Sievert (Sv) and Becquerel (Bq) are easily computable.
The result is plainly classified besides the numerical value.
Adobe AIR 2.6 is needed.
The main function
1.Per hour sievert (Sv/h) and Per year sievert (Sv/y) are converted mutually.
2.Sievert (Sv) and Becquerel (Bq) are converted mutually.
Ingestion and Inhalation Values.
Iodine (I-129,I-131,I-133)
Cesium (Cs-134,Cs-136,Cs-137)
Plutonium (Pu-238,Pu-239,Pu-240)
3.A dangerous value is classified based on ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) recommendation.
White : -1mSv/y : Usualy Upper bound
Yellow : 1-20mSv/y : Eemergency Lower bound
Orange : 20-50mSv/y: Eemergency Upper bound
Red : 50mSv/y- : Eemergency Upper bound exaggerated