www.android-online.ru ПриложенияЗдоровье и спорт

Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
101-110 из 2372
Иконка для e-Predictor 1.0.3

e-Predictor (v. 1.0.3)

Baytex опубликовал приложение 2012-10-12
(обновлено 2012-10-12)

e-Predictor te ayudará a estar conectada con tu feminidad. Podrás conocer más de cerca cada una de las etapas de tu ciclo femenino, y programar alertas para estar atenta a tus períodos fértil y menstrual.

- Descarga la aplicación desde Android Market en la dirección "x", búscala a través de la plataforma o descárgala directamente en tu dispositivo.
- Ingresa el nombre de usuario y contraseña de tu cuenta de Google.
- Instala la aplicación desde Android Market en tu teléfono, o descárgala e instálala desde tu computador.
- Verás el ícono de e-Predictor en tu dispositivo, que al ser presionado te dará acceso a una pantalla en la que debes ingresar el número de días que dura tu ciclo femenino completo (entre 25 y 32 días), y la fecha de inicio de tu último período menstrual, datos que serán guardados por la aplicación y que puedes modificar cuando lo necesites, accediendo a través del botón "Ciclo".
- Luego, presiona el botón "Calcular".
- La aplicación te mostrará la pantalla "Hoy", posicionándote en el día del ciclo en el que te encuentras, con tu estado de ánimo correspondiente.
- En la pantalla "Mes", verás los días de tu ciclo en un calendario mensual. El color verde indica los días el período fértil. El color rojo indica los días de tu período menstrual. El emoticón señala los día de mayor fertilidad de ciclo.
- En la pantalla "Alarmas" podrás programar alertas para que recuerdes el primer día de tu período menstrual y el inicio de tu período fértil, ya sea para el mismo día, o con 1 ó 2 días de antelación.

Иконка для Core Trainer Free 12.0

Core Trainer Free (v. 12.0)

Ben's Personal Fitness опубликовал приложение 2012-09-26
(обновлено 2014-11-02)

*If app doesn't load after installation, please restart your device*

Core Trainer is an everyday exercise app, designed by a certified personal trainer, that is used for building and toning up your core.  Designed by a personal trainer, this app will help develop your abs, strengthen your hips, and tone up your butt and waist!  

This app is great for those looking for an entire core routine to follow.  It is like having a trainer to tell you what exercises are next!

The design and layout are very simple and easy to use.  Each exercise includes a starting and ending position picture, along with a quick description on how to execute each exercise.  A single routine can easily be done in less than 15 minutes and no weights are required!

A stopwatch and countdown timer of 30, 45, and 60 seconds are included in the app.

Combine with my other workout trainers for the ultimate workout!  Look for these other great low cost workout apps on the market:
- Boot Camp Trainer
- Arm And Shoulder Trainer
- Circuit Trainer

Иконка для 우울증 테스트 (Full) 1.0.8

우울증 테스트 (Full) (v. 1.0.8)

Heb Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-21
(обновлено 2012-09-21)

우울증 테스트, 우울함, 우울지수, 심리테스트, 자살예방, 희망, 슬픔,공포,좌절

Иконка для MommyBook Free 2.4.1

MommyBook Free (v. 2.4.1)

HopeFoundry опубликовал приложение 2012-09-09
(обновлено 2014-10-06)

Introduction: "MommyBook" developed by HopeFoundry and provided Pregnant Women who pay attention to the number of weeks and weeks of pregnancy precautions.

Limitation:Currently, only provide Chinese description inside App.

Keyword:Pregnancy, Mommy , Baby , Mother

Иконка для Sex Food Tips 1.3.2

Sex Food Tips (v. 1.3.2)

qggmm опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Want to increase your sex drive, stamina & be more stellar in the sack?

This fun app tells you about tasty aphrodisiac foods to put sizzle in your sex life!

Sex food foods aphrodisiac aphrodisiacs Sex food foods aphrodisiac aphrodisiacs Sex food foods aphrodisiac aphrodisiacs Sex food foods aphrodisiac aphrodisiacs Sex

- Setting color and font.
- Share via SMS(mass).
- Download more tips,sms,quotes,jokes....

Иконка для Massage Lite 1.3

Massage Lite (v. 1.3)

martview.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Massage is a healing art practiced in all cultures and regions of the world. It is the systematic placing of the hands on a body and applying techniques to treat the body and the person to relieve ailments and stress.

Massage is simply one of the simplest and natural way of medical care. It is considered to be one of the oldest treatments used by mankind and has been used as early as 300 BC as a therapy in Far East.

This guide is compiled by professional Massage Therapist with more then 50 tips & techniques than anyone can use to give a great massage.

