***Anti-Aging for Android***
The Anti-Aging App™ contains ten Color-Light and Sound Therapy treatments that each use a specific Color-Light Wavelength and Sound Frequency to treat and heal a variety of ailments based on a sacred geometry of gemstones, vitamins, minerals, noble gases, and colors.
The Color-Light and Sound Therapy stimulates the skin cells to produce collagen and elastin, resulting in a firmer more rejuvenated skin tone and improved circulation.
***LIMITED TIME $2.99***
Choose between 10 different Color-Light & Sound Therapy Treatments:
-Wrinkle Eraser
-Acne Clear
-Cellulite Buster
-Skin Cleanser
-Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes
-Stretch Marks & Scars
-Oxygenation & Circulation
-Joint Discomfort & Arthritis
-Sleep Disorder & Muscle Tension
-Hair Growth Stimulator
Anti-Aging App™ also includes a full before and after photo gallery, complete gemology guide to how it works, real testimonials from world renoun doctors & spas, and a complete FAQ educational guide. Anti-Aging App™ is easy to use! Simply hold your Mobile phone or Tablet about 1-3" away from the targeted area of treatment and begin your Anti-Aging therapy session. These relaxing therapies offer a heal from within approach and noticeable results can sometimes be seen in the very first few treatments but generally become more noticeable between the fifth and sixth treatment and continue to improve for up to six months following the treatment schedule in the FAQ guide.