Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3371-3380 из 17250
Иконка для D-CLOCK 2.0.2

D-CLOCK (v. 2.0.2)

alnetz опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)



Иконка для KU 입학 1.09

KU 입학 (v. 1.09)

UWAY опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

건국대학교는 세계가 알아주고 세계인이 찾아오는 단 하나의 대학, The Only One Glocal University를 향해 힘차게 뛰고 있습니다.
성신의,진실한 인성, 멀리보고 높게 바라보는 안목.
실천하는 지성인의 가치를 지닌 스마트하고 당당한 인재를 배출하는 대학.
세계적 석학들이 당신의 꿈과 함께 합니다.
여러분을 응원합니다.

변화를 선도하는 스마트 대학, 세계가 주목하는 글로컬 대학
SMART KU - The Only One Glocal University 건국대학교

Иконка для Prenatal Movement And Response 2.1

Prenatal Movement And Response (v. 2.1)

Figspops опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

Her voice rose at the end, turning her sentence into a question.

She used to be a few weeks shy of the second trimester of her 2nd successful pregnancy. Exuberantly curious, she sought ratification for her awareness. Whitney was more assured with this baby than her first, but on the issue of whether she in reality could detect her child's movement, she was doubtful.

The delivery of Whitney's first kid was by caesarean section. At the time, and now in afterthought, she criticized the process. It had roused a lengthened and re-occurring experience of loss. She knew that she wished to deliver her 2nd kid vaginally, and that her doctor would object.

These were the thoughts dancing in Whitney's mind when she inquired about feeling movement. "No, that is impossible. It's doubtless just gas," Dr. Carlson expounded, with a sweet, rapt grin. Whitney truly liked her doctor.

Please find out more in our free App. Thanks for downloading.

Иконка для Harem Thief 1.1.6

Harem Thief (v. 1.1.6)

Vipos Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

Dating game:
Flirt, meet people and compete in a role playing game of harem master/mistress and servants. Harem masters capture sexy girls and mistresses conquer boys.

Game of conquest, strategy, passion, domination and submission. Messaging, flowers, gifts, discussions, leaderboards. Rankings of profile popularity and play success as investors and conquerers.

Quick game tip:

After you buy or conquer someone, you need to protect them with guards ( option Assets - Guards ) or by hiding them ( tap Thief icon ). Without protection, your competitors will take them away very quickly.

Иконка для Alkoměr 1.0.2

Alkoměr (v. 1.0.2)

Tomas Vitek опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)

Rádi si s přáteli dáte skleničku, či dvě? Chtěli byste vědět, kolik máte promile alkoholu v krvi? Zajímá Vás, kolik jste vypili čistého alkoholu? Nepamatujete si, co jste včera pili? Máte rádi grafy? Na tyto i mnohé další otázky Vám odpoví Alkoměr.

Alkoměr je aplikace, do které přidáváte alkoholické nápoje tak, jak je pijete. Alkoměr Vám poté vypočítává v reálném čase kolik máte promile, a za jak dlouho budete střízliví. Ale umí toho mnohem více. K dispozici jsou přehledné statistiky, i s grafy.

Pijte s rozumem!

Иконка для Happy Hour Shaker 1.4

Happy Hour Shaker (v. 1.4)

DroidJedi опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Going out for a drink at Happy Hour?  

Just shake the phone to get a random selection of alcoholic drinks.  Cocktails and shooters are included.  Recipes are listed just in case you want to make at home or maybe the bartender hasn't heard of the drink you are requesting!

Don't order a RUM and COKE!  Impress your co-workers, friends, classmates and dates with your wide knowledge of drinks!

Shake for Fun!

Please email me if you have questions or comments.  aw@chowtunes.com

Keywords: drink recipes,cocktails,drinksmixer,alcoholic drinks,coffee,recipes,recipes for making cocktails,food,diet,nutrition,education,bar,bartender,glasses

Иконка для Secret of Success 1.0

Secret of Success (v. 1.0)

Premanand опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Secret of Success is a free app (Limited time only) which will help you to get anything you wish in life using 3 simple steps. It is also a vedic secret as explained in many ancient books like Bhagawad gita.

Note this is not a religious app. This secret can be applied to every one.

It is a handy app and keep it in your mobile and open the app everyday to finetune your action.

All the best

Иконка для Pizza Time Italian Restaurant 2.3

Pizza Time Italian Restaurant (v. 2.3)

Mobile Bytes опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

One of the first pizzerias to open in Coral Springs, FL, Pizza Time continues to set the standard by serving quality pies and robust Italian specialties in a warm, family-style setting. The pizzas are feasts unto themselves and include such toppings as potatoes, sliced tomatoes marinated in olive oil, and chicken marsala.

Pizza Time Italian Restaurant welcomes our very own Android App! Now you can order your favorite Italian specialties directly from your Android device! You can place your order, add drinks, and checkout securely using stored credit card information – all at your convenience!

Иконка для Rain Sounds 1.1

Rain Sounds (v. 1.1)

Lee Brimelow опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

This simple application allows you to play soothing, looping sounds of rain to help you get some rest. Choose from a variety of rain types and you also have the ability to set a sleep timer to turn off the sound after a certain period of time.

There are NO ads in this application. It is entirely free.

Иконка для iKochen Suppen 1.1

iKochen Suppen (v. 1.1)

Apps of All Nations опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Wie wäre es zur Abwechselung mal mit einer leckeren Suppe? Die iKochen Suppen App bietet Ihnen 50 der leckersten Suppen-Rezepte, schnell und einfach zubereitet.  Alle Rezepte sind sorgfältig ausgesucht und getestet und werden mit einem Bild illustriert, das Ihnen das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lässt.  Und mit den einfachen Zubereitungsschritten wird das Kochen zum Kinderspiel. Verwöhnen Sie sich, Ihre Familie und Freunde!

Sie haben ein eigenes Lieblingsrezept oder möchten die Rezepte mit Freunden teilen? Kein Problem, fügen Sie eigene Rezepte einfach zu Ihrem iKochen Suppen-Kochbuch hinzu, oder schicken Sie Rezepte per Email an Freunde, direkt aus der App.

Wieder eine Zutat im Supermarkt vergessen? Das kann Ihnen mit dieser App nicht passieren. Dank der übersichtlichen Zutatenliste und den einfachen Zubereitungsschritten wissen Sie direkt, was Sie für Ihre leckeren Gerichte brauchen. Ein kurzer Blick auf ihr iPhone genügt; und das ganz ohne Internetverbindung.

Holen Sie sich Ihre iKochen Suppen App noch heute! Sie werden es sich danken.

Vervollständigen Sie Ihre Sammlung von iKochen Applikationen: Brot, Chinesisch Kochen, Desserts, Französisch Kochen, Geschenke, Griechisch Kochen, Grill, Indisch Kochen, Italienisch Kochen, Japanisch Kochen, Kleine Küchenchefs, Konfitüren und Gelees, Kuchen und Quiches, Marokkanisch Kochen, Mexikanisch Kochen, Salate, Slow Cooker, Spanisch Kochen, Suppen, Vegetarisch Kochen, Vorspeisen. iKochen- Rezepte im Handumdrehen.

Guten Appetit!

Tags: Rezepte,Suppen,Kochbuch,essen,Essen,Gericht,kochen,Küche,Koch Buch,Rezeptbuch,Buch

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