Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1231-1240 из 17250
Иконка для Dream Meanings - Ultimate 2.4

Dream Meanings - Ultimate (v. 2.4)

Perfect Solutions опубликовал приложение 2012-10-07
(обновлено 2014-11-16)

Have you ever wanted to check the meaning of your dream from your bedroom? Is your computer taking too long to boot up? This won't be a problem any longer... Download this Dream Dictionary today and learn more about your dreams.

You are going to have this application always with you whenever you go. Checking the meaning of a dream during your holidays will be easy from now on.

Really easy to use application, you can browse through the keywords or use the intelligent search facility. Give it a go.

We guarantee adverts free application, higher reliability and more frequent updates. More than that we will provide answers to user's questions and try to adjust the application according to the demand.

Please “Like” our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/dreammeaning

Иконка для Daily Omikuji 1.0.9

Daily Omikuji (v. 1.0.9)

SION MEDIA OFFICE опубликовал приложение 2012-10-07
(обновлено 2012-10-07)

The omikuji make your hopes come true!
Daily Omikuji is an Android widget application that can enjoy "omikuji
(a written oracle)" of Japan.
There are three sizes of of the widget. It is large (4×1), medium
(2x1), and small (1×1).
Every time you tap the widget on the screen, you can consuit an oracle and the oracle is displayed on
the home screen.
You can consuit an oracle a once a day.
Next day you cau do it again,but you can't consuit twice a day.

Even if a bad result comes out, let's try to consuit again next day,and finaly get good fortune!
If you want, the result can be contributed to Twitter.

Иконка для CarStory 카스토리( 차계부) 1.2.1

CarStory 카스토리( 차계부) (v. 1.2.1)

HasApp опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

에러 리포트 주신 분들 정말 감사 합니다.^^
의견은 네이버 카페 http://cafe.naver.com/hasapp
남겨주시면 적극 반영하겠습니다.
앞으로 조금씩 커뮤니티를 키워가겠습니다.^^

1.2.0 버전에서 백업 기능을 추가하였습니다.
CSV 파일로 내보내기/가져오기가 가능합니다.
"11마1234_지출.csv", "11마1234_주유.csv" 형식 2가지로
파일이 내보내기/가져오기가 됩니다.
CSV파일은 엑셀 또는 메모장으로 편집이 가능하므로
기존에 작성하셨던 주유기록을 손쉽게 앱에 입력할 수 있습니다.
(예제 CSV 파일링크 : http://cafe.naver.com/hasapp/4
커뮤니티가 필요할 것 같아서 카페를 오픈하였습니다.)

상단에 자동차 "번호판"을 클릭하시면 설정 화면으로 이동합니다.
현재는 백업 기능만 추가되었습니다.
앞으로 필요한 설정을 추가해 나가겠습니다.


P.S : 총주행거리는 이전 주행거리와 차이를 계산하지 마시고
        "주유/지출"이 있을때 있는 그대로 Km를
        입력하셔야 연비가 제대로 나옵니다.

--------- ver 1.2.0 ---------
csv 백업 기능 추가
날짜 선택 수정
이미지 크기 수정

안녕하세요~! 헤즈앱(HasApp) 입니다.^^

심플한 디자인과 쉬운 인터페이스로
차량관리에 필요한 기능들은 모두 포함한
차계부(차량 사진입력, 주유, 지출, 통계 그래프) 입니다.
기능상의 문제점 및 궁금점과 기타의견은 피드백
해주시면 꾸준히 반영하도록 하겠습니다.

앞으로 더욱더 발전하는 HasApp이 되겠습니다.
항상 안전운전하세요^_^

짧은 댓글이라도 저희에게는 큰 힘이 됩니다! ♥

Иконка для 전주교대 1.0.8

전주교대 (v. 1.0.8)

Heb Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

전주교대 안드로이드 버전 어플리케이션 입니다. (전주교육대학교 비공식 앱)

현재 비공식 앱이며 앞으로 기능 추가를 통해 업데이트 해 나갈 예정입니다.

Иконка для Look Book Buy 1.4

Look Book Buy (v. 1.4)

Unbooked опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

Look Book Buy by Unbooked gives you access to the global marketplace for services in home, health and beauty.   With this application you can look, book, and buy the services you need, at the time you need them and at the price you are prepared to pay.


Download Unbooked now and start shopping for services in your local area.


Note:   Unbooked is steadily expanding, and you will find more services in Australia today, but we are growing quickly.   Get your town to the top of the roll out schedule by visiting unbooked.com or emailing us.

Иконка для Thawab 1.7

Thawab (v. 1.7)

ZeroWire Labs опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

Thawab is an application for the whole Muslim community. It will allow Muslims to earn Thawab (rewards) by:

- Getting Doaa everyday chosen by one of the users.
- Each Muslim within the community will have a turn to choose the Doaa that will be shared with the community.
- Quran Group Reading: Participate and read Quran with the whole community and receive notifications once Quran has been read completely (Khatm Al-Quran)

The application supports the following:
- You can share doaa of the day with your friends on Facebook
- You will receive notifications for Doaa everyday and notifications once Quran reading is complete (if you participate in Quran reading Group).

