Stay informed on how your stock portfolio is performing in the financial market today!
This app shows the value of your total portfolio, as well as individual stock positions. It has the standard stock ticker fields, but you can also track the daily change in each position, total return, year-to-date return, and more.
Historical charts and a stock-related newsfeed are included.
The home screen widget shows your daily performance and current value, updated automatically. This is really useful if you want to be able to just glance at your phone to see how your finances are doing.
If you have multiple portfolios, just tap the widget to cycle through them.
Note: Net Worth uses the free Google Finance service. The transactions that you enter on your phone will be synced using your Google account. When you use a different phone, your data is transferred because all portfolio data is automatically updated from Google.
* Design is optimized for quick viewing of total portfolio performance
* Secure and private encrypted connection
* Overview page and detail pages per position
* Detail page shows stock chart, news headlines, fundamentals and position details
* Home Screen widget with portfolio summary
* Add, edit and delete transactions including number of shares, price, date and commission
* Separate page designs for portrait and landscape mode
* Support for multiple portfolios
* Support for multiple Google accounts: automatically use the account(s) on your phone
* Configurable columns showing position data
* Configurable auto-refresh interval
* Energy-efficient code to keep the widget updated with minimum battery impact
This free trial edition expires after 7 days.
finance, stocks, quote, google finance, portfolio