Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4271-4280 из 17250
Иконка для 영유아 백과 v1.5 1.1

영유아 백과 v1.5 (v. 1.1)

Itive Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

영유아 백과 1.5 버전입니다. 추후 2.0으로 대대적인 업데이트를 위해 새롭게 배포 하였습니다. 현재 질병백과 및 심리백과 2세편까지 완료되었고 빠르게 업데이트 될 예정입니다.

기존의 영유아 백과는 다운받지 마시고 버전업 된 1.5버전으로 다운로드 해주세요. 현재는 큰 차이점이 없으나 2.0에서 완전 달라진 모습으로 업데이트 될 예정입니다.

유아 영유아 키즈 교육 육아 영아 백과 심리 질병 교육 놀이 임신 출산

Иконка для Management In Poultry Farms 1.0

Management In Poultry Farms (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

Management In Small Poultry Farms

During the last few years, small commercial poultry farms were concerned over the bullish trend in feed prices, unfavourable egg feed-price ratio, choice of technology and lack of proper infrastructural facilities for egg production and marketing. This study highlights some of the important structural characteristics of small poultry farms and suggests ways and means of improving economics of these as well as areas of intervention by the Government.

Иконка для Marma Treatment 1.0

Marma Treatment (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

Massage Therapy for Diseases of Vital Areas Marma Treatment

In Ayurveda Marmas are mentioned. Susruta Samhita deals with Marmas elaborately. Those who practice Ayurvedic Massage should have the general knowledge about Marmas. Now-a-days the Acharyas of Kalari Payattu (Martial Art) know the Marmas and the Marma treatment.

By massage Marmas are protected and also activated. Some diseases can be treated or controlled by activating the Marmas. There are 19 Marmas which are damaged. The prognosis is sudden death due to diminution of fire of the body. So those Marmas should be well protected. Vishalyaghna Marmas (3) are also very difficult to treat if anything is stuck on those points because by removing the foreign matter from the body the wound causes the air to escape and the contact with the Marma is lost.

In olden days the Ayurvedic doctors had the knowledge of some Marma points where they used to press and the patient became unconscious and the surgery was done. After the operation another marma point where they used to press and the patient regained his consciousness.

If any Marma is damaged the body gets some trouble. If Marmas are well activated some diseases can be cured. It is well mentioned in this book.

Иконка для Glimpses Of Art 1.0

Glimpses Of Art (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

Glimpses Of Art, Architecture And Buddshist Literature In Ancient India

The glimpses of art, architecture and culture of ancient India are alluring and multi-faceted. It is the complex of ideas, perceptions and developed aesthetics that exist generally in Indian culture. Schematically presented, they build up in retrospect picturesque panorama of Indian culture of the past days. The present book embodies selective research papers of Dr. Krishna Murthy diversifying various aspects of the subject, written with wonted scholarship and sensitivity discussed in this book many fascinating topics of varied interests. For this, the author has divided the book into three major sections, namely, art, architecture and literature. He has brilliantly examined the interesting subjects like Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, Hariti, Basaratha Jataka etc. The topics on coiffures, musical instruments like lyre, Sambuca, Abdgra dance tradition are the telling examples of the gay and sportive days of India’s past, Similarly, the discussion on Buddhist and Hindu shrines forms the highlight of the study. The section on literature mainly dealing with Buddhist religious literature throws ample light on the activities and sects of Buddhism in South India in its heydays.

This volume is the outcome of Dr. Krishna Murthy’s three decades of persevered industry and indefatigable research. This book is bound to be are authoritative, major indological tome for lovers of art and Indology alike.

Иконка для Aqua Portimão 1

Aqua Portimão (v. 1)

Orealys опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

O Centro Comercial Aqua Portimão, junto à principal via de entrada em Portimão, abriu ao público em Abril de 2011. O Centro possui 35.500 m² de Área Bruta Locável (ABL), repartidos por 3 pisos comerciais de onde se destacam o hipermercado Jumbo, a loja Primark e a loja H&M. O empreendimento compreende ainda um parque de estacionamento gratuito distribuído por 3 pisos abaixo do solo com capacidade para 1.800 viaturas e está aberto ao público diariamente, entre as 09h00 e as 24h00. O Centro Comercial tem uma localização privilegiada, situando-se na confluência de uma rede de acessibilidades de primeira ordem no Algarve, a EN125 ou a A22, as principais vias de aceso à cidade de Portimão.
Copyright Galae 2011

Иконка для Lotto Deutschland 9.7

Lotto Deutschland (v. 9.7)

flanger опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2013-10-31)

Deutsche Lottozahlen 6 aus 49

Die App für die deutschen Lottozahlen.
- Direkt und Übersichtlich.
- Infos Pur.

- Glücksspirale
- Toto
- Keno
- Eurolotto

ALLES auf einen Blick!!!

Navigation über Swipe (wischen rechts / links)

Иконка для 자동차궁합보기 ; 내운명의차는? 1.1

자동차궁합보기 ; 내운명의차는? (v. 1.1)

CombineStore опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

내 운명의 자동차를 알아보는 심심풀이 테스트 어플리케이션입니다.
믿거나?! 말거나?! 심심할때 한번씩 하세요^^

과연 나에 자동차는 어떤 걸까??
모두들 재미 삼아 참여해보시고 많은 조언과 댓글 부탁 드립니다.
앞으로 더욱더 발전 된 모습으로 찾아 뵙겠습니다.

