This is an app that helps teenagers with their daily eatting habits, daily workout plans, and stories from other teens that have struggled with their weight...with a twist. Download to find out.
Includes things like anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating, Anorexia Athletica, Over Exercise, Over Eating, Night Eating, Orthorexia
All of these can hurt the body in their own way, ranging from loss of strength and fatique to death. There are better ways to lose weight than these, this app is here to help you figure those out. and it looks like “inheritance” but it is truly the environment that the children grow up in. If you grow up around parents that are obese, you tend to become obese yourself. However, if you grew up around fit and active parents, you’ll tend to be fit and active as well.
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