Иконка для 10 Killer Bicep Exercises 1.0

10 Killer Bicep Exercises (v. 1.0)

Ross Gallagher опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

Get the best bicep exercises on you Android phone with this great, FREE app!

Learn how to perform the best bicep exercises for the arms you have always wanted.

Иконка для BodyWeight Record Lite 2.0.4

BodyWeight Record Lite (v. 2.0.4)

kandyソフト опубликовал приложение 2012-08-25
(обновлено 2014-09-13)

BodyWeight Record Lite is an application that manages the body weight.

Please select a date from the calendar.Body weight, body fat percentage can be recorded.
Body height inputs with "1234". It is displayed with "123.4".Body weight inputs with "123". It is displayed with "12.3".
Graph the change in Body weight.
Charts can be selected. (evening and morning, only morning, only evening)

Data can be initialized.
User information (name, body height) can be registered.
You can change the display settings.
 ・You can select the graph Type(Date or Month)
 ・Graph start date
 ・Graph Color(To choose from blue, pink, yellow and green.)
 ・Initial Body weight display of Graph((evening and morning, only morning, only evening)
 ・Body fat percentage input selection
The backup feature to save the data to an SD card, you can restore the data from the SD card.

[MENU button]
Users can change. (You can change the user when using multiple users.)


Иконка для Cognitive Styles CBT Test 3.0

Cognitive Styles CBT Test (v. 3.0)

Excel At Life опубликовал приложение 2012-08-23
(обновлено 2014-09-10)


This app is based upon research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and is sponsored by a clinical psychologist. It is meant for personal assessment to aid in self-help for personal improvement. By examining your thinking styles, you can learn to change them which can reduce anxiety, depression, and unreasonable anger. In addition, you can improve your self-esteem and your relationships.

The app includes articles written by a cognitive-behavioral clinical psychologist to help you understand the process of cognitive therapy and how to use the methods.

***Cognitive Styles Test
This is a 110 item test examining 13 styles of thinking that can lead to problems in relationships, problems at work or in school, and problems coping with life stressors.

These styles include:
***Anxious Style
***Self-Esteem Style
***Perfectionistic Style
***Approval-Seeking Style
***Demand Style
***Withholding Style
***Control Style
***Dependency Style
***Externalizing Style
***Emotional Style
***Passivity Style
***Trust Style
***Blaming Style

This psychological test can tell you the thinking styles that cause you to act and feel the way you do. By learning what types of cognitive styles you have, you can determine what types of irrational thinking you are likely to engage in. Certain irrational thinking will create additional life problems or make it difficult to solve the problems you are confronted with.

This app is meant to be used with the Cognitive Diary app in which you record events that occur and determine if you engaged in any irrational thinking. If you did, it helps you to develop some statements to challenge the thinking.

Once you have developed the cognitive challenges you can review them daily to help you remember to challenge the irrational thinking.

By challenging your irrational thinking you can address problems more effectively. Change your mood and behavior by changing your thinking.

Please email problems or suggestions. We are listening and want to provide a quality app.

Иконка для cooking4life 1.5.2

cooking4life (v. 1.5.2)

Christian Knobloch опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
(обновлено 2012-08-20)

Die neue Kochplattform

Sie stehen im Supermarkt und wissen nicht was sie kochen sollen? Kein Problem! Mit der cooking4life Android App finden sie ganz schnell ein Rezept für jeden Anlass.

Oder sind sie auf einer Party und möchten unbedingt einen Cocktail trinken, aber niemand weiß die Zutaten? Einfach in der cooking4life Android App nach dem Namen oder den Zutaten suchen und dem Cocktailvergnügen steht nichts mehr im weg!

Über die Homepage lassen sich eigene Rezepte eingeben welche dann mit der ganzen Community geteilt werden: http://www.cooking4life.de/

- Suchen sie nach Rezepten indem sie den Namen oder Zutaten eingeben
- Lassen sie sich die neusten Rezepte anzeigen
- Durch schütteln ihres Handys lassen sie sich Zufalls Rezepte anzeigen
- Schicken sie Rezepte an Freunde weiter, per SMS, Mail oder posten sie es in ihre Facebook Profile
- Von einen Rezept aus können Einkaufslisten erstellt werden
- Rezepte können als Favoriten gespeichert werden
- Durchstöbern von Kategorien nach Rezepten

Die auf der Seite verwendeten Icons sind vom Tango Desktop Project und stehen unter der Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.

Kochen, Kochbuch, Rezepte, Rezeptbuch, Cocktails, BBQ, Grillen, Vorspeisen, Desserts, Suppen, Regionale Küche, Gebäck, Kuchen

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