The Unofficial Philly D App в Android Market

Icon for The Unofficial Philly D App 0.2.2 The Unofficial Philly D App (v. 0.2.2)
Разработано Noah Ready-Campbell

Do you love sxephil? Download this app to keep up with everything Philip Defranco, and never miss another fix.

List of 25 most recent shows. Displays notification when new video is released. Comments and links included from descriptions!

Tested on N1, HTC Incredible, Droid. 2.1+

v0.2.2: rendering bug fixes


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 78.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-09-23
Обновлено: 2010-09-23

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Права доступа: 2 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.anoaharc.pdapp

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана the-unofficial-philly-d-app
Снимок экрана the-unofficial-philly-d-app

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для The Unofficial Philly D App

[2012-06-26] Jeremy:
Works... but data hog For an app that just checks for updates daily it uses a ton of data. Used 16mb and only 8 days into the month.
[2012-06-13] Jason:
Very nice Great to have easy access to Phil's videos everyday. I wish there was a source fed app though
[2012-06-09] Callan:
Inspiration Phil has been my influence for a very long time and this app allows me to keep close
[2012-05-31] Torie:
Awesome Nuff said
[2012-05-27] Anant:
<3 I love PhillyD and I love this app
[2012-05-27] Daniel:
Great App Very user friendly. I watch the PDS daily and this makes it much easier to get to the videos than having to find them through YouTube. My only suggestion is that it would be nice if it linked to.Source Fed too.
[2012-05-16] Ezra:
What are you waiting for? Clickity Clack and download this app.
[2012-05-16] Ryan:
[2012-04-15] Richard:
Nice app It runs perfectly. 5*
[2012-03-30] Juanmiguel:
Awesome! Awesome app; never lets me down
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