Body by Vi weight management (v. 0.21.13199)
Разработано Success Apps
A GLUTEN and LACTOSE free weight management shake.This 90 Day Challenge has already helped people lose millions of pounds! Close to 50,000 new people are joining the Challenge every month...that is over 1,000 a day!
The Body by Vi™ Challenge was created by ViSalus Sciences®, the company behind one of the fastest growing health movements in the world.
ViSalus is challenging the world to set a personal goal and make health a priority for at least 90 days, while awarding the participants with over $10,000,000 a year in free product, prizes and vacations.
Body by Vi was even featured on the latest cover story of Success From Home Magazine, and mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.
Visalus Sciences has worked hard to become one of the fastest growing and most rewarding companies. This APP contains an over veiw of Visalus, its products, Ingredient list, compare visalus to other products on the market, Learn how to get you product for FREE by refering 3, and learn the OPPORUNITY you may find with VISALUS SCIENCES. Life, Health, and Prosperity.
Are you ready to join the challenge?