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Иконка для HourColor-Arrow 2.0

HourColor-Arrow (v. 2.0)

HourColor опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

WARNING: you need to install the main HourColor-Widget or HourColor-App at first on your Smartphone before launching this HourColor-Arrow model app. Selection is done from the respectives HourColor menu.

HourColor Clocks re-define time within shapes and colors, to express 'duration' through a visual experience. Time becomes lively, playful and dynamic.

Иконка для Gay Marriage News 1.0

Gay Marriage News (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

Gay marriage, or same sex marriage, is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. Since 2001, ten countries and various other jurisdictions have begun legally formalizing same-sex marriages, and the recognition of such marriages is a civil rights, political, social, moral, and religious issue in many nations. The conflicts arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into marriage, be required to use a different status (such as a civil union, which either grant equal rights as marriage or limited rights in comparison to marriage), or not have any such rights. A related issue is whether the term marriage should be applied.

One argument in support of same-sex marriage is that denying same-sex couples legal access to marriage and all of its attendant benefits represents discrimination based on sexual orientation; several American scientific bodies agree with this assertion. Another argument in support of same-sex marriage is the assertion that financial, psychological and physical well-being are enhanced by marriage, and that children of same-sex couples benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union supported by society’s institutions.Court documents filed by American scientific associations also state that singling out gay men and women as ineligible for marriage both stigmatizes and invites public discrimination against them. The American Anthropological Association avers that social science research does not support the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon not recognizing same-sex marriage. Other arguments for same-sex marriage are based upon what is regarded as a universal human rights issue, mental and physical health concerns, equality before the law, and the goal of normalizing LGBT relationships.Al Sharpton and several other authors attribute opposition to same-sex marriage as coming from homophobia or heterosexism and liken prohibitions on same-sex marriage to past prohibitions on interracial marriage.

One argument against same-sex marriage arises from a rejection of the use of the word "marriage" as applied to same-sex couples, as well as objections about the legal and social status of marriage itself being applied to same-sex partners under any terminology. Other stated arguments include direct and indirect social consequences of same-sex marriages, parenting concerns, religious grounds, and tradition.

Иконка для Masjid & Halal Finder 1.3

Masjid & Halal Finder (v. 1.3)

Faeez S. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

What does it take to find all nearby mosques & all nearby halal food joints? One-tap!

Upgraded! Maps & Navigation added.

Works all over the world.

The 'Masjid & Halal' finder will search all nearby masjids & halal food stores & restaurants based on your current location, and present to you their address, distance, travel time and their phone numbers. You can call these places from within the application. The places are not stored on your phone neither are they shipped with the app. The places are dynamically loaded based on your current location, and will change whenever your location changes.
You can always 'Refresh' from the menu button of your phone.

You can also use this app to make Da'wa to your friends and others by sharing information on the masjids and halal joints, by accessing the 'Make Dawah' feature through the 'Menu' button of your phone. Note that standard texting charges may apply.


Иконка для HourColor-Widget 2.9

HourColor-Widget (v. 2.9)

HourColor опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2013-06-21)

WARNING: all single HourColor clock models can't run without installing at first HourColor-Widget or HourColor-App. All choice of models are made from the respective HourColor menus.

HourColor Clocks re-define time within shapes and colors, to express 'duration' through a visual experience. Time becomes lively, playful and dynamic.

Иконка для Christianity in the News 1.0

Christianity in the News (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2011-09-05)

Christianity and Christians in the news and around the world in this volitale social and political climate. We hope this is useful in helping people of different cultures and religions to have a greater understanding of each other

Иконка для Animal Rights 1.0

Animal Rights (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2011-09-05)

Animal rights, abuse, PETA, criminal abuse, animal testing, this app will keep you current on animal rights. Free the cows! BA3/11

Иконка для Schardein & Company 0.0.1

Schardein & Company (v. 0.0.1)

3 Monkeys App Design опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2011-09-05)

Schardein & Company goes Mobile

Maximize your Schardein & Company experience with Schardein & Company Mobile featuring online appointment requests!

Schardein & Co is a trend-setting hair salon in Oklahoma City. We are dedicated to exceptional customer service. We provide you with top of the line stylists that are educated and prepared to provide you with a service that will exceed your expectations.  Our App gives details about our salon including staff info, services & products offered, the "Latest Look", monthly specials, and the ability to request an appointment.

