Популярные финансовые приложения в Android Market

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421-430 из 5391
Иконка для CashBase 2.1

CashBase (v. 2.1)

CashBase опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
(обновлено 2012-11-23)

CashBase helps you save money by setting budgets and monitoring your expenses and income.

cashbasehq.com is the web version of the app which you can use on your computer or any other device with Internet access.

Your data is securely synchronized and backed-up on our servers, so you never lose a thing!

Иконка для National Irish Bank app 2.8

National Irish Bank app (v. 2.8)

Danske Bank опубликовал приложение 2012-11-22
(обновлено 2012-11-22)

You can Download the National Irish Bank app for free! We believe in offering the best possible technology to our customers and this app is the first with this level of functionality to be launched in the Irish market for Smartphones and iPad devices.

Our apps have a host of features and once downloaded, you can contact the bank by phone or secure e-mail, find an ATM or branch, convert currencies and review exchange rates. Better still, after logging into the secure environment, you can view your account balance and previous transactions, transact between accounts and even pay your bills all from your smartphone.

- Transfer funds and Pay Bills
- View up to date balances and transactions on all accounts
- Search / filter transactions
- Delete / Amend future transactions
- Find an ATM or Branch
- Contact us by phone or secure e-mail
- Convert Currencies and review exchange rates

Please also refer to our Direct Banking and SMS terms and conditions which are available on our website for further information.

The National Irish Bank Apps are available for use on Android, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. If you are currently not a customer of National Irish Bank, you can easily contact us to arrange a meeting via the app or our website, www.nationalirishbank.ie

Danske Bank A/S (trading as National Irish Bank and NIB) is authorised by The Danish FSA in Denmark and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.

Иконка для T NH농협증권 v1.94

T NH농협증권 (v. v1.94)

ATsolution опубликовал приложение 2012-11-13
(обновлено 2012-11-13)

'스마트앱어워드 2011’ T stock 2관왕
'기술 이노베이션 대상’과 '증권정보분야 대상’ 수상

*준회원 고객도 최초 인증 후 시세조회 이용 가능합니다.

T stock NH농협증권은 SK플래닛과 에이티솔루션이 공동으로 NH농협증권과 제휴하여 선보이는 스마트 증권 서비스입니다.

* T NH농협증권 특징

01. 빠른 관심종목 조회
   로그인 없이, 관심종목을 조회하고 바로 주문하는 기능

02. 나만의 메인화면 편집
   메인화면에 자주 이용하는 지수, 관심종목 등 나만의 메뉴로 편집

03. 바탕화면 위젯 제공
    어플리케이션을 실행 안해도, 바탕화면에서 바로 실시간 시세 정보 확인

04. 편리한 주문
    HTS처럼  호가, 체결, 거래원 실시간 정보를 확인하면서 주문 가능

05. 다양한 주식 도우미 정보
    종목뉴스, 기업정보, 파워종목검색 등 다양한 정보 제공

06. 모든 안드로이드 단말 지원
    QVGA, HVGA, WVGA, WSVGA 등 모든 해상도 지원(안드로이드 OS 2.0 이상)

* 증권사 제휴서비스의 경우 최초 1회 증권사 ID/PW로 본인인증 후 사용 가능합니다.
* 주문메뉴를 이용하기 위해선, PC의 공인인증서를 스마트폰으로 복사하여 이용가능합니다.

Иконка для 증권통 뱅키스(한국증권) 거래 모듈

증권통 뱅키스(한국증권) 거래 모듈 (v.

Semaphore Solutions Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-11-10
(обновлено 2012-11-10)

증권통에서 사용하는 뱅키스(한국증권) 거래 모듈입니다. 단독으로 실행될 수 없으며 증권통에서 연동하여 사용 됩니다. 이 모듈을 사용하시려면 증권통을 설치 하시고 증권통 종목 상세 화면에서 주문 탭을 이용하세요.

