Популярные бесплатные финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
81-90 из 4307
Иконка для 신한카드 smart 신한 shinhan 2.6.2

신한카드 smart 신한 shinhan (v. 2.6.2)

SHINHANCARD опубликовал приложение 2010-07-17
(обновлено 2011-08-24)

언제 어디서나 Smart한 카드 생활!
신한카드 [스마트 신한]

이제 스마트폰에서도 신한카드의 다양한 서비스를 누리세요 !

- What’s new ?

ㅇ 국내 최초로 스마트폰 온라인 쇼핑 시,‘스마트신한'으로 30만원이상 공인인증서 결제가 가능해 집니다.

※ 기존 ‘스마트신한’을 Ver 2.5.7 이상으로 업그레이드 하시고, 스마트신한 공인인증서를 활용하여, 더 편리한 스마트폰 쇼핑을 경험해 보시기 바랍니다.

[서비스 안내]

ㅇ 이용대금 명세서 조회

ㅇ 카드이용조회 - 국내/해외 이용내역 조회,할부이용내역/최소내역 조회, 대중교통이용내역 조회 등

ㅇ 금융서비스 - 현금서비스 신청/조회, 카드론 신청/조회

ㅇ 포인트 - 포인트 전체조회 / 월별내역,쇼핑몰혜택안내, Tops Club 프리미엄 쿠폰

ㅇ 결제서비스 - 결제예정금액, 입금내역,당월청구금액선결제, 연체/결제일당일결제, 결제처리결과조회

ㅇ 한도서비스 - 이용한도 안내 / 조회

ㅇ 카드소개/신청 - 카드안내, 카드수령등록 , 발급상황 조회

ㅇ 이벤트/공지 - 이벤트 보기, 공지안내, 당첨자 발표

ㅇ 아름인 - 아름인 소개, 기부하기, 나의 기부내역

ㅇ 소식지 (Love Letter)

ㅇ 고객센터

ㅇ 공인인증서 관리 등


1) 공인인증서 가져오기 과정 중 오류 사항에 관하여 안내 드립니다.

스마트 신한의 공인인증서 가져오기는 반드시 신한카드의 홈페이지(www.shinhancard.com)에서 진행해주셔야 합니다.

2) 비밀번호 입력 오류에 관하여 안내 드립니다.

보안 키보드를 이용해 입력 시, 대소문자를 정확하게 구분하여 입력해주시기 바랍니다.

※ 향후에도 지속적인 업데이트를 통해 다양하고 편리한 서비스를 제공할 예정입니다.
  항상 저희 신한카드를 이용해 주시는 고객님께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

Иконка для Smart Financial Calculator 2.2.5

Smart Financial Calculator (v. 2.2.5)

PAXNET опубликовал приложение 2010-07-13
(обновлено 2013-04-23)

Currency Calculator, Sale, Repayment

★3/14 Exchange Rates is available★

Smart Financial Calculator is a multi-functional calculator which allows you to work efficiently with a variety of financial supports.

1.Monthly Deposit(Savings)
2.Final Amount(Savings)
3.Fixed Deposit(Savings)
4.Exchange Rates
7.Unit Price
8.Fuel Consumption
9.Calculation Note(Calculator)

Иконка для eTomato Stock Master[증권통]

eTomato Stock Master[증권통] (v.

eTomato, Semaphore Solutions Inc. опубликовал приложение 2010-07-05
(обновлено 2013-01-09)

Stock quote update in realtime for Korean stock markets(KOSDAQ, KOSPI), support candle charts.

Иконка для CNBC App for Android Phones

CNBC App for Android Phones (v.

NBC Universal, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2010-07-03
(обновлено 2012-12-22)

Stay on top of the markets with CNBC Real-Time…the best free App that delivers Real-Time stock quotes direct from the NYSE and NASDAQ.  Plus you can create up to eight customizable watchlists, and access CNBC top news headlines with quick links to charts, company news and more.

Иконка для 미래에셋증권 M-Stock 5.57

미래에셋증권 M-Stock (v. 5.57)

Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2010-07-02
(обновлено 2012-12-12)

* 2012년 미래에셋증권 신규고객 스마트폰 주식거래 수수료 1년간 무료(~2012년 12월 까지, 유관기관수수료제외)
* 업계최저수준 스마트폰 주식매매수수료 0.015%
- 스마트폰 및 갤럭시Tab에 최적화 되어 있습니다.

1) 주식,신용,ELW,위탁대출매도 주문
2) 주식, 펀드, CMA 잔고 조회
3) 실시간 현재가(주식,ELW)서비스
4) 관심종목 조회,추가,수정
5) 편리한 이체서비스
6) 주식차트 - 보조지표 추가
※ 문의 및 건의사항은 당사 고객지원센터(1588-9200), 홈페이지 고객센터>문의/상담 메뉴 또는 twitter(@mstock_ebiz)를 통해서 보내주시기 바랍니다.

