Ultimate Blackjack System в Android Market

Icon for Ultimate Blackjack System 1.0 Ultimate Blackjack System (v. 1.0)
Разработано cwiggy

This app will download a manual to your phone's files in PDF format. To be able to view the app, you will need to have installed Adobe Reader from market.  If you don't already have this, it is available for free on Android market by searching "PDF" or "ADOBE READER".

"Discover the 100% Legal Secrets Las Vegas Professional Blackjack Gamblers Use to Make Literally Thousands of Dollars Every Week...I'll Teach You the Ultimate Step-by-Step Blackjack System, Casino's Don't Want You to Know About!"

That's Right, I'll show you step-by-step how to have the blackjack odds in your favor, guaranteed!

What if I told that there's a another way - a simple approach to winning at blackjack. What if I told you, you don't have to be a genius to have the blackjack odds in your favor!

Blackjack is very simple to learn, and believe me, very simple to master. But I know what your thinking...there's absolutely no such system that guarantees a profit at the end of the day. I'll tell you the truth, when it comes to gambling, risk is always involved. It's a matter of being consistent with your winnings that makes you successful. You'll have your share of being unlucky, but by following my system, I guarantee you'll be winning more than experiencing loses.

"I'm Not Worried About Being Banned!"

You've probably heard a few stories about individuals being banned from casino's because they win way too much! Does that mean you'll be banned from a casino too?

Here are the reasons why so-called professional gamblers are being banned from blackjack casino's:

They are cheating or using tools to grab an edge in casino's...

They use colluding (or teaming) methods that are looked down by casino's...

They are mathematical card counting geniuses...In this case, YOU are not!

As corny as it sounds, I'll say with 100% confidence that you'll start winning instantly with my blackjack system, LEGALLY. When you start winning at blackjack so very easily, you wonder why you never picked this course up earlier!

Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think you'll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again? If continue to take trips to your local casino and continue to lose your money using your same old strategy - you're silly to think the next time you go to the casino you'll win with that same old strategy.

That's why you need to try something different...

"Here's how the Ultimate Blackjack System Can Help You Get the Winning Edge Starting Today..."

Here Are Just a Few Amazing Blackjack Secret's Inside "Ultimate Blackjack System":

The Ultimate Blackjack System

Learn the origins of blackjack and see why it's considered the most popular casino game in the world!

Is blackjack truly a winnable game? Learn the real truth behind the game of blackjack!

How to play blackjack like a professional - The definitive chapter on how to approach and play blackjack at casinos or online.

Discover how to really beat the odds and have them in your favor!

Insights of each blackjack hand to play and how to play them!

When to hit, stand, split and double down for absolute blackjack success!

How to completely remove the casino's advantage and leave the casino a guaranteed winner!

A Simple Card Counting System...


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: <50
Размер: 1.3 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-12-31
Обновлено: 2011-12-31

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Системное имя пакета: appinventor.ai_casey_wigginton.UltimateBlackjackSystem

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