Иконка для DSK Bank 1.2

DSK Bank (v. 1.2)

DSK Bank опубликовал приложение 2012-11-09
(обновлено 2012-11-09)

Приложението DSK Bank ползва GPS модула на телефона, за да определи вашето местоположение и Ви дава възможност да получите информация за най-близките до Вас банкомати и поделения на Банката с описание на предлаганите в тях допълнителни услуги, работно време и контакти.
В допълнение получавате актуалните валутни курсове по фиксинга на БНБ, както и съответните котировки за курсове „купува” и „продава” на Банка ДСК. Чрез вградения валутен калкулатор можете лесно да изчислите и сумата, която бихте желали да обмените в клон на Банка ДСК.
В приложението е интегриран достъп до мобилната версия на интернет банкирането ДСК Директ.
DSK Bank може да бъде преместено върху SD картата на телефона.

DSK Bank application uses the GPS module on your phone to determine your location and allows you to get information about the nearest ATMs and branches of DSK Bank with a description of their additional services, working hours and contacts.
In addition, you can obtain current BNB exchange rates as well as current DSK Bank exchange rates. With the built-in currency converter you can easily calculate the amount you would like to exchange at a DSK Bank branch.
The application provides access to the mobile / light version of the internet banking service “DSK Direct”.
DSK Bank can be relocated on the phone SD card.

Иконка для Caja Rural de Granada 1.6

Caja Rural de Granada (v. 1.6)

CAJA RURAL DE GRANADA опубликовал приложение 2012-11-01
(обновлено 2014-12-20)

Acceda a los servicios de movilidad de Caja Rural de Granada para Android.

Servicio Ruralvía, banca móvil de Caja Rural de Granada. Accede a tus cuentas, tarjetas, transferencias, recarga móvil, valores... de forma rápida y adaptada a tu móvil.

Localizador de oficinas y cajeros, permite buscar oficinas y cajeros, indicándonos nuestra posición geográfica aproximada.

Atención al cliente, teléfonos de contacto sobre bloqueo de tarjetas, Ruralvía y cajeros automáticos.

También disponibles enlaces a nuestros perfiles en redes sociales, Fundación Caja Rural de Granada y nuestro portal inmobiliario.

Иконка для Agribank Mobile Banking 1.0

Agribank Mobile Banking (v. 1.0)

VNPAY опубликовал приложение 2012-10-26
(обновлено 2012-10-26)

Ứng dụng Agribank Mobile Banking do Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn Việt Nam (Agribank) và Công ty Cổ phần Giải pháp Thanh toán Việt Nam (VNPAY)hợp tác phát triển. Ứng dụng được phát triển trên đa nền tảng Android, Iphone, J2me.
Với Mobile Banking, khách hàng có thể dễ dàng kiểm soát tài khoản của mình và sử dụng các dịch vụ của Agribank như: Tra cứu số dư tài khoản, lịch sử giao dịch; Chuyển khoản; Nạp tiền điện thoại di động VnTopup; Thanh toán hóa đơn cước di động, internet ADSL, điện lực, ..; Mua vé máy bay,… mọi lúc, mọi nơi thông qua điện thoại di động(Áp dụng cho tất cả mạng các di động)
- Trải nghiệm những công nghệ mới nhất
- Dễ dàng, thuận tiện với giao diện tiếng Việt & tiếng Anh
- An toàn và bảo mật

Иконка для SAFE Credit Union 2.0

SAFE Credit Union (v. 2.0)

SAFE Credit Union опубликовал приложение 2012-10-23
(обновлено 2012-10-23)

With the SAFE Mobile Banking App, log in to your account securely from your Android. Check your account balances and find your nearest branch or ATM?

Download our free app today and start changing the way you bank!

