Insanity Companion App V2 (v. 2.0)
Разработано EzzyApps
Insanity Companion App is designed to keep track of the Insanity 60-Day Workout designed by Shaun.T. ICA Tells you which workout is due each day, It contains the full Insanity Calendar where you can quickly view previous workout statistics.
Also keep track of your Fit Tests and Measurement details (including Photos)
The app allows you to track your Calories burnt and Heart Rate stats for each workout. How do I know how many calories I burnt? You'll need a Heart Rate monitor for this. Why doesn't the app provide an estimate of calories for each workout? This would be incredibly inaccurate as each person will burn varying calories depending on age, weight and sex. e.g a couple complete the same workout together at full Intensity the female at 5'6" 135lbs will burn around 400cal the Male at 6'2" 202lbs will burn around 600cal. The most accurate way to know calories burnt is to wear a monitor this app simply give you a place to store your data.
This is a redesigned version of our previous application.
what has changed?
- Well the user interface has been stripped back to improve performance.
- A faster more reliable database has been implemented.
- More Information!! Not only do you see the date and workout name but you will see which Phase you are in and the Duration for each workout to make it easier to plan when to complete your workout. The Calendar screen also show more information as requested by previous users. Clicking on a completed workout on the calendar screen will show a preview window displaying, Date, Workout, Phase, Duration, Calories, MaxHr, AvgHr & Intensity Level.
- Fit Test Statistics added. See at a glance weather you have improved or not from your previous fit tests.
- New Layouts, as well as the standard phone layout we have added a Tablet Specific layout for 10.1" Devices.
We hope that user enjoy a smoother more productive experience with Version 2 of ICA we have worked very hard to redesign it and were not finished yet we have a few more things add!!
If you experience any trouble using ICA please email us so that we can fix it straight away. We aim to provide users with a good experience if your not happy were not happy!