Популярные бесплатные финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1531-1540 из 4307
Иконка для Smart Stock 2.8

Smart Stock (v. 2.8)

virsir.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

Widgets/Price Notifications/Multiple Portfolios/World-Wide markets/Currency Rates

Best stock tracking tool with many features: multiple portfolios, widgets, alerts, news, charts, etc.

* World-wide markets sync with Google.
* Up-to-date realtime stock data
* Multiple portfolios
* 3 Colorful widgets, :-)
* Financial News and stock related news
* Charts
* Alerts, set price alert to get notification
* Global market indices
* Currency rates
* Full screen mode
* Notes, add notes to your stock
* and much more.

keywords: stock stocks stock market tracking finance candlestick technical analysis chart graph twitter portfolio widget google finance notes  stocks financial stocks Shanghai Hang Seng finance Nasdaq Fund ナスダック ストック ファンド  株  大盤 財經 美股  基金 上海 納斯達克

Иконка для 토마토저축은행 스마트뱅킹 1.2.0

토마토저축은행 스마트뱅킹 (v. 1.2.0)

TomatoBank опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

토마토저축은행 스마트뱅킹 어플리케이션을 이용하여
계좌조회, 이체, 상품신규, 예적금담보대출 등의 금융서비스를
언제 어디서나 사용할 수 있습니다.


* 조회  
- 예적금 및 대출 계좌, 해지계좌에 대한 거래내역 및 상세정보 조회
- 예적금 계좌에 대한 해지 예상조회 기능 제공

* 이체
- 즉시이체 : 계좌이체 및 납입 기능 제공
- 예약이체, 당행자동이체, CMS이체 서비스 제공

* 신규/해지
- 인터넷 및 스마트 뱅킹 상품의 가입, 해지 서비스 세공

* 대출
- 예적금담보 대출, 대출상환, 대출이자납입금액 조회 서비스 제공

* 고객센터
- 금리안내, 지점조회 서비스 제공
- FAQ, 스마트폰 새소식, 스마트폰이용안내 서비스 제공

* 부가서비스
- 사고신고, 자주쓰는 입금계좌 관리, 이체한도 변경, OTP보정 서비스 제공
* 환경설정
- 버젼확인, 마이뱅크설정 서비스 제공

* 공인인증센터
- 공인인증서 가져오기, 공인인증서 관리 서비스 제공

* 어플리케이션 다운로드에는 Wi-Fi(무선랜)망 이용을 권장합니다. Wi-Fi가 아닌 경우에는
  무선데이터 요금이 과금될 수 있습니다.

* 토마토 스마트뱅킹은 전용 백신프로그램(V3) 실행 하에 동작하여 Virus 및 해킹등을 검사합니다.

Иконка для CardSMS (신용카드 승인내역 자동집계) 1.3.6

CardSMS (신용카드 승인내역 자동집계) (v. 1.3.6)

sink772 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-04
(обновлено 2012-09-04)

CardSMS는 신용/체크 카드의 SMS 승인내역 문자를 자동으로 인식하여 저장하고, 그 내역을 언제든지 편리하게 조회할 수 있도록 하는 앱입니다.  신용카드의 지출 내역을 한눈에 파악할 수 있어 절제된 카드 생활을 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

## Go SMS Pro 문자 송수신 어플을 사용하시는 분들은 해당 어플의 설정을 아래와 같이 바꾸셔야, 제 어플이 정상 동작할 수 있습니다.
([Menu]키->[설정]->[고급 설정] 탭->[수신 설정]->[다른 메시지 앱의 알림을 비활성화] 체크 해제)

* 카드 승인문자 도착시 자동입력
* 전체 및 카드별 사용내역 보여주기
* 같은 카드사 내 종류(번호, 사용자명)에 따른 분류 기능
* 카드 종류를 번호나 사용자명 대신 별명으로 보여주는 기능
* 카드별내역 가로보기 화면에서 듀얼패인(DualPane) 지원
- 갤럭시 노트/HD/탭 등 고해상도 단말에서 자동 전환
* 사용내역 검색 기능
* 사용내역 부분 제외 기능
* DB 백업 및 복원 기능
* 2가지 형식의 사용내역 내보내기 기능
- 네이버 모바일웹 가계부의 "빠른 사용내역 작성" 형식 (클립보드에 복사)
- CSV 파일 형식 (SD 카드에 저장)
* 현금 사용내역 및 기존 내역 수정을 위한 수동 입력 기능
* 수동 입력시 사용내역 자동완성 기능
* 설치 이전에 받은 카드 승인문자 불러오기 기능
- 삼성 갤럭시S 계열(갤럭시S2/노트 포함)에서도 가능
* 일부 카드에 대해서 해외승인/할부승인/승인취소 처리 기능
* 간결하고 심플한 UI

[지원하는 카드 SMS 형식]
현재는 아래의 15개 카드사에 대해서만 지원하며, 추후 계속 보강될 예정입니다.

- 외환카드
- KB국민카드/체크
- 비씨카드(1588-4000으로 오는 모든 비씨카드 계열)
- 신한카드
- 삼성카드
- 삼성올앳카드
- 현대카드
- 롯데카드
- 씨티카드/체크
- 하나SK카드
- NH카드
- 현대백화점카드
- 우체국체크
- 광주비자카드
- 제주카드

* 삼성 Galaxy S/S2, Nexus S, HTC Desire HD 등 단말에서 동작 테스트 완료
* Galaxy Note/Tab/Nexus 등 고해상도 기기에서도 정상 동작
* Android 2.1 (Eclair) 이상 버전

기타 문의 사항이나 자동으로 인식 못하는 문자가 있을 시 "오류 보고" 기능을 통해 개발자에게 연락주시기 바랍니다. ([메뉴]->[설정]->[오류 보고])
간단한 상황 설명과 함께 오류 보고를 해주셔야, 제가 무엇이 문제인지 파악해서 답변을 드릴 수가 있습니다.

Иконка для Currency Converter 1.2

Currency Converter (v. 1.2)

GaborMobile опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Currency converter helps you easily convert between various money types, with up-to-date exchange rate information. A broad range of background information is available in currency converter, you can easily access the Wikipedia pages on the currencies, the country it is used in, and pictures of the bank notes. The photos are useful to compare and verify the cash you might receive.

The converter also features a map based cash exchange, ATM and bank finder. Currency converter input is simply a calculator, so you will not need another tool for adding the numbers, or calculating percentages for discounts. You will get the converted price immediately.

The integrated historical charts make it easy to check data for up to years in the past.

This software needs internet access.

Иконка для winbank MOBILE 1.0.3

winbank MOBILE (v. 1.0.3)

Piraeusbank S.A. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Η Τράπεζα Πειραιώς προσφέρει την εφαρμογή winbank mobile για το κινητό σας, ώστε να μπορείτε να πραγματοποιείτε τις τραπεζικές και τις χρηματιστηριακές σας συναλλαγές με άνεση & ασφάλεια 24ώρες το 24ωρο, 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα.

Η εφαρμογή είναι διαθέσιμη για όλους του πελάτες ιδιώτες και εταιρίες της Τράπεζας Πειραιώς.

Οι δυνατότητες που σας παρέχονται μέσω της εφαρμογής winbank mobile είναι:
- Ενημέρωση για υπόλοιπα και κινήσεις λογαριασμών και καρτών.
- Διαχείριση προπληρωμένης κάρτας winbank WEBUY
- Πληροφόρηση δανείων
•Μεταφορές / Εμβάσματα
- Μεταφορές ποσών σε λογαριασμούς
- Αποστολή χρημάτων σε άλλες Ελληνικές ή Ευρωπαϊκές Τράπεζες
- Πληρωμές πιστωτικών καρτών Τράπεζας Πειραιώς
- Πληρωμές λογαριασμών Δημοσίου, Ταμείων, Τηλεφωνίας, κ.ά.
- Αγορά Χρόνου Ομιλίας
•Ειδικές υπηρεσίες εταιρικών χρηστών
- Καταχώριση συναλλαγών με δυνατότητα έγκρισης
- Οθόνη διαχείρισης συναλλαγών που απαιτούν έγκριση
- Αγορά, Πώληση
- Αποτίμηση χαρτοφυλακίου
- Εντοπισμός ΑΤΜ και Καταστημάτων σε χάρτες
- Άμεση επικοινωνία με email ή τηλέφωνο με την Τράπεζα Πειραιώς

