Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1191-1200 из 17250
Иконка для A Sliced Cake battery 5 1.0

A Sliced Cake battery 5 (v. 1.0)

khjlab опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

A Sliced Cake battery
wifi on/off
bluetooth on/off
bright level adjust

Иконка для 위치기반 지하철 2.2

위치기반 지하철 (v. 2.2)

appcreator опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2014-11-23)

도착시간,막차시간,최단경로,도착알림 기능제공

집이나 회사, 학교에서 출근이나 퇴근시 이용하는 지하철역의 지하철 도착시간을 한번의 클릭으로 미리 확인하고 시간에 맞추어서 출발 하세요.

막차시간 언제 인지 계산 하지 말고 어플에 출발역과 도착역을 입력하면 도착역 기준 막차 시간을 계산하여 환승역마다 타야 할 시간을 보여주고

마지막으로 출발역에서 언제 타야 도착역의 마지막 지하철을 탈 수 있는지 남은 시간을 초단위로 보여줍니다.

최단경로 기능은 환승 지역의 도보 소요 시간을 포함한 실질적인 최단 경로의 시간을 보여줍니다.

노선도의 멀티 터치 기능으로 수도권,부산,대구,광주,대전의 노선도를 확대 축소 하여 보고 최단경로 탐색기능및 도착정보를 바로 확인 할 수 있습니다.

집근처에서 잡히는 기지국을 출근시 이용하는 지하철역으로 등록해놓고 회사근처에서 잡히는 기지국을 퇴근시 이용하는 지하철으로 등록하세요.

한번만 등록하시면 다음부터는 한번의 클릭으로 그 기지국에 등록된 지하철역의 도착시간을 한번에 볼수 있습니다.

즐겨찾기와 수동 버튼을 사용하여 다른 지하철역의 도착시간도 확인할 수 있습니다.

지하철을 놓치지 않게 시간관리를 할 수 있게 도움을 줍니다.

출퇴근 등 혼잡시간에는 틀리고 지연될 수 있으니 고려하여 주세요.
개발자 연락처 :

서울시 마포구 신수동 85-15 202호
스펀지 모바일

Иконка для Cheapeats 2.9

Cheapeats (v. 2.9)

Cheapeats Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

You can't always tell where the great, cheap eateries are. But we can. We seperate the tasty spots from the simply nots, to spare your cash and your ribs. Cheapeats is a comprehensive restaurant guide. It's the place to go before you go out to eat. We'll get you well-fed on a budget-literally $25 or less!

Иконка для Journey through Divine Sound 0.17.13135

Journey through Divine Sound (v. 0.17.13135)

Leigh Spusta опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2014-11-22)

An    immersive    journey    through    mystical    sounds,    arranged    according    to    the    Keys    of    Pythagoras...  Brought  to  you  by  internationally  recognized  brainwave  entrainment  audio  expert,  Leigh  Spusta.

Experience    the    expansion    of    your    consciousness    into    new    realms    of    imagery,    insight,    awareness,    and    greater    connection    to    the    Universe.    As    you    sit    back    and    take    in    the    mind-enhancing    and    calming    soundscape,    your    mind    begins    to    shift,    responding    in    interesting    new    ways    to    the    changing    musical    landscape.    Your    body    awareness    begins    to    disappear    into    the    distant    background    as    your    journey    deepens,    progressing    further    and    further    into    a    heightened    state    of    awareness,    where    you    can    begin    to    explore    the    meaning    of    things,    understand    the    connections    and    events    in    Life,    or    tap    into    the    unfolding    and    expanding    realm    of    intuitive    and    psychic    awareness.    This    is    one    of    Leigh's    most    powerful    soundscapes    for    moving    consciousness    out    of    the    confines    of    normal,    everyday    awareness,    and    it    makes    a    perfect    tool    for    hypnosis,    meditation,    shamanism,    magic,    spirituality    and    self-discovery.    

