*** Entries to the Mashup Awards 7 ***
[How To Play]
- First, sign in to Evernote.
- Next, select the mission (Usually to do to select a specificmission).
- Let's perform missions!
- When you finish a mission, you post your feedback.
- After doing one mission, Let post a new mission that you made.
As you did, someone may perform your mission.
In addition, the history of missions is recorded in Evernote.
Of course, the history of this mission can be seen from the application.
Everyone perform mission a little, and be happy together!
** Concept **
- Just something to try.
- And a new experience.
- Continue to enjoy the challenge.
- Build up the experience a little success.
- Overcome the difficulties a little luck with all. (Reconstruction of the Tohoku, Japan.)
By using this app, I hope everyone can get is positive! (Even alittle)