업그레이드 필요한 부분은 알려주시면
빠르게 수정해서 업그레이드 하겠습니다.
문의 사항 및 궁금한 사항 있으시면 연락주세요.

홈페이지 : www.comapps.co.kr
개발자 이메일 : comesgood@naver.com

Иконка для VELUX Skylight Planner 1.1

VELUX Skylight Planner (v. 1.1)

SnapShop Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

Visualize your home bathed in the natural, beautiful light of a VELUX skylight. The VELUX Skylight Planner app makes it easy.

It gives you the ability to add, see, manipulate and share the dramatic difference a skylight can make in your home.

Simply go into your living space, open the catalog and select a skylight product. Next, select the camera icon and size the skylight to fit the space. Then snap a shot to view and share the way natural light from above can transform a room.

· Browse and learn about VELUX skylights and SUN TUNNEL™ skylights.
· Preview different sizes and configurations, including interior and exterior views, by using our intuitive controls to position skylights in your live camera, on our provided image, or on an image from your camera gallery.

**Not all Android devices support this application. Requirements include:
Android version 2.1 or higher
Minimum of 512MB RAM
Works best with a Wi-Fi connection

Иконка для 사랑의 열매 1.1

사랑의 열매 (v. 1.1)

nanumin опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

사회복지공동모금회에서 나눔의 문화를 확산과 참여를 위해 모바일 어플리케이션을 출시하였습니다.
모바일 어플리케이션은 위치 기반 서비스를 사용하여 착한 가게를 손쉽게 찾아 착한 소비를 통해 간접적인 나눔을 실천하고 신용카드와 ARS를 이용하여 직접적으로 나눔에 참여하실 수 있습니다.
여러분들을 따듯한 마음을 어플리케이션에 담아 나누어 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

사랑의 열매 소개 : 사회복지 공동모금회에 대한 일반 정보 제공
나눔SNS : @nanumin(사랑의열매 트위터 계정)과 관련된 사랑의 열매 트윗내용 제공
사랑의 열매 키우기 : 착한 물품을 구매하면서 가상 기부액을 정해서 목표를 달성하면 사랑의 열매가 맺히는 게임과 착한 물품 소개
나눔실천 : ARS, 무통장입금, 신용카드를 통해 나눔을 실천하실 수 있습니다.

* 이전 버전 사용자는 삭제 후 재설치 부탁드립니다.

Иконка для BIPA 1.0.7

BIPA (v. 1.0.7)

BIPA Parfümerien GmbH опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
(обновлено 2011-11-21)

Die BIPA App ist da!

Jetzt neu und gratis!
Hol' dir jetzt die BIPA App! Viele coole und informative Features warten auf dich!

BIPA, die moderne Welt von Beauty und Home Care… In deiner BIPA Welt findest du alles, was schön macht - angefangen von neuesten Beauty- und Kosmetiktrends bis hin zu modischer Underwear.

Am „Walk of Beauty“ versammeln sich nicht nur internationale Größen, wie L’Oréal, Rimmel oder Bourjois, sondern auch die beliebten und erfolgreichen BIPA Eigenmarken, wie LOOK BY BIPA, iQ COSMETICS oder B.STYLED.

Was erwartet dich in der mobilen Welt von BIPA?

Features im Detail:

Du möchtest wissen, wie viele BonusPunkte du gesammelt hast? Kein Problem! Einfach Kundennummer eingeben und den BonusPunkte Stand abfragen.

Anschließend kannst du gleich nachsehen, wie du deine BonusPunkte am besten einlösen kannst. Weiters erfährst du hier, welche Markenprodukte du mit deiner BIPACard besonders günstig erhältst.

Wann sind die nächsten BabyDays und wie kann ich mein Kleines zum schlafen bringen? Mit deiner BIPA App bleibst du immer up to date - alle Infos zu den BabyDays sowie spannende Gute-Nacht-Geschichten kannst du direkt über die BIPA App abrufen.

It’s hot, it’s new… Und du musst „es“ haben? Mit deiner BIPA App versäumst du in Sachen Beauty, Make-up und Pflege keinen einzigen Trend mehr!

Styling Zone:
Lust auf eine neue Frisur? Bevor Schere und Farbe zum Einsatz kommen kannst du die neuesten Trendfrisuren mit dem Mobile Hairstyler gleich auf deinem Smartphone ausprobieren.

Rot, Blau, Gelb, Weiß, Pink oder doch lieber Grün? Teste den Mobile Nailpolish aus und male deine Nägel nach Lust und Laune an – zusätzlich bekommst du Produktempfehlungen zu deiner gewählten Farbe.

Fun Zone:
Heiße Dates oder doch eher Liebesflaute? Erfahre wöchentlich, wie die Sterne in Sachen Liebe, Erfolg und Glück für dich stehen!

Bunte Wallpapers… Trendige BIPA Sujets peppen jeden Bildschirmhintergrund auf.

Shopping-Fieber… Wo befindet sich die nächste BIPA Filiale? Einfach PLZ/Ort eingeben und los geht’s!

Tipp für alle, die mehr wollen: Mit dem Augmented Reality Feature deiner BIPA App bekommst du die nächstgelegenen BIPA Filialen direkt auf dein Smartphone eingeblendet. Einfach Kamera aktivieren, Suchradius einstellen und schon wird die Filialsuche zum puren Entertainment.

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