www.android-online.ru ПриложенияЗдоровье и спорт

Последние обновлённые бесплатные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
391-400 из 2372
Иконка для Animals Walking 1.1.1

Animals Walking (v. 1.1.1)

CiderHouse опубликовал приложение 2012-12-14
(обновлено 2012-12-14)

・It is recommended in the person who will be the
  walking in the future, the person who wants to stay fit,
  and the person who wants to diet.

・The number of animals increases if lovely animals
  save the point in all 9 and a lot of walking,
  and the animals is bought in the shop.

・When being start next time, the point corresponding
  to the target can be gotten if the target
  can be set and the target be achieved.

・The background of the screen of the main can be
  changed into the recreation.
・The number of steps and the consumption calorie
  on the 30th can be recorded.

・Does the animal that is taking it run away if the
  target cannot be achieved!?

・Tested device
 REGZA Phone T-01C

 HTC DesireHD

  G'zOne IS11CA

Japanese / English

Иконка для Computer Ergonomics 1.4

Computer Ergonomics (v. 1.4)

Canny Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

These work posture exercises or can mostly be done in your computer workstation. They are great to do during the mini breaks you're supposed to take during the day to avoid computer injuries.

Do these exercises a few times today. Relax and do them gently.

Do not overstretch, and stop if you are feeling discomfort or pain.

This application contains more than 15 user friendly animated exercise program for Computer Ergonomics.

Neck Tilts, Shoulder Shrugs, Arm Stretch, Neck Stretch, Upper back stretch, Wrist stretch, Hand exercise, Finger exercise, Elbow flexion, Chinb tucks, Shouler rotations, Truk rotations, Standng Extension, Hip marching, Ankle pump.

This application is not meant to be used in any medical or legal decision making, or they should contact emergency response 911 when they are in a medical urgent situation for example

Please note: This is advised for users who are not health professionals are aware that they will be using this app at their own risk

Иконка для Em Forma para o Verão! 2.0

Em Forma para o Verão! (v. 2.0)

mobileme опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

Chegou a sua vez de entrar em forma para o calor!

Quantos kilos voce quer perder?

Novidades dos EUA! Auxiliares para perder peso de uma vez por todas. BLoqueador de carboidratos organico e natural.
As reportagens do APP falam das propriedades do Carb Blocker, que retira até 480 Calorias provenientes de carboidratos de uma refeição.

Coma sem remorso!

Dicas de dieta, reportagens e dicas de produtos orgânicos!

Иконка для Sleep Watcher 1.2

Sleep Watcher (v. 1.2)

cafe-irlandais apps опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

Sleep Watcher helps you manage your fatigue and alertness by using the most recent sleep mathematical modeling. Whether you have irregular schedule or you just want to quantify yourself, Sleep Watcher will report and forecast your alertness level.

This app is based on fatigue/sleeps models already used is army and flight industry. The basic idea is that your alertness depends on:
- the hour of the day. The 24h biological clock is what scientists call circadian cycle. You will be more alert during the daytime than during the night. You also may be slightly less alert at nap time, around 1PM.
- your last sleeps. How many hours did you sleep last nights? At what hour did you go to bed? Obviously this matters. Sleep Watcher will compute your sleep reservoir or sleep debt.

Key features:
- Alertness calculation
- Sleep schedule
- Alertness forecast chart
- what ifs sleep graph
- Sleep watcher widget
- Import data from SleepBot and Sleep as an Droid

(Please send me a mail if you have trouble with sleepbot import, thanks!)

Иконка для FollowHealth 1.11

FollowHealth (v. 1.11)

IDeaTree опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

이제 나도 몸짱!!! 나만의 트레이너 Follow Health 어플이
당신의 몸을 조각해 드립니다~

현직 트레이너의 추천항목을 넣어 초보분들도 수월하게~

운동을 조금이라도 아시는분들에게는 운동 프로그램으로 좀더 효율있게~

※ 주요 특징

- 부위별 운동법.
- 운동프로그램.
- 카운터.
- 요일별 프로그램 유지.
- 각각의 운동을 사진과 간략한 설명을 통해 운동에 도움을 줍니다.
- FAQ를 통해 보다 수월하게 앱을 이해할 수 있도록 편의제공.
- 부위별 가이드를 통해 전문지식도 습득하시길 바랍니다.

덤벨과 바벨만을 이용해 전문 헬스장을 이용하지 않더라도 충분한 효과를 약속드립니다. 헬스장을 다니시더라도 운동프로그램을 사용하여 좀더 효율적으로 운동을 즐기실 수 있을겁니다.

