Sunlight Health helps you make more informed health care choices by putting trusted information from multiple sources at your fingertips. Use Sunlight Health to learn about hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis clinics, health care suppliers and prescription drugs.
Sunlight Health lets you learn about options in your area, and gives you information you can use in consultation with your physician or health care provider.
Find out which of your area hospitals have better survival rates for common conditions like pneumonia, heart attack and others, and which get the best ratings from their patients for quality of care. Sunlight Health also tells you how nursing homes and dialysis clinics fared in their most recent inspections and the quality of care they give. If you’re over 65 and need a cane, you can find out whether your corner drugstore has one, and whether it accepts Medicare. Most of the information in Sunlight Health comes directly from Medicare’s Hospital Compare database -- a broad resource that covers mostly patients over 65 from across the socioeconomic spectrum.
Sunlight Health also includes information on the price and effectiveness of prescription drugs from Consumer Reports’ acclaimed Best Buy Drugs report, so that you can talk to your doctor about other options for the prescription just given to you.
Remember, Sunlight Health is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to supplant the advice or guidance of your health care professionals. Rather, it aims to give you information that you can discuss with your health care provider, allowing you to make more informed decisions about your treatment and care. For full disclaimer go to:
Sunlight Health is made by the Sunlight Foundation, which promotes government transparency, and was made possible by a generous grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Best Buy Drugs data is provided by Consumer Reports, which is not affiliated with the Sunlight Foundation. For more detailed information on how to get the most out of the wealth of information in Sunlight Health, go to: