Популярные бесплатные финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
321-330 из 4307
Иконка для MoneyPass ATM Locator 1.0.7

MoneyPass ATM Locator (v. 1.0.7)

LocatorSearch, LLC опубликовал приложение 2010-08-07
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

MoneyPass is a nationwide surcharge-free ATM network with more than 20,000 ATMs. Finding a MoneyPass ATM couldn’t be easier now, with the MoneyPass ATM Locator app! With two convenient search options, you can find a MoneyPass ATM by entering an address, a zip code or using your current location.

Иконка для 카드생활

카드생활 (v.

yong7788 опубликовал приложение 2010-08-06
(обновлено 2010-12-29)

신용카드를 사용하면 오는 문자를 자동으로 가계부에 입력시켜 주는 어플입니다.
분류설정 및 현금 지출 내역도 입력 가능 합니다.

옵티머스 실시간 문자 적용 예정

메인광고 선택가능
결제 알림 선택 기능
SMS 도착시 자동 데이터 입력
기간별, 카드별, 분류별 리스팅
카드별 통계
분류별 통계
기존 SMS 입력기능
분류 관리
백업, 복구
자동 백업

사용중 건의사항이나 문의 사항,카드추가는 트윗, 게시판에 글 남겨 주세요.
트윗 아이디 : yongin77
홈페이지 : and.e777.kr

Иконка для 대우증권 Smart 1.0.36

대우증권 Smart (v. 1.0.36)

Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2010-08-03
(обновлено 2011-11-20)

[대우증권 Smart 주요기능]
▶ 아이콘 형식의 메뉴 구조
▶ 실시간 시세(HTS와 동일)
▶ 퀵버튼 기능
▶ 주문 서비스
  - 현금,신용,ELW,시간외,
▶ 관심종목편집(HTS와 연동)
▶ 챠트 서비스
▶ 뉴스정보제공
▶ 체결알림 서비스(HTS와 연동)
▶ SMS알림 서비스
▶ 금융상품 서비스
▶ 이체 서비스

※ 많은 이용 부탁드립니다.

Иконка для I.O.U - I Owe You 0.62b

I.O.U - I Owe You (v. 0.62b)

Coder-Area опубликовал приложение 2010-08-02
(обновлено 2011-11-15)

Keeps track of your debts.

*Item debts
*Money debts
*Send reminders
*Move to SD
*Partial payments
*Due dates
*Barcode scanner
*Contacts from address book
*Custom currencies
*Backup to SD

For Ad-Free Version see "I.O.U Pro".

Иконка для Tip Me (Tip Calculator) 2.1.5

Tip Me (Tip Calculator) (v. 2.1.5)

nilknarf опубликовал приложение 2010-07-31
(обновлено 2011-11-03)

You won't find another tip calculator with this many features, looks this good, and is as simple and intuitive as Tip Me!  Oh, and did I mention, it's ad free!


-Calculates in real time
-Shake device to reset (turn on/off via menu)
-Split bill between any # of people
-Separately adjust each individual's amount.
-Specify your own custom tip percent(set default in menu)
-Rounding options
-Calculate pre and post tax
-move to SD(Froyo)
-Customize the look by choosing from three available fonts

There seems to be a bit of confusion with the purpose of the tax feature.  When the tax button is on (checked), it calculates the tip based off of a pre-tax bill amount; when off (unchecked), it calculates after tax.  Either way, when entering the bill amount, you still enter in the total bill amount (including tax).  To help make this a bit more obvious, I have renamed the tax button to a "Pre-Tax" button.

Иконка для Kitco Precious Metal Prices 0.2.2

Kitco Precious Metal Prices (v. 0.2.2)

diafygi опубликовал приложение 2010-07-28
(обновлено 2011-10-17)


Loads and displays live precious metal prices and charts from Kitco.com. Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt), and Palladium (Pd) are included. Released under GPLv2.

NOTE: This is not officially from Kitco Metals, Inc. I asked permission to use their charts, and they said it was fine as long as I linked to Kitco.com.

Иконка для Stock Checker 9.1

Stock Checker (v. 9.1)

funnything опубликовал приложение 2010-07-24
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

This app is stock checker, mainly for japanese.
- Index-value, japanese-stock, forex.
- Candle chart.
- Can start this app by securities://[(japan|abroad|stock|currencies)]/[code]
- Simeji's mushroom
We would like to hear from you!

Иконка для 신한금융투자 신한 goodi smart 3.0.0

신한금융투자 신한 goodi smart (v. 3.0.0)

Shinhan Investment Corp. опубликовал приложение 2010-07-24
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

신한금융투자의 안드로이드폰 전용 트레이딩 프로그램 굿아이 smart!
주식 시세 조회와 주문은 물론 이체 및 보유종목 실시간 시세조회까지,
더 다양하고 편리한 굿아이 smart로 안드로이드폰에서도 리얼 트레이딩을 경험하실 수 있습니다.

[goodismart만의 특징]
1. 관심종목 연동기능 제공
- HTS나 Web에서 등록한 관심종목을 안드로이드폰에서 조회하실 수 있으며, 안드로이드폰에서도 관심종목 편집이 가능합니다.
2. 이체 기능 제공
- 단순한 주식시세조회 및 주문 뿐만 아니라 타행이체, 예수금전환 등의 이체기능을 제공합니다.
3. 보유종목의 실시간 시세를 초기화면에서 제공
- 잔고조회 뿐만 아니라 초기화면에서 자신만의 보유종목을 실시간 시세로 제공하며, 현재가&주문으로 바로가기도 가능합니다.

1. 실시간 시세 제공(주식, ELW, 선물옵션)
2. 관심종목 연동(HTS, Web) 및 편집
3. 주식 차트 제공(1분, 5분, 일봉, 주봉, 월봉) – 가로보기 제공
4. 실시간 국내/해외지수 시세 제공
5. 주식 주문(일반/신용/예약/제휴대출) 서비스 제공
6. ELW, 선물옵션 주문서비스 제공
7. 이체/예수금 전환 서비스 제공
8. 보유종목 실시간 시세 제공
9. 사용자 편의에 중점을 둔 UI 제공
10. My메뉴(사용자메뉴 설정) 기능 제공
* 고객님의 모든 거래정보는 암호화되어 안전하게 전송되며, 주문/이체/잔고조회 등의 서비스는 안전한 주식거래를 위해 PC의 공인인증서를 복사하여 이용하실 수 있습니다.

향후 더욱 편리하고 안전한 안드로이드폰 증권 서비스를 위해 지속적으로 업그레이드를 할 예정이니 많은 이용 바랍니다.
문의 및 건의사항은 당사 홈페이지/HTS의 고객게시판 또는 고객지원센터(1588-0365)로 문의주시면 빠른 답변 드리도록 하겠습니다.

Иконка для Gas Finder 1.0.7

Gas Finder (v. 1.0.7)

Vlad Rubin опубликовал приложение 2010-07-20
(обновлено 2010-11-21)

Gas Finder allows you to find the cheapest gas in your area. The locations, price, and address are listed. You can click to directly navigate to the destination.

For search terms try:

Las Vegas, NV
Toronto, ON
M4C 1B5


Upd: Removed not used permissions, now saves search terms, speed-up tweak.

Иконка для ProOnGo - Expense Tracker 3.01.124

ProOnGo - Expense Tracker (v. 3.01.124)

ProOnGo LLC опубликовал приложение 2010-07-17
(обновлено 2013-05-26)

Using the ProOnGo Expense mobile app & Web Portal, you can Record, Approve/Deny and Sync your employee expenses no matter what device you have in front of you.

**New Feature:** Use your company's expense report! Visit ProOnGo.com/Excel to upload your spreadsheet.

ProOnGo Expense is the perfect expense tracker/expense management system for you and your team's business expenses. Your team records their expenses on Android, BlackBerry, iPhone or iPad, and you can view, approve and sync all of your expenses to QuickBooks or another accounting system, directly from your mobile device, or from any laptop/desktop.

Expense Tracker, Mileage Tracker, Time Tracker and Create expense reports anywhere, anytime from any device, ProOnGo Expense is the best tool for tracking expenses for small businesses.


• Business Expense Tracking: Easily Approve/Deny your employees expenses from your mobile device or your laptop/desktop
• Syncs Expenses to QuickBooks using Intuit Sync Manager
• Receipt Reader: automatically extracts Vendor, Date and Total Amount from your receipts
• Email-in eReceipts and have info automatically extracted
• Mileage Expenses via GPS, Odometer and City Name
• Time Expense Tracker
• Credit Card Integration
• Export to Excel, XML, CSV
• Web Portal – use the expense tracking app from your desktop
• Expense Storage and Backup – Download old expenses to new phones
• Contact Integration - associate expenses with clients
• Multiple Currencies and Exchange Rates support.
• Recurring weekly or monthly expenses
• Remembered Merchants and Locations
• Offline Mode in case you have no internet connection when expense tracking
• Custom Expense Report – Export to your company's Expense Report Spreadsheet

Receipt Scanner and Reader, mileage tracker by GPS or Odometer, downloads Credit Card transactions, records Tracks Employee & Contractor Time, and easily syncs with QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Online.

Sync expenses to QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop (utilizing Intuit Sync Manager). Supports:

• Vendor Center
• Employee Center
• Customer Center
• Chart of Accounts
• Items
• Classes
• Payment Methods

Expense Management:
View your employees' expenses, then approve or deny the expenses to create expense reports or sync with your accounting system. Get a new expense management system up and running within hours!

Receipt Expense Capture, Reading and Storage:
Turn your phone into a receipt scanner! Take a picture of a receipt to create an expense. The Receipt Reader then scans the receipt and extracts the merchant name, date and total amount to create a new expense.

Attach your receipt image to the expense, and the receipt image will show up in your expense report.

Mileage Tracker:

-By City Name or Address; ProOnGo Expense will act as a mileage tracker to automatically calculate the distance between the two positions
-By GPS: to locate your starting and ending addresses to calculate your mileage expense
-By Odometer: Enter in your odometer readings and the subtraction is done for you to create a new mileage expense

Credit Card Sync:
Sync up your credit card so every transaction is imported as an expense. Then attach a client or project name, then easily create your expense report.

Time Tracking:
Create client lists and easily expense the time you spend with them. Then at the end of each week, create your time log or billable hour expense report.

Web Portal:
Fully functional expense tracker on your desktop or laptop. Login at ProOnGo.com to add expenses, create expense reports, view employee expenses and download past expense reports.

***Full featured expense tracker requires subscription fee. 30 Day Free Trial - Not billed for 30 days. See ProOnGo.com/subscribe for more details.***

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