Иконка для Karl's Mortgage Calculator 1.5.1

Karl's Mortgage Calculator (v. 1.5.1)

DrCalculator.com опубликовал приложение 2010-06-14
(обновлено 2014-05-24)

Calculate mortgage payments given principal, interest and term. Reverse calculate any one variable given the other three.

Enter a down payment amount or percentage and let the calculator show how large a mortgage you require.

See how the monthly payment changes when you factor in additional monthly or annual loan costs such as PMI, HOA, taxes and insurance.

The calculator supports Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) loans with up to five changes in interest rates. Interest-only mortgages loans are also supported.

You can pay off your mortgage early with extra payments. Add one-off, monthly and annual extra payments. Choose up to ten additional extra payment amounts and payment periods and the calculator will show how much money you can save on the loan.

Choose from weekly to annual loan payments and adjust the compounding period from daily through annual periods. The calculator supports Canadian mortgages along with UK annual rest mortgages.

Multiple rounding options on loan calculations are also available. Choose between no rounding, round half up, half down, to even, to ceiling and to floor.

The calculator also supports the input and display of multiple currencies.

- Internet access required for adverts and analytics
- External storage access required to store email attachments prior to sending

Иконка для My Cars 1.8.2

My Cars (v. 1.8.2)

Davag опубликовал приложение 2010-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Track your car and bikes expenses/mileage with an exhaustive set of functionalities:

- Full fuel management (costs, efficiency, ...)
- Maintenance records
- Bills/expenses
- Charts (exportable as png files)
- Reminders
- Many customizations options to fit your needs
- Many statistics/charts
- Export/import in csv/xml.
- Automatic backup of data on SD card + Google online backup
- Support of Bi-fuel cars (LPG/CNG)
- Support of Dual-fuel cars (E85,)
- Many units supported. Full UK support!
- Widget for quick refuel
- Widget to launch the app with other icons (other car, bike icons). Can be used for instance to use your own bike icon to launch My Cars
- No ads!

If you have any question(bug, support, new features) , you can contact me by email.

If you like this program, there is a donation version
-> search for "My Cars Donation" in the market.
-> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aguirre.android.mycarpro

App widgets only work if the app is not installed on the SD car.

Иконка для USAA Mobile 4.3.1

USAA Mobile (v. 4.3.1)

USAA опубликовал приложение 2010-06-12
(обновлено 2012-05-30)

Some ®Droid ®Bionic users are currently experiencing connection problems with the USAA Mobile App via a 3G connection. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we’re actively working to correct the problem as quickly as possible. In the meantime, please note that the USAA Mobile App is working effectively if you have a 4G or Wi-Fi connection. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue.

USAA mobile gives you immediate and secure account access from your mobile device.
MANAGE FINANCES — Pay bills, transfer funds, trade stocks
DEPOSIT@MOBILE — Deposit checks from your phone*
INSURANCE CLAIMS— Report a loss, submit photos, view status
PLUS — Loan calculator, ATM & rental car locator, get insurance cards

* To use Deposit@Mobile(TM) service, you must (1) be eligible for USAA insurance, (2) have a USAA deposit account, and (3) have a USAA-issued credit card or loan, or be approved for one.

USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. Banks Member FDIC. To take advantage of mobile.usaa.com, you must be registered on usaa.com.
Investment/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured – Not Bank Guaranteed – May lose Value
Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers.
Your phone carrier’s standard charges may apply. System availability and response time is subject to market conditions.

USAA Money Manager is not an investment advisory service of USAA.
Information on non-USAA accounts is governed by the User Agreement. USAA's personal financial management services are not sponsored or endorsed by any third party.
USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its insurance, banking, investment and other companies. Banks Member FDIC. Investments provided by USAA Investment Management Company and USAA Financial Advisors Inc., both registered broker dealers.

Иконка для Discover Mobile 2.1.2

Discover Mobile (v. 2.1.2)

Discover Financial Services опубликовал приложение 2010-06-10
(обновлено 2012-02-09)

Get one-stop, on-the-go account management for your Discover Card or Discover Bank account.

Discover customers can use their existing Discover.com User ID to:
* View account summary, balance and payment information, available credit, Cashback Bonus balance, and much more
* Search transaction history
* Make a payment
* Enroll in quarterly 5% Cashback Bonus programs
* Send cash to just about anyone using Money Messenger powered by PayPal
* Redeem Cashback Bonus for eCertificates

Discover Bank customers can use their existing Discoverbank.com User ID to:
* View their account summary
* Schedule transactions
* Transfer funds

Иконка для MoneyManager 2.8.6

MoneyManager (v. 2.8.6)

swordiApps опубликовал приложение 2010-06-09
(обновлено 2012-02-03)

It's a small finance app that shows you where your money is.
With >300 000 downloads it is one of the famoust finance apps at the android market !

This app is ad supported. If you don't like ads please look for MoneyManager Pro. Please support us to improve MoneyManager.

Some of the features:

✓In and out entries
✓CSV Export
✓choose date and currency
✓and many more

The permissions we need to use are for the advertising component.

Please give us some feedback via email or ratings. Thanks a lot to all of our users!

You can find more information at our website: www.swordiApps.com

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