Για την πρόσβασή σας στην εφαρμογή, χρησιμοποιήστε τους κωδικούς winbank web banking. Σε περίπτωση που δεν τους έχετε αποκτήσει, επισκεφθείτε οποιοδήποτε κατάστημα Τράπεζας Πειραιώς και θα τους παραλάβετε ΑΜΕΣΑ.

Για οποιαδήποτε επιπλέον πληροφορία μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε μέσω:
-Email: support@winbank.gr
-Τηλ.: +30 210 3288000/18 28 38

Piraeus Bank offers you the winbank mobile application, so that you can carry out your banking and brokerage transactions easily and safely, 24 / 7.

The application is available to all Piraeus Bank clients, individuals and corporates.

The possibilities offered through winbank mobile application are:
• Portfolio
- Information on the balance and transactions of accounts and cards.
- Administration of the prepaid winbank WEBUY card.
- Information on loans.
• Transfers / Remittances
- Transfers to accounts
- Remitting money to other Greek or European Banks
• Payments / Purchases
- Payments of Piraeus Bank credit cards
- Payments of Public Services, Telephony bills, etc
- Airtime top-up
• Special services for corporate users
- Extra security by submitting and approving transactions
- Administration of transactions requiring approval
- Stocks
- Buy, Sell
- Assessment of portfolio
• Service Tools
- Locate ATMs and Branches in maps
- Direct contact with Piraeus Bank, by email or phone

To log-on, use the credentials for winbank web banking. If you don’t have these credentials, please visit any Piraeus Bank branch and get them immediately.

For further information please contact us by:
-Email: support@winbank.gr
-Tel.: +30 210 3288000/18 28 38

Иконка для Refuel Calc 2.18

Refuel Calc (v. 2.18)

PS опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Refuel Calc enables to conduct statistics related to fuel economy.


• Calculation of the average fuel consumption/economy during the given period of time
• Partial results of the fuel consumption/economy after reaching fuel reserve
• Costs related to the purchase of fuel
• Fuel economy statistics
• Clearly legible charts
• History of refueling includes petrol station position
• Program estimates the approximate cost of travel to selected petrol station
• Indication of the which petrol station refueling will be the most beneficial
• Multi units support (MPG, GPHM, GP10K, L/100km)
• Units calculator (built in each edit window)
• Refueled volume of petrol, total distance etc.
• Storing gas station position (GPS)
• Searching for gas stations of specific parameters

If you find a bug or want to add additional features, please contact the author: refuelcalc@gmail.com.

Thank you very much to Emilio Bustelo for the spanish traslation!

(Traslation requests for other android apps, email to: emilio.bustelo@gmail.com)

Иконка для Finans Takip 1.9

Finans Takip (v. 1.9)

Noktacom Medya AS опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Finans Takip uygulaması ile döviz, altın ve IMKB verilerinin anlık değişimlerinden haberdar olun.