각 부위별 운동의 운동설명과 운동순서, 주의점을 기본적으로 제공하고 처음 운동 하시는 분들을 위해 각 부위별 추천목록을 제공하여 운동선택하는 하는데 도움이 되도록 하였습니다.

운동프로그램을 월요일부터 토요일까지 설정할수 있어 그날의 운동순서를 정해서 각 운동별로 세트수, 세트당 횟수, 무게, 운동시간을 설정 할수 있도록 하였습니다.

이런 질문은 던지는 분들께 강력하게 추천합니다~!!!

- 몸은 키우고 싶은데 어떤 운동부터 하지?
- 저번주에 무슨운동을 했는지 기억이 잘안나네ㅠ
- 시간을 정해놓고 집중적으로 운동할 수 있는 방법어디없나?

하시는분들 정말 강추합니다.

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으신분들은 m_t_o@naver.com 으로 메일이나 쪽지 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

Иконка для Nutrition Facts FREE 1.9.3

Nutrition Facts FREE (v. 1.9.3)

Gonzoft опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
(обновлено 2012-12-12)


The fastest and easiest way to find complete nutritional information on many foods. Our database has over 8000 foods and grows every week!

Our food comparison feature allow users to compare between foods and help them choose the right option.

- Easy Search
- Food comparison
- Browse by category
- Weight Tracker

Иконка для Balance Your Life 1.3

Balance Your Life (v. 1.3)

Mirko Paschke опубликовал приложение 2012-12-12
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

The game of your life. Collect points of experience for your own action and change your life.

Our life exists of many areas: job, friends, family, health, sport, hobbies, household, partner and many more. To be happy, we try to integrate all areas into our life. We dedicate our attention and our lifetime to them. The right balance is not always to be found easily and often we lose the overview or do not notice at all or too late we determined areas neglect or other dedicate too much time.

Balance Your Life allows you to occupy you playfully with your own life areas, to become conscious by you of your lived priorities and to control this by your own action. How does this go? Quite simple. In Balance Your Life you create for each of your areas of life simply an entry. After 24 hours you will be able to assign points for the single areas. For every area you have created, you get a point which you can assign. How you distribute the points, takes down on how you rate the past day. Besides, you should be honestly with yourself, embellish nothing and find your own weighting.

Now you can look at any time on your mobile device where at the moment your priorities lie and maybe it urges you to act today more in the household or to start to find a partner. What is missing? What is too much? What is too less? Change your life.

It’s the game of our life, to find the right balance. Now the severity is set to "easy".

With "Balance Your Life" the user will playfully be able to get familiar with his own areas of life and easily realize how much attention and time he devotes to which areas.

The ease of use and the real life concept makes the application unique. The user enters his areas of life into the software and evaluated every 24 hours the previous day, via a very simple point system. At the end a simple statistics shows the balance, which was determined by the actions of the user. It is so easy to keep your life in sight now!

The software also supports the memory, because the user is asked every day to remember what he did yesterday. The daily assessment also leads to changes in the own weighting of events and could long-term lead to the stabilization of new activities or provide the incentive to try new things and change the own self-image and feeling positive.

The software is suitable, inter alia, to support and stabilization during or after a work-life balance coaching.


- Create your own areas of life
- Assign points after 24 hours to every area of your life
- Know your priorities and control your action
- Gain new motivation through game fun and ambition
- Stabilize new activities
- Improve your memory and your self-image
- Customize your area view with your own icons

Иконка для Tabata timer 1.7.2

Tabata timer (v. 1.7.2)

E373Lab опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
(обновлено 2012-12-11)

Tabata training is a method of cardio interval workout. It was developed by Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Tabata Timer will help you to do Tabata traning.

Иконка для Mindfulnesscenter English 1.4

Mindfulnesscenter English (v. 1.4)

Peter Parnes опубликовал приложение 2012-12-10
(обновлено 2012-12-10)

The training program Introduction to Mindfulness is designed for people who are new to this practice, as well as for people with some experience who want to bring mindfulness more fully into their everyday life. You learn to make the  most of the moment, to access your full resources and to better manage the pressures of everyday life and working life. Through the simple exercises in Introduction to mindfulness, which you carry out at the computer and put into practice in daily life, you will learn how to improve your wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety, sleep better, access your resources more fully, manage the pressures of working and everyday life more easily and make the most of the moment.

The program allows for offline training as well.

Note that the training program requires an active account at www.mindfulnesscenter.se/en/

Иконка для PumpTimingCoach 1.03

PumpTimingCoach (v. 1.03)

Take3 опубликовал приложение 2012-12-09
(обновлено 2012-12-09)


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