Willie Dixon - I Am The Blues в Android Market

Icon for Willie Dixon - I Am The Blues 2.1 Willie Dixon - I Am The Blues (v. 2.1)
Разработано EZ Takes

Willie Dixon is the man who changed the style of the blues.  As a songwriter and producer, the man was a genius.  If you wanted a hit song, you went to Willie Dixon.  Played it like he said play it, and sing it like he said sing it, and you damn near...more at www.eztakes.com. (Duration: 60 Minutes)


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: <50
Размер: 206.8 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-02-09
Обновлено: 2011-02-09

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Системное имя пакета: com.eztakes.WillieDixonIAmTheBlues_0400592

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Снимок экрана willie-dixon-i-am-the-blues
Снимок экрана willie-dixon-i-am-the-blues

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