Always on the cutting edge with our experience and technology, this App extends our customer service focus making your experience with Schardein & Company more pleasant and convenient than ever before.  Enjoy this App and be sure to Tell a Friend!

Иконка для 배달 오페라몬 3.07

배달 오페라몬 (v. 3.07)

구리교차로 опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2013-06-21)

난! 배달주문할때마다 ~~
01. 적립금받고
   (적립금 가맹업소에 주문시 100원~1,000원 적립금누적)
   - 1,000원 이상 누적시 현금으로 환급 및 할인권변환 사용가능
02. 할인권받고
   (주문시 1,000원 D/C 할인권)
   - 25명당 1명에게 1,000원 할인권 지급
03. 참여복권받고
   (500만원 이상의 참여복권)
   - 2012년 12월 1일 기준 누적당첨금 5,191,400원
04. 경품까지 받는다.!
   (12월 경품이벤트 내용)
    - 티켓몬스터 입점기념 경품 이벤트
- 배달어플 최초! 티몬과 오페라몬이 함께 합니다.
    EVENT. 1
    * 12월 한달간 오페라몬을 통한 배달주문 사용자중 추첨을 통해 푸짐한 선물을 드립니다.
        오! : 롯데백화점 상품권(10만원) – 1명
        페! : VIPS샐러드바 이용권(1인2매) – 3명
        라! : 베스킨라빈스 아이스그림케익(교환권) – 5명
        몬! : 롯데시네마 영화예매권(1인2매) – 10명
     * 배달주문시 즉시 할인받을 수 있는 3,000원 할인권을 드립니다.
       (2012년 12월 18일~24일까지)

“실속있고 스마트한 배달어플”
혜택이 팡팡!  선물이 펑펑! 맛있는 주문 배달 오페라몬
치킨/피자/중식/족발/보쌈/한식/야식등의 배달주문은
배달 오페라몬으로 실속있게 주문하세요.
정확하고 생생한 정보는 기본!
배달 오페라몬을 통한 배달주문 할때마다
엄청난 혜택과 선물이 있다!
-적립금(적립금가맹업소에 전화주문시)/오페라몬할인권/이벤트경품권/참여복권-
배달주문만 되는 배달어플….
티도 안나는 포인트가 쌓인다는 배달어플…..
실속있는 혜택과 선물을 드리는 배달 오페라몬~!
어떤 배달어플을 사용하시겠습니까?
배달오페라몬입니다. !
실속있는 혜택과 선물을 찾는 배고픈 사용자들이여~~!
만족하실만한 혜택과 기쁨을 드리겠습니다.

★☆★▶배달 오페라몬 소개◀★☆★
사용자의 위치를 기반으로
배달음식점의(치킨/피자/중국집/족발/보쌈/야식/분식/한식 등)
정확하고 생생한 배달주문정보를 드리는 것은 기본!
이를 사용하는 사용자에게 배달주문 할때마다 실속있는 혜택과 선물을 드리는 스마트폰 배달 어플리케이션입니다.

★☆★▶배달 오페라몬 기능◀★☆★
- 매장검색: 가까운순, 인기순, 적립금순, 가나다순으로 사용자의 위치로부터 2km내의 업체가                 검색됩니다. 상세정보에서는 업소의 전화번호, 주소, 메뉴소개 및 이벤트 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다
*가까운순: 사용자의 위치에서 반경2km 이내 업체입니다
*가나다순: 검색지역내 업체를 가나다순으로 정렬합니다.
*적립금순: 검색지역내 업체중 적립금순으로 정렬합니다.
*인기순 : 검색지연내 인기주문 업체입니다.
- 통화내역: 최근 주문한 매장의 통화시간을 확인할 수 있으며 빠른 전화주문이 가능 합니다.
- 즐겨찾기: 즐겨찾는 업소를 등록하여 보다 편리하게 주문 할 수 있습니다.
- 전화걸기: 전화걸기를 누르면 매장으로 바로 연결됩니다.
- 지도보기: 업소의 위치를 지도를 통해 자세히 확인할 수 있습니다.
- 위치설정: 배달오페라몬은 사용자의 위치를 기반으로 가맹업소를 검색하지만
사용자의 선택에 따라 위치를 추가하여 자주 찾는 지역을 등록할 수 있어 편리합니다

★☆★▶배달 오페라몬의 혜택◀★☆★
“난 배달주문할때마다 받고,받고, 또~ 받는다!

