Validate:Android Binding Demo (v. 1.0)
Разработано Andy Tsui
* Technical Demo target for Android Developers *
This is a demo to Input validation support of Android Binding, a MVVM friendly framework.
* Validation against ViewModel Data.
* Validation rules set in @Annotation of public Fields
* Fully support for Custom Validation rules
Suppose we need to validate the Login name that it is a required field:
public Observable<String> Login;
That's it!
We can now call the Model Validator anytime:
and it will return true or false, along with error messages.
Background of Android Binding
Android Binding is a new Open Source Framework for Android-Java providing xml layout view binding mechanism. It helsp development of Android Application by decoupling the View widgets and backend Activities. It is best work with MVP or MVVM patterns.
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MVVM, binding, MVC, validation, validate