财商FQ测试 (v. 2.0)
omesoft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
财商(FQ)代表了人的财富智慧,反映个人对金钱、财富的认知及管理能力。在生活水平不断提高的今天,好工作越来越难找;物价越涨越高。一生当中需要花钱的地方很多,这就需要我们通过理财才能较好地去规划自己的人生。那么你的理财水平如何呢?你是一个善于财务调度的理财高手,还是一个购物狂?下面的自我测验,能帮助你了解自己的理财状况。 |
Erste Group (v. 1.3)
Erste Group Bank AG опубликовал приложение 2011-08-18
This is an app brought to you by Erste Group Bank AG and its subsidiaries: |
PosteMobile Store (v. 4.1)
PosteMobile SpA опубликовал приложение 2011-08-06
L'applicazione PosteMobile Store di PosteMobile ti permette di gestire il conto Banco Posta e la Postepay Poste Italiane di cui sei titolare, associati alla tua SIM PosteMobile, direttamente dal tuo smartphone, attraverso un'applicazione ricca e interattiva. Puoi fare bonifici, pagare bollettini, ricaricare il credito della SIM PosteMobile o della Postepay con pochi click e con la sicurezza garantita da un PIN personale (PMPIN) che ti viene richiesto ad ogni operazione che effettui con la tua SIM PosteMobile. E' inoltre possibile pagare i bollettini premarcati sui quali è presente un barcode, utilizzando la fotocamera del telefono. E' possibile inoltre richiedere la tracciatura delle spedizioni postali e fruire nuovi servizi di entertainment. |
Fraud News (v. 1.0)
JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-03
A regularly updated listing of current news articles concerning fraud. |
Punch Debt In The Face (v. 1.0.1)
Blog2Android опубликовал приложение 2011-07-10
I am a normal, 25 year old bad a$$ mother lover (love ya Mom Ninja). I have a bachelors in Psychology from a very tiny school that none of you will have ever heard of. I live in San Diego, CA. I have worked for the Federal Government for 2 years doing investigations. I blog anonymously ’cause I’m scared some crazy blog reader will begin stalking me, eventually attack me, cut my skin off, and then wear it. |
Lottery Manager Trial (v. 1.0.11)
hashisoft опубликовал приложение 2011-07-05
You will be able to purchase lottery management, Lotto, Numbers. |
Profit/Loss Calcualtor (v. 2.0)
Mercury Wireless Software, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-06-29
Stock Market Profit Loss Calculator is a profit/loss and share price calculator application from Mercury Wireless Software, LLC. When buying shares, options, or futures the trade calculator can determine the total cash outlay in a few simple steps. |
BörseExpress (v. 1)
Styria Börse Express опубликовал приложение 2011-06-28
Die App von Österreichs grösster Finanz-, Börse- und Aktienseite. Alle News rund um den Wiener Aktienmarkt sowie Beiträge von be24.at. Weiters aktuelle Kursinfos, Live-Indikationen zu ATX, Dax und Dow und das komplette Diskussionsboard. Und: Beobachten Sie Ihre favorisierten Aktien, Fonds oder Zertifikate in der laufend aktualisierten Watchlist. |
My Stock/Fund/MPF Portfolio (v. 1.9)
Manwai Technology опубликовал приложение 2011-06-25
My Stock/Fund/MPF Portfolio helps you manage and keep track your stock, fund and MPF performance and calculate your total asset value. |
Checkbook Genius Trial (v. 2.0.3)
Charles Tatum II опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
Checkbook Genius is recompiled and ready for Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.3)! The screen shots shown on this page show how Checkbook Genius will look with Android 4.0.3. (Fonts may differ on devices running older versions of Android.) |