사용자가 배달오페라몬을 통한 배달주문시 적립금 가맹업소에 정상주문전화를 하면
해당가맹업소에서 사용자에게 적립금을 제공합니다.
(적립금액은 적립금가맹업소에 따라 1회 100원~1,000원까지 적립됨)
▶사용가능한 적립금이 1,000원 이상일 때 1회 5,000원까지 현금으로 환급 및
  오페라몬할인권으로 변환할수있습니다.
  -현금환급: 사용자가 알려준 계좌번호로 환급을 요청하면 확인후 다음날
             오페라몬 본사에서 입금해드립니다.
  -오페라몬 할인권변환: 사용가능한 적립금을 배달주문시 사용하고자할 때
                        오페라몬할인권으로 변환하여 사용합니다.
-오페라몬 할인권
오페라몬에서 현금과 사용과 동일한 할인쿠폰으로
사용자가 배달오페라몬을 통해 배달오페라몬에 등록된 충전가맹업소에
(어플화면에 EVENT가맹점으로 표시된 업소가 충전가맹업소입니다.)
전화주문을 하면 오페라몬할인권 응모권이 제공이 되며
추첨을 통해 사용자에게 무료로 발행되는 상품권입니다.
(어플화면에 가맹점으로 표시된 업소가 충전가맹업소입니다.)
오페라몬 할인권은 할인권사용에 동의한 가맹업소에 사용이 가능하며
배달오페라몬 어플이 설치된 사용자에게 선물을 할수있고
작은 나눔을 실천할수있도록 사회단체에 본인전화번화로 기부가 가능합니다.
사용자가 배달오페라몬을 통해 충전가맹업소에 전화주문을 하면
이벤트경품 응모권이 발행되며 추첨을 통해 경품이 제공됩니다.
사용자가 배달오페라몬을 통해 배달오페라몬에 등록된 충전가맹업소에
전화주문을 하면 오페라몬 시스템을 통해 사용자에게 무료로 발행되는
행운의 복권서비스입니다.
정상주문시 사용자에게 제공되는 참여복권은 로또복권과 같은 6/45 번호가
자동제공되며 해당주의 로또복권 1등 당첨번호를 기준으로
당첨자를 선발하여 적립된 참여복권금액을 제공합니다.

→ 배달 오페라몬 어플리케이션
* 배달오페라몬에 대한 문의사항이 있으시면 고객센타(070-7122-4770)로

Иконка для My Girlfriends... 1.94

My Girlfriends... (v. 1.94)

TO опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2013-06-21)

Does the world of women look to you like chaos?  With this application you might get a glimpse into this chaos, and a feeling that you somehow understand what is going on with your girlfriends, or with your wife. All you have to do to start is to enter two period dates of your girlfriend and you will get the first mood information and mood predictions for each day in the next months. Would she like to get a baby, is live o.k., or maybe it is better to shut up and say nothing because of her PMS? Women love when we know when the next period is coming. This application is a must for every guy - ideal for planing romantic dates, vacations or just to know what is going on with the woman you think you know.

Key features:
- possibility to define more than one girlfriend
- girlfriend data entry can be linked with a Contact Entry of your phone
- possibility to call or text girlfriend directly from the application
- mood predictions for current and future months based on period dates.
- girlfriend rating feature
- girlfriend's mood display during incoming calls. You can always decide if you want to pick up or not..
- sending period dates via Email - just in case she needs them
- custom mood descriptions. You can set your own descriptions for all moods
- password protection
- possibility to define a custom length of PMS
- 'It's official'  feature - possibility to mark one girlfriend as the special one
- Official mode - show only the official girlfriend in the app
- Notes feature allowing you to enter for each girlfriend things important to remember about her  - her favorite drinks, flowers, anniversaries and so on
-Data backup/restore to SD card

- supported languages: English, German, Polish

Tags: girlfriend, woman, period, PMS, fertility calendar, menstruation

Иконка для LotoApuestas 1.09.02

LotoApuestas (v. 1.09.02)

andromedesoft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2013-06-21)

LotoApuestas is a complete manager for all official Spanish draws.
It allows you to store your main bets (it´s very usual that people always bet the same numbers)
and the app checks them. So users know the amount of money they have won inmediatly.
Other useful information: "Botes" (it´s said, accumulative prizes for every draw),
historical referency of draws, random bet generation, statistics about more frecuent numbers,
and info about football clasification.
It includes Euromillions (all Europe game) too.
Download LotoApuestas and... Good luck!

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