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Иконка для SeaSharp 1.5

SeaSharp (v. 1.5)

Adit Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2013-08-08)

SeaSharp is an interactive learning system for all sea sports enthusiasts and marine professionals. It is of particular help to anyone studying RYA courses (Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore, Essential Navigation, Power Boat, Safety Boat, Etc.) and the new theory courses for Sea Kayakers.

SeaSharp helps you to become familiar with:

· The pattern of lights shown on vessels at night.
· The shapes shown on vessels during the day.
· The colours and shapes of buoys as seen by day and night, including light patterns.
· Sound signals made by vessels in fog and on other occasions.
· How the IRPCS* should be applied to possible collision situations.
· The Beaufort scale, weather symbols and common meteorological terms.

The app can be used in pure revision mode, or to display multiple-choice options, with a scoring system – should you stay onshore, or are you “Sea Sharp”.

Please note that marine navigational systems are not standardised worldwide. Our understanding is that the cardinal system is universal, but the lateral system is divided into two regions. Most countries operate with the port (red) buoys showing on the left hand side when entering a channel with an incoming tide, but in the Americas, the system is reversed.

SeaSharp supports the IALA A, AND IALA B buoyage systems.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented by this App, it should only be used as a learning aid, and not to replace course materials and official publications.

The developer welcomes any information about possible inaccuracies, and, of course, suggestions for improvements.

*International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea

We would like to respond positively to any comments from users, and improve the app where possible. Currently, there are only two broadly negative reviews:

"Didn' t help, perhaps they inhabit adifferent part of the time space continuim"

Not sure how to respond here as there is very little to go on.

"Poor for a purchased App. As a professional mariner there are a lot of there are many points missing. This App needs much more work done on it."

A very frustrating comment from a developer viewpoint. The reviewer may have some valid criticisms, and the app could perhaps be improved by addressing the 'many points missing', but there is no clue as to what these might be.

Иконка для JohnnyBGood-Lite 1.4

JohnnyBGood-Lite (v. 1.4)

Gizmoquip опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

About JohnnyBGood (child behavior tracking)
Encourage positive virtues such as daily chores and sharing and discourage negative behaviors such as laziness, and talking back with JohnnyBGood.  JohhnBGood equips parents or educators with an easy to use tool for assigning and tracking tasks and behaviors.  Each child earns a score for the week based on how well he or she completed the tasks and behaved.  You can use the pre-defined tasks and behaviors or create your own.

How it works
JohnnyBGood uses a point system for tracking tasks and behaviors.   The points are earned on a daily basis and are used to calculate the score for the week.
Tasks are the things that children are expected to do on a regular basis, for example tasks might include daily chores, making bed, brushing teeth and doing schoolwork.  Weekly tasks might include going to church, collecting dirty laundry, etc.  Tasks can be scheduled for any day of or all days the week.  Each task has a point value that is awarded to the child for completing the task each time it is due.
Behaviors are the unplanned things that kids do and can be positive or negative.  When your child does something that warrants recognition or reprimand you are just a few seconds away from recording the event and moving on.  Behavior points are positive for good behaviors like helping others or sharing, and negative for bad behaviors like talking back or fighting.  The behavior points modify the score for the day and for the week to rate the child overall.
Paper based point systems have long been used to encourage positive behavior in children.  The primary challenges with paper based behavior systems is the time required for the manual calculations and destruction or sabotage of publicly displayed charts by difficult or defiant children.  With JohhnyBGood for Android, recording task completion and behaviors is takes only a few seconds and the scoring happens automatically.  
Don’t be surprised if your young child starts to get excited about doing their daily tasks just so they can see more stars on their weekly summary page.

The Lite version of JohnnyBGood is limited to 1 child and 10 daily tasks.

Иконка для ‘You’ And Your ‘Queries’ 1.0

‘You’ And Your ‘Queries’ (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

‘You’ And Your ‘Queries’

The book You and Your Queries as a whole, and the answers will form a part of the General Knowledge: basic and essential for Existence; Growth; Stability; Peace; Health; Pleasure and Bliss, the most important things to avoid extinction and for continuity of life on the Mother Earth.

From where does one start one's journey may have its importance but where does one reach, where does one terminate one's journey, or where the journey is terminated, with what ability and what aspirations and resolutions, achievements and accomplishments, is more important and has greater value and impact on the next journey, next life and the final outcome. With the book You and Your Queries start the journey from the starting point and reach the final stage, the terminal with adequate patience and exuberant pleasure, pursuing all the pursuits: Physical, Religious, Spiritual and Sublime in a controlled and balanced way to get utmost satisfaction in life and Moksha after death.

Иконка для Welcome Homeopathy 1.0

Welcome Homeopathy (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

Welcome Homeopathy

This book has dealt with ailments not amenable to allopathic treatment. It has also dealt with the subject of Diseases created by Allopathic treatment are worst than the original disease.
The book is the first of its kind to deal with comparative result of allopathic and homeopathic treatment.

This is the only book which mentions homeopathic treatment for side effects of indispensable drugs used for heart ailments or other life threatening diseases.

The common disease mentioned are children ailments like adenoids, sinus and bronchial asthma.

Woman disease like meno and postmenopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularities, autoimmune disease (arthritis, colitis and eczema) have been prescribed.

Ovarian cysts, obesity caused by hormonal treatment for period irregularity or birth pills have been dealt with.