Each    note    in    this    soundscape    has    been    tuned    to    the    frequency    and    interval    ratios    provided    by    the    Greek    philosopher    /    healer    Pythagoras,    so    that    each    sound    resonates    in    alignment    and    harmony    with    the    natural    laws    of    the    universe    and    all    creation.    This    serves    to    promote    healing,    wholeness,    and    harmony,    and    also    an    atonement    of    consciousness    to    the    perfect    order    of    the    Universe.    In    combination    with    the    special    brainwave    entrainment    methods    of    the    PsimatiXª    proprietary    audio    technology,    this    is    a    very    potent    and    special    40    minute    SoundScape.    This app streams via 3G or wifi connection.

Leigh    Spusta    is    a    behavioral    scientist,    hypnotherapist,    and    Certified    Therapeutic    Imagery    Facilitator    specializing    in    the    use    of    sound    frequencies    to    produce    deep,    relaxing    trance    states.    He    has    worked    with    several    therapists    in    Los    Angeles,    producing    a    variety    of    therapeutic    audio    cds.    Leigh    combines    his    talents    as    a    musician    and    his    knowledge    of    hypnosis    and    related    states,    in    an    effort    to    pioneer    new    approaches    in    creating    rich,    resonant    sound-scapes    for    greater    efficacy    in    healing    and    meditative    products.    Leigh    is    the    developer    of    the    proprietary    PsimatiX™    therapeutic    approaches    and    technologies.  

Brainwave  Entrainment  /  Binaural  Beats  /  Isochronic  Tones  /  Monaural  Beats  /  Vibro-acoustics  /  Hemispheric  Synchronization  /  Alpha  State  /  Theta  State  /  Delta  State  /  Relaxation  /  Hypnosis  /  Hypnotic  Music  /  Meditation  /  Stress  Reduction  /  Tension  Release  /  Chakra  Alignment  -  Attunement  -  Balancing  /  Harmony  /  Schumann  Resonance  /  Frequency  /  Mind  Audio  /  Trance  /  Healing  /  Therapy

Иконка для ProtectMe Advanced 2.3.2

ProtectMe Advanced (v. 2.3.2)

Rocket Mobile Soft опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

ProtectMe was developed to give everyone more peace of mind when we do everyday things like going for a jog, walking home from school, or walking from class to class. ProtectMe is software which is always watching out for your safety. If ProtectMe detects any movement that you setup as being a dangerous situation, ProtectMe will, based on your configurations, notify people for help. You set ProtectMe to do any number of actions when in a dangerous situation like play a loud siren, SMS multiple people, call someone in your contact list, or any combination of the above.

We all know that having your phone is a tremendous safety factor, but it's not worth anything if you can't use it quickly or if you can't reach it. ProtectMe was developed to notify many people quickly when simple actions that ProtectMe was set up to recognize are detected. ProtectMe is configured to be activated by either an orientation change or a violent shaking of the phone. So for example you can set the phone to call a contact, send multiple SMS messages, and play a loud siren based on how much the phone is tilted, or if you prefer to have the phone activated by shaking, you can configure it that way also.

Some examples of what ProtectMe was designed for would be, kids walking home from school, joggers going for an early or late jog, coming home from work early or late at night, walking across the campus, or looking over a loved one with a disability.

For your kids walking home from school, you can set ProtectMe to be activated when the phone is tilted past 90 degrees. If the phone is in your kids back pack all they need to do when in a dangerous situation, is tilt the back pack past 90 degrees and the phone will immediately perform everything that it is configured for like playing a loud siren, calling a contact and SMS any number of people.

If you're jogging and have your phone in a wrist band, all you need to do is lift your arms in the air and ProtectMe will immediately spring into action.

Walking home late at night to your car or across campus you could run into any number of dangerous situations that require a quick response. ProtectMe will perform those responses faster then they could be performed by you.

Another example is having loved ones live on their own with disabilities. Giving them the freedom to live independently is great for them, but having ProtectMe watch over them is invaluable. For example a person with epilepsy could have the phone on an armband and when a seizure is occurring, the phone will detect the shaking and call for help when your loved one can't.

Иконка для ShiaTV 1.1

ShiaTV (v. 1.1)

STVApp опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

ShiaTV app is now available on Android in addition to iPhone. The ShiaTV Android app is a voluntary effort to make ShiaTV content widely available to the Mobile Shia Community. Hence, no technical support is provided by ShiaTV. For all technical questions, please e-mail the app developer at stvapp@gmail.com

App developer/Technical team does not necessarily endorse, support or subscribe to the views of any content available on ShiaTV.

