Популярные финансовые приложения в Android Market

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2611-2620 из 5391
Иконка для FX anywhere 1.1.1

FX anywhere (v. 1.1.1)

株式会社 マネックスFX опубликовал приложение 2012-05-13
(обновлено 2012-05-13)

“FX anywhere” will invite you to a new FX trading environment at anytime anywhere via various smartphones such as Experia, Desire and etc.  It is designed for trading with the simple and intuitive actions, so that you can check the current currency rates and place orders as quickly as you wish even when you are outside.  It has all the functions you need to start trading FX with us while enjoying the following functions;

Key features:
Self-explanatory view of exchange rates & charts
Quick order placement
8 order types (Market price, Streaming, Limit, Limit Reverse, Trails, IFD, OCO,IFDOCO)
7 types of time scales and 12 technical indicators
Timely market news delivery

If you already have an Monex FX (OTC) account, you can start trading FX right after you downloaded “FX anywhere.”  Even if you don’t have an account with us, you can still see our currency rates and charts with this same application.

Иконка для Forex trading winning tips 0.10.13065

Forex trading winning tips (v. 0.10.13065)

tommmi опубликовал приложение 2012-05-12
(обновлено 2012-05-12)

Free forex trading winning tips

Иконка для Credit Track 1.0.2

Credit Track (v. 1.0.2)

Still Dusk Software опубликовал приложение 2012-05-01
(обновлено 2012-05-01)

Our first product for Android. Aimed towards 1.6 to 2.3.3 Android platforms, lets you keep track of your credit card expenses.
Using a tab based UI you can keep a record of each transaction you make, and let the application do the rest.

Its main purpose is to let you have a complete situation report on your current spending (debt) and credit usage to aid in making

decisions faster and without doubt.

Have you ever been faced with any of the following issues?
-You find a deal, its price is good and the first payment is in the next period, but you are not sure if you will have enough credit

avaiable by that month.
-You need to know how many payments are left for a purchase you made, but you can't remember when you made it.
-You want to know how much you have already charged for the next month.
-You need to know which credits are paid off this month.
This and many other situations can be easily solved with Credit Track, by simply taking a look on its status tab.

...Think of it as a personal book-keeping application made extremely simple to use.

Иконка для Personal Finances Free 1.01

Personal Finances Free (v. 1.01)

ANoD опубликовал приложение 2012-03-31
(обновлено 2012-03-31)

Free money tracker. This program will calculate your money. Simple to use, advanced statistics (sums, averages, counts) for selected period. List of recent operations.

Need more features? Try full version.

Иконка для m-zaba za poslovne subjekte 1.0.7

m-zaba za poslovne subjekte (v. 1.0.7)

Asseco SEE опубликовал приложение 2012-03-30
(обновлено 2014-03-15)


Bankarstvo putem mobilnog telefona najjednostavniji je i najbrži način financijskog poslovanja. Dok ste na službenom putu ili na kavi, na odmoru, a trebate hitno provjeriti stanje računa, provjeriti da li ste dobili očekivanu uplatu, platiti račune ...  
m-zaba PS, usluga mobilnog bankarstva Zagrebačke banke, omogućuje vam da uskladite ubrzani životni tempo i vaše poslovanje s Bankom bilo kada, bilo gdje, neovisno o mobilnom operateru čije usluge koristite.  

m-zaba PS omogućuje: informacije o stanju transakcijskih računa i računa oročenih depozita,  broju i iznosu naloga u najavi i naloga koji čekaju na izvršenje, pregled prometa po računima, zadavanje naloga za plaćanje s datumom valute do 30 dana unaprijed unutar dnevnog limita, kreiranje predložaka, povlačenje predložaka pripremljenih putem e-zaba poslovnog bankarstva, naručivanje izvoda iz arhive i mjesečnih izvještaja o stanju i prometima po računu, pregled cijena udjela ZB Invest fondova, uvid u stanje i promete ZB Invest linka, B2B Prodavatelj, B2B Kupac, uvid u tečajnu listu, korištenje konvertera valuta, pristup korisnim informacijama za vaš kontakt s Bankom.

