Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные финансовые приложения в Android Market

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261-270 из 4307
Иконка для US Military Pay Calc Free 2.13

US Military Pay Calc Free (v. 2.13)

Crash Test Dummy Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-06-16
(обновлено 2014-05-16)

This application will calculate pay for US military members.

Updated for 2013 base pay and BAH!!

Current Functionality:
- Calculates base pay based on 1) Years in the Service 2) Pay Grade
- For reservists, calculates the estimated monthly base pay based on 4 drills per month being completed
- Calculates BAH based on 1) Zip Code 2) Pay Grade 3) Dependant status
- Included BAS
- User can email the results to save this information for later use

Иконка для Falcon Leasing Quoting Tool 1.2.2

Falcon Leasing Quoting Tool (v. 1.2.2)

Alex Polfliet опубликовал приложение 2012-06-14
(обновлено 2012-06-14)

This provides you an estimated monthly payment for an equipment lease with Falcon Leasing.  Simply enter the amount to be financed and you'll receive a three and five year payment quote.

Иконка для REON Equity 1.01(0)

REON Equity (v. 1.01(0))

Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

Handelsbanken Capital Markets Equity Research

Through this application, Handelsbanken Capital Markets offers unique insight into Nordic equities with award-winning research reports, comments, detailed estimates, consensus data, extensive technical charts, performance charts and market data.

The application is intended for Handelsbanken Capital Markets institutional clients with a valid account to the website for Equity Research.

Please contact us if you have any questions:

Please be aware that usual mobile phone charges may apply when using this application.

Иконка для 교통사고긴급출동 1.3

교통사고긴급출동 (v. 1.3)

AppCookr.co.kr опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

자동차보험 긴급출동서비스를 받을 수 있는 콜센터
자동차사고 신고요령 그리고 형사처벌과 벌점, 범칙금,
11대중과실사고, 교통사고합의서, 교통사고신속처리협의서,
운전과 차량관리
연금저축과 소득공제, 종신보험과 상속세 등등
그리고 시효기간이 지나면 보험금을 받을 수 없기에
보험회사 연락처와 보험금 청구에 필요한 서류들...
보험과 관련되어 꼭 필요한 소중한 정보들을 모았습니다.
또한 민원을 제기할 수 있는
금감원,소비자보호원,보험협회 등의 연락처들도 모았습니다.

1번 메뉴는 각보험사의 콜센타, 금감원,소비자보호원,보험협회의 전화번호.
2번 메뉴 - 보험과 사고
1 모르면 손해보는 보험이야기 ; 보험의 중요한 담보를 중심으로 혼자점검 이해하도로록
2 재테크 ; 보험을 이용하여 재테크할 수 있다는 이야기
3 운전 및 관리 10계명모음 ; 운전에 필요한 상식들
4 교통사고신고요령등 ; 교통사고와 신고,형사처벌,구속기준,벌점,범칙금,11대중과실사고
5 보험사제공서비스 ; 자동차보험의 긴급출동서비스 등을 각보험사별로 비교

3번메뉴 - 자료실
1 손해보험청구서류-질병상해교통사고
2 교통사고신속처리협의서
3 손해보험사주소 및 보험접수용팩스
4 교통사고합의서
5 보험뉴스동영상자료 - 유튜브

4번메뉴 - 설왕설래
1 Q&A 담벼락
2 RSS 정보와자료
3 Loveisart11 - 트윗을 통한 정보공유
4; 달력

3. 앱 사용시 주의사항
자료나 문서를 다운받고 싶으면 pc에서 직접 받아서 사용하세요
법률적인 문제나 형사적인 문제는 전문가와 상의하셔서 진행하시고 이 앱의 용도는 참조용으로만하십시요.
또한 자료나 데이타가 아직 업그레드가 안되어 반영이 안되어 있을 수도 있습니다. 이 점 감안하시어 사용하십시요
틀린 자료가 있으면 010-3864-6561 연락주세요. 시정하겠습니다.
4. 서비스 문의 및 버그리포팅
버그 - 노트로 된 메뉴는 수정을 하면 반영이 안되어 새로만들고 새로입력해야함

Иконка для Moolah! 1.4

Moolah! (v. 1.4)

El Guapo опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

A few simple, basic, no frills financial calculators that will always come in handy. Hit "Install" now, cuz if you don't, at some point, you're gonna regret you haven't. Like next time you're at a car dealership and they're throwing around numbers that'll confuse you ad nauseum. Just saying.

Included in the app are:

Mortgage calculator
Auto Loan calculator
Loan calculator
Savings calculator
Credit Card payment calculator


Иконка для Brooke Jacob's Mortgage Calc. 1.2

Brooke Jacob's Mortgage Calc. (v. 1.2)

Front Pocket Marketing опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Brooke Jacob's Mortgage Calculator gives you instant access to discover your monthly payment on any house.  This easy-to-use calculator will tell you the exact monthly payment of a home based on:
• Loan Amount
• Interest Rate
• Term
• Mortgage Insurance
• Property Taxes
• Home Owner’s Insurance
• and now includes an optional second mortgage calculation

Never again will you have to guess your monthly payment when you’re shopping for homes because you can calculate your payment on the spot…even if you’re in the house you might want to buy!  This calculator gives you the confidence you need to make a decision on the affordability of any house.  

Not only that but…

This calculator app gives you access to Brooke Jacob via phone, email, or the web.  You’ll never be alone in the home-buying process again because you’ll have your own real estate professional in your front pocket at all times!
Download this app now to eliminate uncertainty that surrounds buying a home and pin point your monthly payment with laser-like focus.

Иконка для Anthony Baca's Mortgage Calc. 1.0

Anthony Baca's Mortgage Calc. (v. 1.0)

Front Pocket Marketing опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Anthony Baca's Mortgage Calculator gives you instant access to discover your monthly payment on any house.  This easy-to-use calculator will tell you the exact monthly payment of a home based on:
• Loan Amount
• Interest Rate
• Term
• Mortgage Insurance
• Property Taxes
• Home Owner’s Insurance
• and now includes an optional second mortgage calculation

Never again will you have to guess your monthly payment when you’re shopping for homes because you can calculate your payment on the spot…even if you’re in the house you might want to buy!  This calculator gives you the confidence you need to make a decision on the affordability of any house.  

Not only that but…

This calculator app gives you access to Anthony Baca via phone, email, or the web.  You’ll never be alone in the home-buying process again because you’ll have your own real estate professional in your front pocket at all times!
Download this app now to eliminate uncertainty that surrounds buying a home and pin point your monthly payment with laser-like focus.

Иконка для Best Sized Pizza 1.4

Best Sized Pizza (v. 1.4)

Dane Hansen опубликовал приложение 2012-06-09
(обновлено 2012-06-09)

Have you ever wondered if the largest size pizza is actually the best deal? This calculator app will help you find out exactly that.

Иконка для ナンピンくん 1.0.0

ナンピンくん (v. 1.0.0)

fxwill.com опубликовал приложение 2012-06-08
(обновлено 2012-06-08)




Иконка для Term Life Insurance 0.12.13077

Term Life Insurance (v. 0.12.13077)

EasyInsuranceIndia опубликовал приложение 2012-06-07
(обновлено 2012-06-07)

Compare term life insurance from all insurers in India and buy online

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