The Social Drinker: A BAC Calc в Android Market

Icon for The Social Drinker: A BAC Calc 1.8 The Social Drinker: A BAC Calc (v. 1.8)
Разработано JoshMan_Apps

This app enables users to input alcoholic beverages and calculate an estimated blood-alcohol level.

Drinking is an inherently social activity, and The Social Drinker accommodates this. Users have the option to proceed straight through the calculation process or switch among different profiles on the fly.

Take into consideration that this app is optimized for a 3.7 inch screen. Anything higher or lower is hit or miss. Hey, what do you want for free?

Additional Features:

* Users' weight, gender, metabolism, and drink tab are taken into account to determine one's blood-alcohol level.
* Support for up to four unique, customizable profiles.
* Descriptive levels of inebriation.
* Easy-to-read tab records what users drink.
* Savable profiles and tabs for popping in and out of the application.

Please note, The Social Drinker uses a commonly cited formula to determine one's BAC content. However, this process yields an approximation AT BEST. There is no way a mathematical formula can predict one's level of intoxication. There are just too many unquantifiable variables in the human body. In other words, The Social Drinker is intended for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be used for accurately determining, well, anything.

Anything at all.


Got it? This app is for entertainment only and should not be used by anyone. I accept neither legal nor financial ramifications for anyone's blatant stupidity.

This is my very first mobile application, so I do encourage feedback. I plan on providing future updates, so the more constructive criticism you provide, the better this thing gets. Nothing nasty; keep it professional.


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 2.9 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-09-20
Обновлено: 2011-09-20

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Системное имя пакета: com.turner.apps

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