It is a not-for-profit project and the intentions is to share it with all the Muslims across the world.
The first version is in Arabic and We are planning to release Thawab for other languages. Please let us know If you would like to participate in the project by helping on the other languages, you can contact us:

Email: Thawab@zerowirelabs.com
Facebook Page:

We would like to hear from you....


قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "إن الإيمان يبلى كما يبلى الثوب". لذا
علينا تجديد إيماننا بذكر الله طوال الوقت وتلاوة كتابه العزيز. وتطبيق
ثواب التفاعلي يتيح لمشتركيه المساهمة في ختم القرآن الكريم والمداومة
على قراءة الأذكار والأدعية. ويضم التطبيق قاعدة بيانات عريضة من الأدعية
والأذكار ويمكن لكل مشترك اختيار دعاء اليوم ونشره على صفحة الدعاء بشكل


عن عبد الله ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال, قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وسلم"يد الله مع الجماعة". انضم لجماعة ختم القرآن من خلال تطبيق ثواب
الذي يساعد الآلاف من المشتركين على المساهمة في ختم القرآن الكريم بصفة
دورية، عن طريق قراءة كل مشترك لصفحة من المصحف الشريف. ومع تمام قراءة
المصحف بالكامل، تصل رسالة تأكيد لكل مشترك.

Иконка для Tarot Cube (Fortune teller) 2.4.7

Tarot Cube (Fortune teller) (v. 2.4.7)

ReCo Lab. опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

Tarot Cube helps you to draw the Card of the Day out. This Tarot card shows you the common sense of the events and the tendency for them to go on.
This application doesn't give you difficult Tarot readings, but the clear pieces of advice matching every drawn out card.

★ You can page the pieces of advice by shaking or through the menu.
★ The desktop widget for Tarot Cube can be downloaded from the Play Market for Free.

Иконка для My Restaurant List-PayVer(+ad) 4.8

My Restaurant List-PayVer(+ad) (v. 4.8)

nemushito опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2014-11-15)

Have you ever regretted you don't remember the attractive restaurant presented on a magazine or television?
You can create your own restaurant list very easily by using this application.
All you have to do is to search store on the web and to push a registration button, then the name and URL of the restaurant are registered automatically.
You can search your list by "label(genre)", "evaluation (point)", and "visited or not" .
This is a very useful application.

(*)First of all, try a free version.
(*)This application display advertisements.
(*)A data migration file is saved at "/data/data/jp.nemushito.shopmarker.semipro/files/allData.shop_list".
(*)In hope of backup of data or data migration for model change, please use the data backup service of Android.

Иконка для 쿠킹 튜브 한식편 1.01

쿠킹 튜브 한식편 (v. 1.01)

Hong Suk Jung опубликовал приложение 2012-10-06
(обновлено 2012-10-06)

맨날 똑같은 세끼 식사, 뭘 해먹어야 할 지 모르시겠다구요? 쿠킹 튜브 한식편은 유튜브에 흩어져 있는 한식 관련 요리법을 정리해서 보여 드립니다. 건강식으로 세계인들에게 각광받은 우리 한식, 쿠킹 튜브로 마스터하자!

tag: 한식, 쿡, 요리, 동영상, tv, cook, korean, 조리사, yootube, 유튜브, 음식, 요리법, 레시피, recipe

Иконка для Pisco: The Ardor of Passion 2.3

Pisco: The Ardor of Passion (v. 2.3)

Kamlov опубликовал приложение 2012-10-05
(обновлено 2012-10-05)

Don't you know how to prepare Pisco Sour or other cocktails? In this app, we will show some delicious recipes for you to prepare cocktails with Pisco, a typical drink of Peru and the world.
To prepare these recipes, you don´t need so much experience even if you are not a bartender.
Prepare quick and easy drinks with the most delicious tropical fruits and delicious syrups.

More than 45 Recipes and Soon More!

It works offline!

Available in English and Spanish.

Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KamlovApps

Tags: Pisco, Peru, Perú, Machu Picchu, Pisco Sour, Cocktail, Coctel, Lima, Chicha, Maracuyá Sour, Maracuya Sour, Passion Fruit Pisco Sour, Characato, Chilcano, Caipirinha, Pisco Crusta, Algarrobina, Capitán, Captain, Piscoco, Amazon, Amazonas, Macchu Pichu, MachuPicchu, Canario, Aguaymanto, Español, Spanish, English, Inglés, The Ardor of Passion, Ardiente Pasión, Recipes, Recetas, Food, Comida, Mixer, Drinks, Drink, Easy, Quick, Recetario, Recipe, Meal

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