- Piyasalarla ilgili alarm kurma özelliği
- Kişiselleştirilebilir giriş sayfası
- Gerçek zamanlı finans verileri
- Hızlı ve kolay kullanım

tags: döviz,altın,imkb,hisse,finans,takip,alarm,kur,piyasa,dolar,euro,çapraz kur,parite,foreks

Иконка для IEX.nl Beleggingsinformatie 1.1

IEX.nl Beleggingsinformatie (v. 1.1)

Trilab B.V. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

Alle beleggingsinformatie op IEX.nl is vanaf heden ook gratis
beschikbaar voor uw Android telefoon. De IEX.nl app heeft het meest
uitgebreide aanbod aan koersinformatie van Nederland direct
beschikbaar op uw mobiel. Met o.a. de koersen van:

* Aandelen en indices Nederland, Europa en Amerika
* Commodities
* Rentes
* Valuta
* Trackers
* Beleggingsfondsen

Daarnaast beschikt de IEX.nl app over het laatste financiële nieuws,
de laatste columns van ons vaste columnistenteam, uitgebreide week- en
dividendagenda en de mogelijkheid om uw eigen watchlist met favorieten
aandelen samen te stellen.

Иконка для e-finan 1.94

e-finan (v. 1.94)

JP Aplicativos опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2014-09-22)

This is the e-finan, an application developed for the Android platform 1.5 or higher, and whose main goal is to support tasks like planning, control, monitoring and analysis of expenditure and personal income.
No internet connection required, since the database is local.
Design applied to lower power consumption.
Manage your personal finances in an intelligent and thorough way.
Lets you manage your cash flow in a simple and complete.

Иконка для Tricount - Group Expense & IOU 1.2.2

Tricount - Group Expense & IOU (v. 1.2.2)

Guillebert de Dorlodot опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

Tricount makes sorting out your group expenses easy when you organize group activities (for example: ski, citytrip, holidays, flatmates, ...).

If this app is what you were looking for, please make a review !

Create your group expenses reports directly on your mobile during your activity. Enter the participants names and their expenses, Tricount calculates the money owed and debts of everyone. You can upload the report on http://www.tricount.com and the URL of the tricount may be shared by e-mail. In that way, participants can correct the data you have added before starting paying back.

"Expenses" => List of all expenses made during group activity

"Balance" => How much everyone owes or is owed from the group expenses

"Share" => Synchronize and share the participant expenses on http://www.tricount.com

"Config" => Participant list, activity name and description

All comments are welcome (see info page).


For any reason, for shared accounts, shares expenses, group expenses, short reckonings, Tricount is the solution. People sometimes do it via excel, csv file, in a table or via a spreedsheet but a solution much more easier and effective exists for sharing costs, sharing expenses, expense reports, list tickets, encode spending, do accounting in groups, between friends, ski holiday, balance the cost : Tricount.

Tricount lets your group of friends make a list of all their expenses, do accounting, the accounts between roommates or flatmates, helps to track expenses during holidays, for couples and between colleagues.

The app exists on iphone, android, facebook and the web. It is a simple tool to calculate who must pay, how much for what, to who, to balance spending, balance things, manage expenses between friends, calculate how much everyone owes or is owned. Tricount says how much everyone owes: it replace the pot on vacation, excel sheet.

Just encode the expenses and transactions. Hold a tricount, a "tricompte" in French. Tricount calculates the budget: all the travel expenses are listed and it says the cost of your holidays, the budget of any activity. Some people are looking for "tric count", "tri count", "tri-count", "tricompte". Tricount is a tool that makes the life easy during a trip. I owe you, you owe me (IOU). Because short reckonings make good friends, the app says "who pays and why" and manages the expenses for an activity, the spendings for an activity in a transparent way.

Tricount makes you know the debt of everyone, manage an account (a tricount), share expenses, track reckonings, do accounting, check group spendings, lists the expenses, balancing the cost and calcule what everyone owes and paid.

There are many situations where it is useful as : any activities with friends, roommate, flatmates, for a weekend, holiday, in an association. It's free! There's also the holidays, the restaurant or restaurants between friends, travelling, sorties, lunches, in non-profit organizations, for sandwiches, a city trip, a road trip, a hike with friends and expe, expeditions.

Among friends, between friends, between couples, in your couple, group, Tricount can serve you every day. The app is also very useful for collocation, with colleagues, ski holidays. It replaces the common pot, the common box. It sync (sync) with tricount.com: it can be exchanged via email, the web, uploads to iPhone and Android, but also on facebook via an coded link (a URL). This app is super useful for weekends and traveling.

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