Последние обновлённые бесплатные финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
231-240 из 4307
Иконка для PBZmToken 1.3.19

PBZmToken (v. 1.3.19)

Asseco SEE опубликовал приложение 2011-12-05
(обновлено 2013-11-24)

PBZ mToken je aplikacija koja se koristi za provjeru identiteta (identifikaciju) prilikom pristupa internetskom i telefonskom bankarstvu te za potvrdu prilikom izvršenja transakcija (autorizaciju).
Nakon instalacije aplikaciju PBZmToken potrebno je aktivirati unosom identifikacijskog i  aktivacijskog koda koji možete zatražiti u bilo kojoj poslovnici Banke.
Izdavanje PBZmTokena kao dodatnog autorizacijskog uređaja moguće je realizirati i putem PBZ365@NET usluge (internetsko bankarstvo). U tom se slučaju identifikacijski i  aktivacijski kod prikazuje na stranici PBZ365@NET usluge.
Nakon unosa identifikacijskog i aktivacijskog koda slijedi definiranje PIN-a. Prilikom definiranja PIN-a stvara se PIN asocijacija koja se sastoji od naziva države i prikaza njezine zastave. Svrha je PIN asocijacije pomoć prilikom pokretanja PBZmTokena, kao podsjetnik na PIN definiran prilikom aktivacije.
Nakon aktivacije PBZmTokena za daljnje korištenje aplikacije nije se potrebno povezivati s internetom.
Od sada za korištenje internetskog (usluge PBZ365@NET i PBZInvestor) i telefonskog (usluga PBZ 365TEL) bankarstva nije potrebno koristiti dodatne uređaje, kao što su čitač kartica i token, već je dovoljno imati samo mobilni telefon.
Dosadašnji korisnici čitača kartica ili tokena mogu ih bez naknade zamijeniti za PBZmToken u bilo kojoj poslovnici Banke.

Korištenje aplikacije PBZmToken potpuno je sigurno, što je potvrđeno i certifikatom za sigurnost ISO 27001:2005. PBZmToken pokreće se PIN-om koji zna samo korisnik, PIN se ne pohranjuje na mobitel, čime se jamči apsolutna tajnost podataka o PIN-u. U slučaju krađe mobitela te pokušaja pristupa internetskom ili telefonskom bankarstvu, unosom netočnih podataka pri prijavi blokira se korisničko ovlaštenje, čime se dodatno sprječava neželjen pristup.


PBZmToken is an application used for identity verification (identification) in accessing Internet and telephone banking and for confirmation when authorizing payment transactions (authorisation).
After the installation, application PBZmToken needs to be initiated by entering the identification and activation code.
When acquiring PBZmToken in any branch office of the Bank, the user receives identification and activation code required for the activation.
Issue of PBZmToken as additional authorisation device can also be realised through PBZ365@NET service (Internet banking).
After entering the identification and activation code, PIN needs to be defined. During PIN definition, PIN association is created, consisting of the state name and flag. The purpose of PIN association is to provide help during PBZmToken initiation, as a reminder of PIN defined during activation.
After PBZmToken activation, further use of application does not require connecting to Internet.
From now on, the use of Internet banking (PBZ365@NET and PBZInvestor services) and telephone banking (PBZ365TEL service) does not require additional devices such as Card Reader and Token – the only required device is your mobile phone.
Current users of Card Reader and Token can replace them for PBZmToken in any branch office, free of charge.

Complete security of using application PBZmToken has been confirmed by Security certificate ISO 27001:2005. PBZmToken is initiated by PIN known only by the user, PIN is not stored on the cell phone, thus warranting PIN data confidentiality. In the event of cell phone theft and unwanted attempts to access Internet and telephone banking by entering incorrect data, user authorisation is blocked, further disabling the access.

Иконка для Settle Up 6.4

Settle Up (v. 6.4)

Destil опубликовал приложение 2011-12-05
(обновлено 2013-11-23)

SETTLE UP is an indispensable app for friends and flatmates who need to keep track of shared bills and expenses. It comes in handy when you're planning a group trip or a party and don't want to have it ruined by constant discussions over "who paid" and "who should pay". This app will help you settle the debts and the emotions.

<b>Key features:</b>
✓ Sync with other Androids, iPhones and the web, also works fully offline
✓ Focus on great user experience, tablet layout
✓ Possibility to have multiple groups and swipe between them
✓ Payments log
✓ Minimal number of transactions to settle debts within a group
✓ Multiple currencies
✓ Uneven split (useful for families or couples), more people can contribute to the payment
✓ Attach image of receipt to the payment
✓ Email export, export/import to SD card and CSV
✓ Repay your debts easily via PayPal (no fees)
✓ For developers: open API
✓ Translated to 20 languages

More available via in-app purchases:
• remove ads
• filter payments
• convert debts into single currency

• Contacts - <i>suggesting names and e-mails</i>
• Internet, Phone state - <i>sync, PayPal, statistics</i>
• Accounts, Sync - <i>sync</i>
• SD Card - <i>storing of receipts</i>

Иконка для Scentsy Pay Portal 2.0.4

Scentsy Pay Portal (v. 2.0.4)

hyperWALLET Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-12-03
(обновлено 2013-11-21)

The Scentsy Pay App allos you to access your pay portal from your Android device. You can check your balances, view transaction history, and cash out your received payments to your saved cashout accounts.

Иконка для Lottery Free 1.1.1

Lottery Free (v. 1.1.1)

SpeedyMarks опубликовал приложение 2010-06-04
(обновлено 2013-11-21)

Helps to find your lottery picks. It draws a set of random numbers out of a given range. Random picks usually lead to higher winnings than the usual birthdays and lucky numbers because fewer players sharing the same set.

