German trial on demand (v.
Разработано probey
Here fastest touch keyboard with layouts:
German QUERTZ/Y DE [with äöü].
[English QWERTY/Z EN]
[] optional!
P.S. EN layout disabled by default, please deactivate option "Disable EN layout", if required
Ideal for fast switching between layouts, include all Latin accent symbols.
After LONG KEY PRESS or repeatable press appropriate key of EN layout keyboard showed ALL accent LATIN characters
A: ąäàáâăæǽãåǻā
C: čçćċĉ
D: ďđð
E: ęėëèéêěē
G: ġĝğģ
H: ĥħ
I į ı ì í î ï ĩ ī ij
J: ĵ
K: ĸķ
L: ł ĺ ŀ ľ ļ
N: ñńňņʼnŋ
O: öøǿœõòóőôō
R: ŕřŗ
S: ߧśŝšşș
R: ŕřŗ
T: ťţțþŧ
U: üųūũùúűŭûů
W: ŵ
Y: ýŷÿ
Z: žźż
NEW features:
*adopted key height for big screen resolution like Dell Streak and Galaxy TAB;
*Enhanced layout: added smiles with pop-up
*Added ǽǻǿ
*bigger buttons for pop-ups
*compact layout option added for portrait/landscape independently -- bigger buttons (added also extra layout for DE with äöü)
Because of confusion between beginners
*"Expert mode" option added
activate this option to enable compact layout options and some others expert options