Лучшие по рейтингу развлекательные приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1331-1340 из 45567
Иконка для Sexy April Babes 1.0

Sexy April Babes (v. 1.0)

MBOOKS Publishing опубликовал приложение 2012-01-13
(обновлено 2012-01-13)

20 High Definition images of our hottest babes selected to appear in our "Sexy April Babes" edition. Download this sexy app today and take our 20 babes of April along with you wherever you go!

Иконка для Androne Freeflight.AR Pro 0.2.5

Androne Freeflight.AR Pro (v. 0.2.5)

Firesplash Entertainment опубликовал приложение 2012-01-13
(обновлено 2012-01-13)

Please Read completely! Usability warning on bottom!
App is english or german. Depending on your device language.

This is an improved version of our fully JAVA-Based Freeflight App for your Parrot AR.Drone. It is currently in growing development.

If you buy this App you support further development of AR.Drone-Software based on our work as we release our SDK to developers.
Further you support development of this specific App along of course.
Please consider spending this few cents (or similar in your currency) into our development. There are not only many hours of programming work and even more of interpreting and experimenting with the AR.Drone communication but is also cost for replacement parts, server capacities etc on our side. One Euro doesn't hurt for you but does help us.

The advantage of our App in comparison to other is that we develop the API to talk to the Drone again but in native JAVA. So we can assure stability and compatibility with Android at a maximum level.

This is a very early prerelease for testing purposes. We ask you to report back if it works, what is not working correctly and what you want to have in the final release of our app.

This version is capable of fully controling flight-directions and truning as well as flight-height.
At the moment it is a singletouch application, meaning you can only do one action at the same time.

We are in active development! Visit our Website for more information.

We ask you to send us some Information about your tryout. read this:
OR just visit our Homepage and click "Early Tester"

Improvements against basic version:
-ImageStream-record-function (near to video)

You will need an AdHoc-Capable Device to use this!
You can find some information on AdHoc-Connections on our website, too!
Further you need an Parrot AR.Drone.
Check if you can connect to it before buying.

Иконка для Bernard Robichaud App/Ringtone 1.0

Bernard Robichaud App/Ringtone (v. 1.0)

Bernard Robichaud Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-01-13
(обновлено 2012-01-13)

Add this widget to your home screen and tap or open as an app and set as your ringtone to hear the classic line from Bernard Robichaud aka Cyrus of the Trailer Park Boys.

Visit: www.bernardrobichaud.com - for the latest news & projects on Bernard Robichaud or to shop for autographed memorabilia & shirts.

To set this widget click your devices menu button from your home screen then click add and then widgets. When the widget list appears click Cyrus widget and the widget will be set to your home screen. To set as your ringtone - open up as an app and just hit the 'add as ringtone button'.

Developed by HLdevelopingII
Support Email: hldeveloping@gmail.com

Иконка для Unwed Sailor 1.2.4

Unwed Sailor (v. 1.2.4)

Novus Applications LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-01-13
(обновлено 2012-01-13)

Find out all the latest on Unwed Sailor including tour dates, new release info, tour journals, exclusive photos, and more!

Иконка для Charity Catalog

Charity Catalog (v.

Adrian Zemlik опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)

Charity Catalog is a really simple and must have Android application. The application collect and catalog links to charity sites, that allow you to give money to them by simply clicking some button and viewing advertisement. Then the advertisers pay a small amount of cash to charity sites. This way you can help and donate without leaving home! Just click and support charity and helpfulness, fight with violence and hunger.

We divided the links into several categories (food for children, building houses, fighting with violence) in order to better and faster donation.

- big database - over 50 charity websites,
- 6 default categories,
- nice, clean interface,
- frequent updates,
- free.

- stats,
- more charity websites.

If you like my application, please rate it and leave a comment. You may also join Charity Catalog page on Facebook:

Keywords: charity, catalog, giving, donation, cash, money, free, food, animals, house, buildings, pajacyk, 2care, care, charities, zemlik.com, zemlik, clean, free, freeware, pajacyk, rescue, stop, violence, hunger, hungry, social, pomoc, help, clicks, click, aid, assistance, relief, helper, helpfulness, rescue, support, list

Иконка для What Would Jesus Do? 2.0

What Would Jesus Do? (v. 2.0)

LLM Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)

The App to help remind you what Jesus might have done in certain situations.  You can use his words to help guide you in your decisions in life.

Иконка для Festival a/d Werf 1.0.1

Festival a/d Werf (v. 1.0.1)

frismedia опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)

2011 is het jaar van de eerste Android app van Festival a/d Werf, waarmee je eenvoudig en snel het programma kunt bekijken. Zoek op tijd of op locatie, kijk welke voorstelling het meest besproken is of lees de laatste tweets over het festival. Swipe door alle foto's van het programma.
Festival a/d Werf (19 t/m 28 mei 2011 in Utrecht) schuurt, zalft en kietelt. Met een internationaal programma vol voorstellingen, performances, installaties, lecture-performances en architectuur. En iedere avond gratis livemuziek op festivalhart de Neude voor dat échte festivalgevoel.

2011 is the year of the first Festival aan de Werf Android application, in which you can easily go through the programme. Search on time using the calendar or on location using the map, see which performance is a trending topic or stay up-to-date reading recent tweets about the festival. Swipe through all the photos in the programme.
Festival aan de Werf (19-28 May 2011) takes place at a wide range of locations, steeping the city of Utrecht in culture. With an international programme filled with theatre, performances, installations, lecture-performances and architecture. And get your real festival vibe at festival heart de Neude with free music every evening.