Can be customized for many different lotteries world wide. Draws a normal set and optionally an extra set of numbers.

Ad supported freeware

Keywords: gambling, draw, random, pick, winnings, lucky, number, world, national, state, extra, flexible, ticket, jackpot

Иконка для gbaMoney Trial Money Tracking 1.6.2t

gbaMoney Trial Money Tracking (v. 1.6.2t)

GBizApps.com опубликовал приложение 2010-06-04
(обновлено 2013-11-19)

Expenses or income are quickly entered and assigned to classes, categories and subcategories. Monthly or yearly totals and subtotals can be viewed and graphically compared, with budgets on class or category level. Currencies are converted. Split items and recurring transactions can be defined. Import and export of CSV and QIF files.

Trial version with full functionality but limited to 100 transactions.

This app was developed for sophisticated users that need more than the basic features most other apps offer. Using classes when assigning to categories gives another dimension for controlling your expenses. So you may separate personal from business, or multiple persons.

Data of this trial version can be exported and re-used in the paid version.


Иконка для Tip N Split Tip Calculator 1.0.5

Tip N Split Tip Calculator (v. 1.0.5)

Handy Apps Inc. опубликовал приложение 2010-12-27
(обновлено 2013-11-17)

Calculate tip and split the bill with Tip N Split - the ultimate tip calculator!

This tip calculator app not only calculates tip quickly and easily but also helps to split the bill between any number of people.

Round up or round down on any value on the tip calculator and see changes to the tip percentage, tip amount, total amount and amount payable per person immediately!

This app is brought to you by Handy Apps!

Connect with us on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/HandyAppsInc

Иконка для DIOTAX™ Mobile App 2.0

DIOTAX™ Mobile App (v. 2.0)

DioGuardi Enterprises Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-11-28
(обновлено 2013-11-12)

Here’s your mainline connection to dioguardi.ca and all things tax.

Download the app and instantly:
- Scan and upload receipts straight to your MyDIOTAX™ file
- Click-to-call DioGuardi® to get help with a tax problem
- Rate your tax problem on a 1 to 10 scale
- Watch our newest videos and play Tax Fun Games
- Locate the nearest DioGuardi® office

Иконка для Spar Nord Mobilbank 2.10.0

Spar Nord Mobilbank (v. 2.10.0)

Spar Nord Bank опубликовал приложение 2011-11-26
(обновлено 2013-11-09)

Med Spar Nord Mobilbank har du altid din bank med på farten. I mobilbanken kan du ordne de fleste banksager og få overblik over din økonomi – uanset hvor og hvornår.

Du skal være kunde, for at kunne logge på mobilbanken. Log ind på din netbank og opret brugernavn og adgangskode - så er du klar til at komme igang.

* Se kontooversigt, med saldi på alle dine konti
* Se rådighedsbeløb i kontooversigt (NYHED)
* Vælge Bevægelser direkte fra Homescreen (NYHED)
* Vælge anden konto direkte fra Bevægelser (NYHED)
* Se fremtidige betalinger
* Overføre penge til alle konti i Danmark
* Betale alle girokort
* Benytte kreditorregisteret fra din netbank
* Lægge betalinger i Udbakke
* Se og betale e-Kort
* Se kontovilkår
* Vælge ”Husk brugernavn” og ”Start på login-siden” (NYHED)

* Omregne valuta
* Kontakte banken
* Sende formular for at blive kunde (NYHED)
* Finde vores filialer
* Finde pengeautomater
* Finde svar i FAQ
* Vælge sprog (Dansk/Engelsk)

Er du ikke kunde, er du meget velkommen til at udfylde formularen direkte via denne app under Kontakt eller at kontakte os via vores hjemmeside

Brug for hjælp?
Spar Nords hotline er naturligvis klar til at hjælpe dig, hvis du har spørgsmål til Spar Nord Mobilbank. Se www.sparnord.dk/bank/hjaelp/faq/Mobilbank.

Иконка для Adding Machine 1.8

Adding Machine (v. 1.8)

winni2001 опубликовал приложение 2010-12-25
(обновлено 2013-11-08)

Simulates an office or desk calculator (adding machine) with tip strip. Does not work like a normal calculator!

- Cash Check
- Tax calculations
- Clipboard
- Sound
- Haptic feedback
- Favorites buttons for popular functions

Found errors? Email me with the name of your device!
Donate Key available!

Иконка для Banco de Chile 3.0.6

Banco de Chile (v. 3.0.6)

Banco de Chile опубликовал приложение 2011-11-25
(обновлено 2013-11-06)

La aplicación del Banco de Chile para Android entrega acceso a la banca móvil del Banco de Chile, donde podrás: revisar el saldo y últimos movimientos de Cuenta Corriente, realizar transferencias entre Productos o a Terceros, Recargar el celular, entre otras funciones.  Además ofrece útiles servicios, asociados a tus tarjetas y cuentas,  que incluyen beneficios, descuentos y promociones en diferentes tiendas y comercios del país.

-El servicio entrega notificaciones que llegan a tu dispositivo, por lo que estarás conectado de manera instantánea a las novedades y beneficios que Banco de Chile te entregará. Podrás tener contacto directo dentro y fuera del país, solicitar productos y efectuar trámites bancarios.

-La aplicación móvil del Banco de Chile te entrega exclusivas e importantes ofertas, promociones y descuentos para restaurantes, servicios, tecnología, hogar, vestuario y viajes, entre otros beneficios.

-Con la aplicación del Banco de Chile podrás encontrar  en segundos las sucursales más cercanas, indicándote cuál queda más cerca de ti, a través del sistema de geolocalización. Este servicio está disponible también para encontrar los cajeros asociados a Redbanc más próximos, incluyendo un filtro especial con los del propio del Banco de Chile.

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