Loan Calculator (v. 1.6)
CityJams опубликовал приложение 2010-07-02
A simple loan calculator to help you see what your payment plan will be, for repaying any loan. It also shows the complete Amortization Tables (Monthly and Yearly) and you can email the results. |
凱基隨身營業員 (v. 3.43.40)
三竹資訊 опубликовал приложение 2010-06-30
三竹資訊(MITAKE)為券商《凱基證券》開發之《隨身營業員》股市行動看盤軟體,如需交易帳號請至凱基證券開設,提供台股上市、上櫃股票(STOCK)、指數、期貨、選擇權、外匯及國際金融報價,另外還有豐富的盤後資訊、財經、金融新聞,且依券商需求會增加各類下單交易及免費看盤功能。使您的手機也是股票機。 |
Timesheet (v. 1.6.3)
Unidev solutions опубликовал приложение 2010-06-29
Timesheet is for consultants that wants to keep track of their daily working hours per project, calculate salary and time based on hours and hourly rate. Also includes basic Expense and Mileage with VAT and final billing. |
Novagalicia Banca móvil (v. 5.0.2)
Caixa Galicia Spain опубликовал приложение 2010-06-28
Easily Access Novagalicia Banco Mobile banking |
挖财记账理财(春节版) (v.
Caimi Technology опубликовал приложение 2010-06-26
寻身边“财主”,赢免费iPhone4S!! |
Simple Tip Calculator (v. 1.1)
Seneca Creek Software опубликовал приложение 2010-06-25
A tip calculator that is straightforward and easy to use. You will love the large, easy-to-see buttons and numbers. You can quickly calculate the tip and split the bill with little effort. |
Debt Payoff Lite (v. 4.0.1)
Siva G опубликовал приложение 2010-06-23
Now, all new! Free / Demo version of the top debt reduction app in market. Featured in "Amazing Android App for Dummies" book. Free lite version available. Uses snowball method and the strategy you pick to find your customized Debt Payoff Plan! |
超级理财(记账理财必备) (v. 3.1)
dushengjun опубликовал приложение 2010-06-22
超级理财(SuperMoney)是一款方便实用的支持多币种、分账本记账的个人理财软件,定期生成账单,简单统计,导入导出记账。支持导入淘宝交易记录。定期自动备份数据。时刻掌控自己的金钱流向,是个人理财、挖财、省钱、随手记账的实用助手。上班途中,地铁上、公交上...抽出5分钟整理一下消费、支出,既打发了时间,又掌控了资金流向,何乐而不为。 |
Allpoint® - Surcharge-Free ATM (v. 1.0.4)
LocatorSearch, LLC опубликовал приложение 2010-06-15
Now Allpoint® cardholders have another way to conveniently locate their 55,000 surcharge-free ATMs. |
中華至尊股票機 (v. 1.23.23)
三竹資訊 опубликовал приложение 2010-06-13
《中華至尊股票機》為三竹資訊(MITAKE)與中華電信合作的即時證期權報價系統(股市行動看盤軟體),提供台股上市、上櫃股票(STOCK)、指數、期貨、選擇權、外匯及國際金融報價,另外還有豐富的盤後資訊、財經、金融新聞,不但可看盤且支援多家券商和下單功能。使您的手機也是股票機。 |