m-zabu PS možete koristiti i na engleskom jeziku!

m-zaba PS osigurava kontrolu financijskog poslovanja kroz ugovaranje različitih razina ovlaštenja: informacije (stanje, prometi), račun oročenih depozita (stanje, prometi), nalozi za plaćanje i ZB Invest fondovi.
m-zaba PS potpuno je sigurna: automatski se gasi nakon 3 minute nekorištenja, zaključava se nakon 3 uzastopna unosa pogrešnog PIN-a, podaci vezani uz račune i PIN ne čuvaju se u mobilnom telefonu. Slanjem minimalne količina podataka troškovi internetskog prometa svedeni su na najmanju moguću mjeru.

m-zabu PS možete ugovoriti putem e-zabe ili kod voditelja poslovnog odnosa.



Banking via mobile phone is the simplest and quickest way to handle your finances. While you are on a business trip or having a cup of coffee, somewhere on vacation, and you urgently need to check your A/C balance, check if you have received a payment, pay your bills ...
m-zaba PS, Zagrebačka banka’s mobile banking service for corporates, enables you to bring your rapid pace with your dealings with the Bank anytime and anywhere, regardless of the mobile operator you use.

m-zaba PS has the following functionallities: A/C balance information, information on the number and amount of notified payments and payments pending execution, overview on movements in A/Cs, making  payments with value date up to 30 days in advance within your daily limit, creation and withdrawal of templates prepared via Internet banking (e-zaba corporate), ordering of archive statements and monthly reports on A/C balances and movements, overview of prices of shares in ZB Invest funds and access to the balance and movements in your ZB Invest link, B2B Seller, B2B Buyer, exchange rate list, currency converter, access to useful information for your contact with the Bank.  

You can use m-zaba PS in English!

m-zaba PS ensures complete control of financial operations by assignment of different authorization level: transaction account balances and movements, term deposit A/C balances and movements, payment orders and ZB Invest funds.

The use of m-zaba PS is fully secure because it shuts down automatically after beeing idle for 3 minutes, it locks after 3 consecutive attempts to enter a wrong PIN, the data relating to accounts and PIN are not kept in the mobile phone. While using the service, you access the Internet only when retrieving the data you need, therefore Internet costs are reduced to the minimum.

m-zaba PS can be negotiated via e-zaba or with business relationship manager.

KW: mZabaPS

Иконка для EMI Calculator 1.3

EMI Calculator (v. 1.3)

Francis Chelladurai опубликовал приложение 2012-03-28
(обновлено 2012-03-28)

Need help in EMI Calculation?

EMI Calculator assists you in calculating the EMI for the given Loan amount and the interest rate.
If you don't know the period...Don't worry we have option for you!

Иконка для 유팍스 하나대투증권 1.7.04

유팍스 하나대투증권 (v. 1.7.04)

(주) 유라클 опубликовал приложение 2012-03-27
(обновлено 2012-03-27)

당신을 위한 주식투자의 모든 것, 유팍스증권

* 언제 어디서나 실시간 시세와 차트로 종목 분석
* 600만 주식투자자와 함께하는 종목토론
* 나의 투자종목을 최고의 전문가로부터 진단 가능
* 3대 알람서비스가 알려주는 매매포인트로 안심투자
* 10여개의 증권사와 제휴, 주문과 계좌조회 가능

유팍스 하나대투증권은 하나대투증권 고객 ID로 로그인하며 계좌 보유 고객님은 공인인증서를 저장하시면 주식거래가 가능합니다.
유팍스 하나대투증권은 팍스넷의 다양한 커뮤니티 서비스와 프리미엄 정보서비스를 제공하며 실시간 시세와 엄선된 증시정보를
통해 주식투자를 위한 최적의 서비스를 제공합니다.

