Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
161-170 из 17250
Иконка для Deluxe Diamond Live Wallpaper 1.01

Deluxe Diamond Live Wallpaper (v. 1.01)

BenuDigital опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

Decorate your mobile desktop with this beautiful Deluxe Diamond Live Wallpaper that turns showing flashes beautiful and nice reflections.

Иконка для 월별운세9월 1.0.2

월별운세9월 (v. 1.0.2)

starpl опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

★★★★★ 2012년 월별운세 ★★★★★
이번달 운세는 어떨까? 새로운 달의 시작은 월별운세로 시작하세요~

■ 월별운세 ■

이달의 운세 총론 / 길일 / 처방전 / 건강운 / 영업,거래,매매운
다양하고 쪽집게같은 운세를 만나보세요!

■ 오늘의운세 ■

이달의 일별운세를 한눈에 볼수 있습니다.
총 10가지의 아이콘으로 보기 쉽게 정리하였습니다.
매일 매일 오늘의 운세를 확인해 보세요!

■ 연애운/재물운 캘린더 ■

언제 좋은 사람을 만날 수 있을까? 언제 장사가 잘 될까?
매일 매일 운세 갤린더로 길일과 흉일을 확인해보세요!

■ 푸시알림 ■

오늘의 운세가 매우 좋은날에 자동으로 푸시알림을 보내드립니다.
자신의 운명을 미리알고 대비하여 즐거운 삶을 영위할 수 있길 바랍니다.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*** [월별운세]는 전문 운세포털 서비스인 신비운(sinbiun.com)에서 제공하는
신뢰도 높은 운세 결과를 완전 무료로 제공합니다.

*** [월별운세]로 작성한 글/댓글은 스타플(starpl.com) 웹서비스에도 자동 업로드됩니다.
PC에서 www.Starpl.com으로 접속하시면 더욱 다양한 기능의 스타플 서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.

Иконка для Proud jobs : Lifeguard 22.0

Proud jobs : Lifeguard (v. 22.0)

Appastrophe опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

Some people are accountants, some are bankers...Other choose the tough but glorious path. They work for us, our security, our wellbeing and are a great inspiration to anyone looking at their achievement. Keywords : Lifeguard, beach, rescue, wallpaper.

Иконка для 경기도소방 SMART119 1.4

경기도소방 SMART119 (v. 1.4)

경기도청 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2015-04-17)

경기도민의 안전을 책임지는 똑똑한 어플! 경기도소방SMART119
안전! 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않습니다.
국민의 가장 가까운 곳에서, 행복한 매일을 위해
발빠르게 움직이는 경기도소방재난본부
앞선 예방 체재로  경기도민의 안전 지킴이가 되겠습니다.

국민광장 : 경기도소방과 함께 의견을 나눠주세요
본부소개 : 청렴소방, 봉사소방으로 안전에 앞장서는 경기도소방
안전문화운동 : 예방이 최선! 당신의 안전이 경기도소방의 재산입니다.
소방안전교육 : 외국어 및 응급처치 동영상으로 안전교육의 실시
비상안내 : 가장 가까운 곳에서 경기도소방이 함께 합니다.
경기도소방뉴스 : 경기도소방의 소식을 영상으로 시청하실 수 있습니다.
민원안내 : 언제나 깨어있는, 당신의 눈과 귀가 되어 예방에 앞장섭니다.

Иконка для Be Decisive Get What You Want 1.0

Be Decisive Get What You Want (v. 1.0)

Kym Tolson & Hani Al-Qasem опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

Be Decisive To Get What You Want Meditations
Let your thoughts take you to a time where you wanted something, but you weren't clear about what it is that you really wanted: you weren't sure of the precise outcome.
Notice how it feels. Uncomfortable, right?
Now picture yourself deciding exactly what you want, with full clarity and going for it: you know exactly what your outcome is.
Notice any difference in how you feel? Comfortable, excited.
This Be Decisive To Get What You Want Audio is powerful in that it is designed specifically to help you:
• Decide specifically what it is that you want
• Make decisions quickly
• Think through every action
• Know how to get what you want
• Gracefully obtain all that you desire
• Feel good getting what you want
Starting now, you can begin a new way of thinking; one that will allow you to easily make the decisions to take every opportunity to realise your goals, your ambitions and your dreams in all areas of your life.
How this audio works:

This 20 minute audio works on your subconscious mind to bring about the desired outcome. It starts off at a high level, just above 'alpha', and slowly descends to the lower end of 'alpha' over 5 minutes, designed to calm you.

It is then kept constant at this lower end of 'alpha' for 10 minutes; during that period, the affirmations are being delivered directly to your receptive subconscious mind while you remain in this relaxed state.

You will hear carefully worded affirmations in triplicate, using the accelerated learning technique, making them super-effective.

After the messages are finished, we slowly move up the frequency, gradually ascending back to a level just above 'alpha', over the remaining 5 minutes so you will be fully alert, energised and refreshed.

Once the session comes to an end, you open your eyes and continue with the rest of your day.


Hani Al-Qasem is a published author and personal growth specialist. His vision is to use his creativity and caring for others to inspire, motivate and support 7 million adults and children to be the very best that they can be by freely expressing their talents in a harmonious and loving way. He actively creates awareness of his vision through his writings that are published in various reputable online and offline publications, and through the life-transforming tools that he has created.

IMPORTANT: Do not drive or operate any equipment or machinery while listening to this audio. If you are uncertain about any pre-existing medical condition, consult your qualified medical practitioner before listening to this audio. If you are female, please do not use this audio whilst breastfeeding or pregnant, unless instructed by your physician.