Иконка для Przelewy 1.3

Przelewy (v. 1.3)

Michał Moczulski опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

Aplikacja umożliwia w prosty sposób sprawdzenie godziny otrzymania przelewu. Program do działania wykorzystuje wprowadzone przez użytkownika nazwy banków i godzinę nadania przelewu. Program oparty jest na najnowszych danych systemu bankowego ELIXIR, co gwarantuję użytkownikowi dokładne informacje odnośnie godziny zaksięgowania przelewu. W chwili obecnej aplikacja obsługuje 35 najpopularniejszych banków.

Drogi Użytkowniku:  
Jeżeli w aplikacji brakuje banku z którego chciałbyś skorzystać, daj mi znać o tym na maila(podany poniżej). Pozostałe sugestie,zapytania również mile widziane.
Pozdrawiam :)

Obsługiwane banki: Alior Bank, Allianz Bank, BNP Paribas Bank, BPH, Citi Handlowy, Bank Millennium, Bank Pocztowy, BGK, BGŻ, BOŚ, BZ WBK, Deutsche Bank, DnB NORD, Eurobank, Getin Bank, HSBC, Idea Bank, ING Bank, Inteligo, Invest Bank, Kredyt Bank, Lukas Bank, Mbank, Meritum Bank, Multibank, Neo Bank, Noble Bank, Nordea Bank, Pekao SA, PKO BP, Polbank, Raiffeisen, Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa, Toyota Bank, VW Bank Direct.

Иконка для Auto expenditures Lite 1.9.2 Beta

Auto expenditures Lite (v. 1.9.2 Beta)

AngelOfMors опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

The financial program for drivers the Beta-version

Send reports to koemarket@gmail.com
To Do: Reports, Link repairs and parts

The description of the conceived possibilities (+ already is available, * it is developed, - is planned)
1. + Completely localized the program and adjustments (rus/eng)
2. + Fuelling (it is added to leaking тр. To means)
Current run тр is entered. Means on the counter
The fuel price is entered
To be entered either volume of fuel or the paid total (automatic recomputation of other field, it is possible to edit then and this field, will be enumerated previous)
3. + Autoreplenished basis of any text entered fields
At input of titles there is a list, it is possible to select or enter new (or can be still to add the button where there will be all list, and that you remember that, similar entered something earlier, and an exact title don't remember, for example, in what language entered a firm title, or used a slangy title), it will be possible to make the report on it, and that, for example, if is "тех.осмотр", "maintenance inspection", "checkup", "survey technical" as that with reports will be hardly
4. + The registration of expenditures on leaking тр. Means
5. + The registration of expenditures on parking, a parking
Here I tend to a binding to a specific vehicle, but I do not eliminate a situation when at someone is a little тр. Means, and he simply pays periodically any total only for place rent, and there today two machines stood, and tomorrow three machines and one trailer
6. * The repair registration (it is added to leaking тр. To means)
+ To be entered the repair title, cost (likely as it is necessary and where)
- Anchor spare parts (there and then or at their input in item 6) which will be stored in the same place as in item 5, i.e. there will be a communication that this зап.часть was used for such repair.
7. * Reports
Different useful reports
8. * Statistics of expenditures
+ When and for what paid (on all or is selective).
+ Possibility to delete or edit (suddenly have erraticly entered)
+ Possibility to view for the period or all (long pressed on change time range)
- Passage to the beginning and the end in a range
10. + The start information screen
+ the Title leaking тр. Means
+ Statistics of expenditures on leaking тр. To means or all (a choice in adjustments) and on you (switch-off in adjustments)
+ Fuel & Cost consumption
+ statistics Type (a choice in adjustments): Combined (leaking месяц+текущий квартал+текущий year), on months, on quarters, on years
+ Graphic buttons for rapid access to above described functions (the dial-up of buttons and their layout still up to the end isn't stated).
11. * System
+ Backup, Restore, Delete, Export, Import to memory card and to DropBox (Dir AutoMoneyLite) (for DropBox login in the preferences, the real password is not stored in the system) (encoding in preferences)

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