For all content related questions, please e-mail at ShiaTVAdmin@gmail.com"

Иконка для Abundance Magnetizer - Secret 0.17.13135

Abundance Magnetizer - Secret (v. 0.17.13135)

Leigh Spusta опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

Amplify the power of your mind - for more success, happiness, and prosperity!

You have seen it on Oprah, you've heard Michael Beckwith talk about it, you've watched Jack Canfield describe its' power... In other words, You Already Know The Secret, but knowing isn't enough to bring the positive changes you desire!!! This is the actual secret beyond The Secret!

They have told you that the Law of Attraction is there for you to manifest all the prosperity you want, and it is, however, You have to Change your Mind to Change your Life! This is not easy to do on your own, and you probably cannot afford to hire Jack Canfield as your mind coach to actually make the changes...

When we have a conscious thought, it's strength is approximately one tenth of the total power of our mind's ability to change our reality. The subconscious mind is 90% of our mind's power. It is within the subconscious that our thinking habits and conditioned behavior reside. We must change the 90% in order to change our life.

Now, the Secret Mind Script is here! This 20 minute mp3 recording is actually designed to help you to truly change your mind, to bring it into attunement with your desires and the Law of Attraction...

We have pulled out all the stops and have combined the power of guided imagery, trance-inducing audio, and hypnotic suggestion in order to over-ride and re-write your mind script to produce awesome results.

This mp3 recording has been professionally produced using the best methods and techniques that are known to be very safe and effective. Begin today to change your life, for real this time! Do not use while driving or operating machinery. This app streams via 3G or wifi connection.

Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist, and Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in the use of sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states. He has worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing a variety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents as a musician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in an effort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich, resonant sound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditative products. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™ therapeutic approaches and technologies.

Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones / Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization / Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis / Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release / Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony / Schumann Resonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing / Therapy

Иконка для Glory Days Pizza 1.4.4

Glory Days Pizza (v. 1.4.4)

Revention, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

Welcome to Glory Days Pizza!

Bring the whole gang to Glory Days Pizza for a great tasting pizza - voted Best in Topeka by readers of the Topeka Capital Journal. Our friendly staff can answer all your questions regarding our menu items. Contact us to place your order or stop by our restaurants in Topeka or Lawrence. We’ve been family owned and operated since 1985.

Our Dough: Everyday at Glory Days, we make our Dough from scratch using Premium Flour. Each portion is carefully weighed and rolled before rising into its’ final state. This ensures every Glory Days Pizza starts with the best crust possible.

Our Sauce: From the finest Tomatoes, comes the finest Pizza Sauce. The garnishing of every Glory Days Pizza begins with a generous layer or our exclusive Pizza Sauce. Our Tomatoes are harvested in the sun-drenched valleys of California, then blended with our own secret recipe of Spices. The result is a full-bodied tomato flavor with the distinct taste found only at Glory Days Pizza.

Our Cheese: Only 100% Real Cheese is used on every Glory Days Pizza. Each pizza contains our unique blend of Mozzarella and Provolone Cheeses grated fresh daily. Our aged to perfection cheeses melt smoothly over your toppings every time.

Иконка для iPhone Style Folders 13.0

iPhone Style Folders (v. 13.0)

zzugliRyu опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

This application is a folder widget.
One folder can contain 16 Apps. and manage the screen effectively.
This color folder widget contains various colors and animations.
This App. has 10 colors and the color of text and widget folder can be changed.

**Color Folder Widget Instruction**
1. Press the main screen during about 2 seconds.
2. Select widget menu and then select iPhone Style Folders app.
3. The widget folder is created on the screen.

**Put the Apps. into the Folder**
1. Select the widget folder and click the set symbol at the right upper part.
2. Select the Apps. what you want to put. Then you can check the select apps. at the upper part.
3. To cancel a selection, click the selected apps. at the upper part.
4. Click the backspace button and OK popup to finish.

Иконка для Makeup Tutorials 1.6

Makeup Tutorials (v. 1.6)

sodevrom опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

Start doing makeups like a pro!

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