Иконка для CUBE Weiden 1.0.2

CUBE Weiden (v. 1.0.2)

codeDESIGN опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

CUBE Diskothek - Weidens Party Location No. 1! CUBE iPhone App: Partypics, Events, News und noch viel mehr - alles in einer App! Nie wieder ein Event verpassen, immer wissen was los ist und als erster die Partypics sehen. Die ultimative und völlig kostenlose CUBE Club App ist am Start!

Иконка для Rubik's Cube Secrets 1.1

Rubik's Cube Secrets (v. 1.1)

Lemon-Sized Dynamite опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

Solving a Rubik's Cube in 30 seconds is not as hard as you might think.

Sure, it will take some practice (just like everything else), but with a simple 7 Step Video process, you should have the cube solved in an hour (first try).

Rubik's Cube Secrets gives detailed video instructions, little-known algorithms, and much more to help solve your Rubik's Cube!

I must warn you that I do plan to increase the price of this app very soon, as the value crushes the cost...

Download now to finally solve your Rubik's Cube and uncover some Rubik's Cube cheats and secrets!

Tags: Rubik's Cube Rubik's Cube Secrets Rubics Cube Problem Solving Rubiks Cube Algorithums

Иконка для Cheeef Free 1.4.1

Cheeef Free (v. 1.4.1)

Miguel Braidot опубликовал приложение 2013-01-14
(обновлено 2013-01-14)

Organiza y colecciona tus recetas de cocina. El complemento ideal para tu cuenta de usuario en Cheeef.com en tu idioma.

(Si deseas obtener la versión sin publicidad, por favor ve a <a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.miguelbraidot.cheeef">https://market.android.com/details?id=com.miguelbraidot.cheeef</a>).

Encuentra y descarga en pocos toques, recetas diariamente de una base de datos de más de 10.000 recetas publicadas por ti y otros entusiastas de la gastronomía.
Agrégalas a tus favoritas en el teléfono y podrás verlas una y otra vez sin necesidad de conectarte a Internet.
Sincroniza tu teléfono con tu cuenta gratuita en Cheeef.com
Confecciona tu lista de compras con los ingredientes de las recetas que desees para no olvidar ninguno cuando vayas al supermercado o almacén.
Diseña tu menú día por día, seleccionando el horario del día en que deseas cocinar cada receta.

. Carrusel de tipos de plato e ingredientes en la portada, para fácil acceso todas las recetas de Cheeef.com
. Buscador con múltiples criterios de búsqueda para llegar a la receta que deseas sin escribir texto alguno en el teléfono.
. Función para re-calcular la cantidad de ingredientes de cada receta para diferentes cantidades de comensales.
. Posibilidad de visualizar en forma de tarjetas, los pasos de la preparación para no perder de vista ningún detalle.
. Si tienes una cuenta de usuario en Cheeef.com, puedes sincronizarla con tu teléfono, de esa manera toda receta que publiques en tu cuenta bajará a tu teléfono y podrás verlas sin conexión. Asimismo, los cambios que realices en tus favoritas en el teléfono, se verán reflejados en tu cuenta on-line cada vez que utilices la función de sincronización.
. Todas las recetas cuentan con la posibilidad de agregar sus ingredientes a tu lista de compras. Luego en esta sección podrás revisarlos, agregar tus propios ítems y/o eliminar los que no necesites. Lleva el teléfono contigo cuando hagas tus compras en el supermercado o almacén y tilda los ingredientes a medida que los agregas a tu carrito de compras.
. Todas las recetas pueden ser agregadas a tu menú. Selecciona la fecha y el momento del día en que planeas cocinarla, puedes optar entre 6 horarios (Desayuno, Media mañana, Almuerzo, Merienda, Media tarde y Cena).
Puedes recorrer el menú mes a mes, semana a semana o día a día como si de una agenda se tratase.
. Todo el contenido está en idioma español. Cheeef.com es una red social donde hispanoparlantes de todo el mundo comparten su gusto por la buena comida.

Tu recetario móvil de: aperitivos, plato principal, ensaladas, guarnición, postres, sopas, pastas, carnes, salsas, verduras, comida mexicana, china, japonesa, francesa, mediterránea, italiana, tragos, bebidas y cócteles, etc.

Иконка для NextView 1.03

NextView (v. 1.03)

NextAlarm опубликовал приложение 2013-01-14
(обновлено 2013-01-14)

* Note: Requires purchase of NextView Standard or NextView Pro WiFi video cameras, and paid subscription to NextView video service or participating alarm monitoring service. Does not work with other WiFi cameras or PC/Mac connected cameras.

NextView Video is your complete, affordable, plug-and-play system for adding remote video camera surveillance to your home or small business!

With the convenience of your Android device, and using either WiFi or 3G, you may at any time:

View your live cameras (up to 16 per account)

Review archived images (optional archive feature retains video for two months)

Optionally integrate with your existing home security system, and be notified with video images whenever your doors or windows open or close.

Cameras are easily installable into any broadband network using DHCP.

NextView Basic and NextView Pro video cameras available for purchase online. Pro allows you to remotely control the camera (left, right, up, and down).

For more information, please see:


Иконка для Harrogate App 3.0

Harrogate App (v. 3.0)

Fireforge Media опубликовал приложение 2013-01-14
(обновлено 2013-01-14)

"Harrogate in your Pocket"

Harrogate App is the ultimate information resource for Residents, Local Businesses and Visitors of Harrogate.

Featuring an exclusive Planner, Shop Local Loyalty Cards and much more, Harrogate App truly is "Harrogate on Tap".

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