※ 스마트폰 Android OS 2.x / 해상도 480*800에 최적화되어 있습니다.
※ 저해상도(320*480) 단말(옵티머스원_LG 등)지원(차트 다음 버전 개선예정)
※ 갤럭시 탭 지원

[유팍스증권 주요기능]

1) 관심종목/종목시세/종목토론/종목진단
관심 종목을 그룹별, 추가, 삭제 등 쉽게 관리! 보유종목 등록을 통해 수익률을 쉽게 확인 가능
종목별 실시간 시세는 기본! 다양한 종류의 시세차트 및 보조차트툴 제공
No1. 팍스넷 종목토론실을 통하여 600만 주식투자자들과 자유로운 투자의견 공유
최고 전문가로부터 투자종목에 대한 종목진단 서비스 제공

2) 증시
코스피/코스닥 지수 및 시장지도로 오늘의 시장 등락을 한눈에 확인!
외국인, 기관의 매매동향과 오늘의 이슈종목을 통하여 증시동향을 빠르게 파악

3) 뉴스/토론
오늘의 이슈와 속보를 더 빠르게! 시황부터 종목뉴스까지 실시간 제공
전문가 전략에서 개인투자자의 자유로운 토론까지! No1. 증권포털 팍스넷의 막강한 토론실 제공

4) 전문가
[오늘의추천]은 매일의 시황에 따른 긴급 추천주의 매수/목표/손절가와 추천사유까지 면밀히 분석하여 제공
[m카페]와 [Market Eye]에서 전문가의 투자전략, 관심종목, 공개 추천주, 증권가 정보 등을 제공
24시간 무료 증권방송 팍스TV는 08시~20시까지 생방송을 통해 빠른 정보와 전문가들의 분석 방송 제공

5) 주문
하나대투증권 고객ID로 로그인 하시면 언제 어디서나 주식거래 서비스를 바로 이용 가능
유팍스 하나대투증권은 고객님께서 보다 편리하게 이용하실 수 있도록 지속적으로 업그레이드 할 예정입니다. 고객여러분의 많은 관심과 이용바랍니다.

6) 3대 알람서비스
선택한 종목의 매매포인트를 지정하면 스마트폰 푸쉬기능을 이용한 알람서비스 제공
매매신호알람은 시스템트레이딩 신호에 따른 매수/매도 신호 알람서비스, 현재가알람은 지정된 시간단위로 현재가 알람
지정가알람은 지정된 2개의 지정가에 도달시에 알람(목표가/손절가 설정) 으로 3대 알람서비스 제공

* 서비스 관련 문의는 PAXNet : webmaster@paxnet.co.kr
* 주문 관련 문의는 하나대투증권 고객센터 : 1588-3111,
* 프로그램 관련 문의는 Uracle : 1600-5815로 문의바랍니다.

- 주식투자앱,증권거래앱,증권거래어플,매매포인트,SK증권주식,아이패드주식어플,하이투자증권,하나대투증권,한국투자증권,우리투자증권,TX,
   코스닥,주식투자,가계부,금융,공인인증서,보안,뱅킹,카드,현금,환율, 종목분석,주식상담,종목상담,테마주,세력주,급등주,재테크,종목,현재가,관심종목,
   국내지수,해외지수,종합주가,주문,주식주문,증권주문,뉴스속보,차트,종목차트, 지수차트,투자정보,종목진단,기업정보,신용평가,재무재표,신한금융투자,
   한화증권,교보증권,NH투자증권,키움증권,미래에셋증권,현대증권,대신증권,하나대투, 대우증권,KB투자,HMC투자,유진투자,한국투자증권,뱅키스,메리츠종금,
   삼성증권,하이투자,동부증권,신영증권,이트레이드,바로투자,한양,솔로몬투자,유화, 한맥투자,LIG투자,KTB투자,부국,리딩투자,골든브릿지,SC제일은행,신한은행,
   국민은행,농협,부산은행,외환은행,우리은행,하나은행,경남은행,광주은행, 대구은행,씨티은행,우체국,전북은행,제주은행,수협,새마을금고,기업은행

Иконка для InvestControl 1.2.3

InvestControl (v. 1.2.3)

Acquasys опубликовал приложение 2012-02-17
(обновлено 2012-02-17)

InvestControl is an innovative investment manager which combines many features in a compact and powerful solution especially designed for small and medium investors in a mobile scenario.