The interesting chapter has been written on disease caused by allopathic and homeopathic treatment so the patients are on guard against pitfalls of treatment.

Because of comparative knowledge, both branches of medicine have been applied to its best advantage.

Depression, stress and anxiety have been dealt at length.

Иконка для Vodka Shot And Beer Mug 1.0

Vodka Shot And Beer Mug (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

Vodka Shot And Beer Mug

To unfold the truth all it takes is a Vodka Shot & Beer Mug. On one such night Anurag and Kanika, two old friends meet at a corporate reunion party and rediscover their bonds of friendship. In their web of discussions they introduce us to:

The Princess with the wild streak.....

The Hideous Beast that resides in a dejected lover...

The Cuddle Bunny with an insatiable thirst...

The Pied Piper who was overwhelmed by the result of his own charm.

The woman with the hidden Scorpion Sting...
Two Lost Lover...

A night filled with events that would bring them face to face with their worst fears. Do they overcome it or succumb to it?

Иконка для The Best Is Yet To Be 1.0

The Best Is Yet To Be (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

The Best Is Yet To Be

When a person achieves a certain amount of fame, he thinks that everything is over and that he has come to the end of the road. He must realise that there is a lot more to do as THE BEST IS YET TO BE. Winning or losing is not in the hands of fate, it is in our own hands. We can win if we think we can, no body can stop us from doing that.

Иконка для The God Who Failed! 1.0

The God Who Failed! (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

The God Who Failed! (An Ad Honcho's Tale Of Love, Dedication And Sacrifice)

This is a story about a young British executive whose genius in the world of advertising has caused ripples everywhere. He is a maverick creator of ideas, his vision unparalleled. A rising star in the world of advertising, he is a workaholic.

But he has a past, a past riddled with death of a loved one, lost love and guilt. All this along with his maddening love for creativity hurls him in the vicious claws of fate. And as fate would have it what follows is a heart-tearing story of his fall.

This is a tale of love, dedication and sacrifice. A brilliance undone by love.

Иконка для The Red Corridor 1.0

The Red Corridor (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

The Red Corridor

The plot is very promising and so is the context against which the drama plays itself out. Nepal with its political upheavals, problems of insurgencies and uprisings, infiltration of refugees into India are very relevant in today’s times. This part has been explained quite well.

- Kanishka Gupta, author of History of Hate,

longlisted for Man Asian Literary Prize, 2009

Over years, thousands of Nepalese have migrated to India for livelihood. Nepal too has a sizeable Indian presence. It is difficult to capture the complexities of adjusting to a new land. Ritu Dokania has attempted this with dexterity.

- Rajendar Menen, author of Karma Sutra-Essays from the Margin

Ramu, a typical Bihari servant, loves to flash his red torch light on the images of voluptuous heroines in the cinema hall and disparages foreign cuisine. He plays Lakshman during the Ramlila festivities, grudging the importance given to Hanuman. Could he be a murderer?

Timila thinks so and interrogates him thinking about their interwoven lives in Chennai. Timila, an expatriate from Nepal, is branded Nepali-girl-with-no brains by her new, urban friends in Chennai. She is mocked since she cannot comprehend western social etiquette. She falls in love with Manian, a Tamilian businessman obsessed with medical research, who tries to cure her facial flaws. In alien Chennai, she meets Ramu, Manian’s servant who incidentally hails from her hometown.

The riots in Nepal flared up by the Madhesis, the Indian-origin-inhabitants of Nepal, thwart the fledgling relationship between Ramu and Timila, who are two Madhesis uprooted and treated shoddily by an unfamiliar world. Manian and Timila find love and success in Chennai when suddenly death comes knocking.... Can Timila find a satisfying denouement?

Иконка для The Wheel Turned (A Novel) 1.0

The Wheel Turned (A Novel) (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

The Wheel Turned (A Novel)

It is the dawn of the 1960's. Meena is married to Anand, an army officer, and Jives with him at an army cantonment in the verdant hills of Dharamshala. But their life together turns upside down when the unit is suddenly called to resist the Chinese in the North East. Anand goes to war and never returns. There is no news of him, nor is his body found. Has he been killed? Did he abscond from the battlefield? Was he captured alive?

As her family and friends prepare her for the worst, Meena remains staunch in her belief that Anand would have fought like a brave soldier and would be safe somewhere, and would return to her some day.

weeks turn into months and the months into years. Another man enters her life, but Meena is not ready for this relationship, convinced that Anand will come back. She clings to her dreams and her most precious possession, an old Tibetan prayer wheel, becomes her happiness ones and it would again show its magical powers.

This is the story of a soldier's pride and courage on the battlefield and of a woman's faith and commitment; the story of tireless waiting and endless believing. Told with deep sensitivity, understanding and gentle to a heartrending climax. When the wheel turns, only Destiny known who will be at the top...

Иконка для Wake up!! Alarm 1.0

Wake up!! Alarm (v. 1.0)

dlrhslf опубликовал приложение 2011-10-02
(обновлено 2011-10-02)

★★Temporary problems after the update,
please reinstall the program delete.★★
Setting an alarm as the voice of a loved one

Do lot of sleep?
(Setting an alarm as the voice of a loved one)
<< Don't Kill process!! >>
New Concept Quiz Alarm!!
You want to create problem. and solving.
Two things at the same time(General alarm and Quiz alarm)
Now do not be late.

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