Иконка для Papillons de Nuit 2011 1.01

Papillons de Nuit 2011 (v. 1.01)

Festival Papillons de Nuit опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)

Application officielle du festival Papillons De Nuit qui aura lieu du
10 au 12 Juin 2011 à Saint-Laurent De Cuves (50).

Emporte le festival dans ta poche !

* Actualités
   Pour rester au courant de toutes les news
* Programmation
    Pour ne rien rater, mets tes concerts en favoris
* Cartes
   Avec GPS, pour ne plus se perdre
* Infos pratiques
   Tout ce qui te sera utile : plans, tarifs, billetterie, contacts et plus encore...

Pour toutes informations supplémentaires rendez-vous sur www.papillonsdenuit.com

Иконка для Se Coucher Moins Bête 1.3

Se Coucher Moins Bête (v. 1.3)

Azurgate опубликовал приложение 2012-01-11
(обновлено 2012-01-11)

L'application pour briller en soirée ! Après avoir été un succès sur l'AppStore (plusieurs centaines de milliers de téléchargements payant), elle est enfin disponible sur l'Android Market, avec une interface pensée pour Android, le tout gratuitement.

Découvrez un millier d'anecdotes inédites, amusantes ou surprenantes sur tous les sujets : science, cinéma, musique, people, santé, histoire, sport, cuisine etc. nos anecdotes de la vie quotidienne vont vous étonner ! De nouvelles anecdotes sont ajoutées tous les jours sans exception (entre 2 et 4 par jour).

Saviez-vous que le trou sur les capuchon des stylos Bic sert à ne pas s'étouffer si on l'avale ?
Que le fondateur des chocolats Jeff de Bruges s'appelle en fait Philippe Jambon ?
Que le claquement que produit un fouet est un mini bang car son extrémité dépasse la vitesse du son ?
Nos anecdotes sont vérifiées et sourcées par notre équipe et par la communauté, composée de plus de 33 000 membres.

- De nouvelles anecdotes chaque jour de l'année sans exception.
- Différents filtres : par catégories, par date, par vote des utilisateurs
- Moteur de recherche des anecdotes
- Commentaires de la communauté (33 500 membres).
- Création et identification à son compte
- Possibilité de proposer des anecdotes
- Ajout aux favoris : vous pourrez mettre de côté et retrouver facilement plus tard vos anecdotes préférées
- Navigateur interne pour consulter les sources
- Notifications push

Иконка для 토크 앤 리플(Talk Reply) 1.0.2

토크 앤 리플(Talk Reply) (v. 1.0.2)

mecander woo опубликовал приложение 2012-01-11
(обновлено 2012-01-11)


* 회원가입후 로그인 안되는 문제 처리 했습니다. 불편을 드려 대단히 죄송합니다.

사는 이야기, 고민상담, 지역 친구등 토크앤리플로 여러 친구들을 만나고 사귀어 보세요 :)

활발한 토커가 되시면 특정 카테고리의 카테지기가되어 자신이 직접 카테고리를 운영하여 멋지게 카테지기로 활동 하실수 있습니다 :)

* 카테지기가 되시면 직접 해당 카테고리의 공지글 등록 및 다른 토커들의 글들을 관리 할수 있는 권한이 생깁니다.

또한 인기 토커가 되어 팬들을 이끌어 보세요.

* 내정보에서 나의 관심유저 및 나의 팬들을 확인 하실수 있고 또한 그들의 글을 한눈에 확인 하실수 있습니다.
  또한 한줄 자기 소개나 프로필 사진을 변경 하실수 있습니다.

다양한 친구들을 만나 인간 관계를 넓혀보세요 :)

음란성, 광고성 글들은 통보 없이 삭제 될수 있습니다.

또한 다른 토커를 비방하거나 기분이 상하게 하는 글들 또한 통보 없이 삭제 될수 있습니다.

* 3G로 접속하시거나 인터넷이 느린 환경에서는 어플이 느리거나 정상 작동하지 않을수 있습니다. T^T
특히 가급적 Wifi 환경에서 파일 업로드를 해주세요...
추후 반드시 속도 문제는 개선 하겠습니다.

* 현재는 신고 기능도 회원 재가입도 막아 놓지 않았습니다.
  부디 신고와 재가입 불가 기능이 추가 되는 일은 벌어지지 않도록 건전한 토커분들이 되어 주시기를 바람합니다 :)

* 새로운 카테고리 요청 및 건의 사항은 관리자에게 요청글란에 기재 해주시면 적극 수용하겠습니다.

* 현재 Point 획득시 특별한 해택을 구상 하지 못하고 있습니다. T^T
  어떤 식으로 Point활용을 하면 좋을지 건의 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ex) 특정 Point 달성시 계급(?) 올라가기

Point : 글 등록시 +3 point, 글 삭제시 -3 point, 댓글 등록시 +1 point, 댓글 삭제시 -1 point, 팬이 생길시 +3 point, 팬이 끊길시 -3 point

Point 관련 하여서도 건의 해주시면 감사하겠습니다!

* 가장 Hot하고 Fun한 어플이 되도록 항상 노력하겠습니다.
  토커분들께서도 건전하고 즐거운 어플이 될수 있도록 도와 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

: 댓글,리플,SNS,사는이야기,10대 이야기,30대 이야기,직딩&알바,백수&백조,사랑&이별,고백,친구&애인만들기,자랑&염장,고민,연예인&스타,서울&인천&경기,강원&충청,전라&경상&제주,친구만들기,애인만들기,지역모임,토크앤리플, talk&reply, 토크 앤 리플

*** catch me if u can (위치속이기) / 이심전심 게임 / 절대음감 / 손병호2게임 어플도 있으니 가치 좋아해 주세요 :) ***

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