InvestControl goes far beyond simple stock watchers go and allows you to build portfolios with different types of investments, including stocks, bonds, foreign currencies and mutual funds, maintain records of prices and transactions, be alerted about price changes and relevant news and much more.

InvestControl provides you instant answers to questions like these:

- How are my investments performing today?
- What is the current market value of my porfolios?
- How and where are my assets allocated, including those in mutual funds?
- How risky is my portfolio today?
- What are the relevant news about my investments?


- Supports worldwide stocks, mutual funds and ETFs, bonds, cash accounts, indices, currency rates and generic investments.

- Depending on each asset type, quotes can be obtained automatically from Yahoo! Finance, entered manually or even extracted from web pages.

- Transactions like buys, sales, transfers, dividend payments and fees can be entered manually or imported from CSV files.

- Asset reports include total buys/sales/dividends/fees, current value, total gain/loss, annual return, average and break-even price etc.

- Supports multiple portfolios with unlimited assets. A detailed report is provided for each portfolio, including market value, total gains and losses, type/risk/institution allocation etc. A summary view shows consolidated info from all portfolios.

- Assets can be filtered by type or by status (owned only, losses, gains).

- A built-in RSS aggregator downloads and filters only the news that are relevant to your portfolio. Several pre-defined news channels are provided, and you can easily add more.

- Alert notifications can be programmed for changes in prices, market value or gain/losses, for each asset or for specific portfolios. After triggered, alerts can be automatically inverted or adjusted by a certain value or percentage.

- Home widgets are provided for a quick overview of your assets and the latest news.

- Asset and portfolio details, transactions and asset summary can be exported to compatible apps like Gmail, Google Docs, Evernote etc.

- Several customizations are possible, including periodicity for automatic updates, local parameters like currency, inflation rate, number preferences etc.

- Plugin available for Sony Ericsson LiveView devices.

This trial version allows you to fully evaluate InvestControl for a period of 15 days. After this period, you can purchase a license key here in the Market to unlock the product, maintaining all data already entered.

Please use the contact e-mail for bug reports, questions or suggestions, so we can respond as necessary. If you like InvestControl, please leave your rating here. Thank you!

Иконка для Tradeshift Mobile Invoicing 1.03

Tradeshift Mobile Invoicing (v. 1.03)

Tradeshift Network Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-02-09
(обновлено 2012-02-09)

The easiest and fastest invoicing tool for Android!

Create, send and receive invoices. Send professionally looking PDF invoices or electronic invoices (XML) from everywhere on the go.

With Tradeshift you either add your customers manually or you find them already listed within the network. Once connected, you don't have to maintain your customers' and suppliers' contact information.

Features include:
- Send PDF invoices
- Send XML/electronic invoices
- Send to EasyTrade/NemHandel
- Receive electronic invoices
- Search and connect to other companies in the network
- Add your own contacts/clients
- Create drafts
- Mini-catalogue: Re-use invoice line items for fast invoice creation
- Custom tax rates
- View all documents filtered by document status and type
- View document list totals
- Forever free
- Fast & friendly support :)

Use as stand alone or in combination with Tradeshift's web client to easily manage you invoicing needs. The web client also supports quotes, purchase orders, credit notes. Android client only for invoicing at the moment. But features are added continuously.

By using Tradeshift Mobile Invoicing you sign up to a Tradeshift account. This allows you to be represented in the network and thereby also receive electronic invoices.

Иконка для First Republic Mobile Banking 1.0

First Republic Mobile Banking (v. 1.0)

First Republic Bank опубликовал приложение 2012-02-09
(обновлено 2012-02-09)

With the First Republic Mobile App, you‘ll enjoy the convenience of banking on the go!  Checking your balances, transferring money, and locating office locations is efficient, secure and free.* Our Mobile Banking app is now available for all Android-supported devices.

-- Check account balances
-- Transfer funds
-- Locate First Republic office locations using GPS
-- Contact a Customer Care Specialist at the touch of a button

First Republic Mobile App utilizes the same authentication methods used in First Republic Banking Online and no data is stored on your device.

*Must be First Republic Online Banking Customer. Your mobile carrier’s text messaging and web access charges may apply.

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