 정보검색 어플리케이션 “모바일114”의
다운로드는 무료입니다.

모바일114 앱 사용후기나 협력사 관련 펜션 방문 후기를 남겨주시는 분 중
총 114명을 추첨하여 푸짐한 상품을 드립니다.
경품 내용 :
1등-고성능 컴퓨터(1명)
2등-알톤 R8 자전거(1명)
3등-백화점 상품권 10만원(2명)
4등-백화점 상품권 5만원(10명)
5등-주유 상품권 5천원(100명)

◈ 모바일114는
나와 가까운 곳에 있거나 검색하고자 하는 지역에 있는 배달음식,맛집,학원,건강,미용,여행,숙박,쇼핑몰,병원,약국,대리운전,퀵서비스,택배,공공시설, 그 외에 안경점,스튜디오,꽃배달,이삿짐센터,부동산,자동차서비스센터,노래방,영화관과 같은 생활·편의와 밀접한 많은 업종의 구체적인 정보를 가장 빠르고 간단하게 알려드립니다.
◈ 모바일114에서는 일반 생활용품과 음식점,피부샵 등의 서비스를 정상가격에 비해 최소30%에서 최대51%까지 할인 받을 수 있는 쇼셜커머스 쇼핑몰(Day-Buy)을 이용 하실 수 있습니다.
◈ 모바일114와 다른 기존의 많은 앱은 제한된 업종만 소개하고 있어, 앱을 사용하는 사용자 입장에서는 업종별로 여러 종류의 앱을 다운로드 받아야 하는 불편함과 그에 따른 많은 용량을 사용해야 하는 부적절함을 감수해야 했습니다.
이에 “모바일114”는 업종검색에 대해서는 저희 “모바일114” 하나의 앱 만으로도 충분히 만족할 수 있는 다양하고 상세한 업종별 정보를 제공함으로써, 보다 나은 앱 서비스를 하고자 합니다.

◈ 모바일 114만의 특징

1. 모바일114 앱은 GPS위치기반 서비스를 통하여 현재 검색 위치에서 반경 4Km안에 있는 검색 정보를 알려드립니다.
2. 모바일114 앱은 00시 또는 00구 그리고 00동과 같은 어떠한 지역검색에도 정확한 검색 정보를 알려드립니다.(예:서울시,강남구,압구정동)
3. 모바일114 앱은 전화 바로하기 기능을 탑재하여 주문이나 상담 문의 시 불편함을 최소화 하였습니다.
4. 모바일114 앱은 업체별 할인쿠폰이나 포인트 적립의 기능으로 사용자의 알뜰한 구매를 지원합니다.
5. 모바일114 앱은 즐겨찾기 기능을 탑재하여 정보 재검색시 불편함을 최소화 하였습니다.
6. 모바일114 앱 에서는 다양한 프로모션과 이벤트를 통해 푸짐한 경품을 받으실 수 있습니다.
7. 모바일114 앱은 모바일 앱과 동일한 웹 페이지를 운영함으로써, 스마트폰이 없을 시에도 동일한 서비스를 받을 수 있습니다.
8.모바일114 앱은 리뷰와 평가기능을 통해 업체는 보다 나은 서비스 만들기에 노력하고, 소비자는 좋은 업체정보를 선택 공유할 수 있는 기준을 만들 것입니다.






































Google Maps,KakaoTalk,마이피플,네이버,naver,멜론,무료,무료배경,푸딩,얼굴인식,

싸이월드,바코드스캐너,알약,Talking Tom Cat Free,데몬헌터,서울버스,아프리카,

시력검사,오브제,전화번호,절,정관장등 ,정화조,제주등기타춘천,조경,조립식주택,족발,





타운스퀘어,타운페이지,타쿠등 쿠폰,탈모,태안,택배,날씨,위쳇,CGV,지하철 내비게이션,





필수추천,하숙,학교,학원,한복,한식,한의원,한의원,할인,할인점,할인정보,헤어, 톡톡, 톡톡생활, 톡톡 114

Иконка для 3D color Link 1.0.8

3D color Link (v. 1.0.8)

yama опубликовал приложение 2011-08-23
(обновлено 2011-08-23)

3D Live Wallpaper

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